say NO to Bernie folks. we are sick of them claiming everything is BROKEN and only THEY CAN FIX IT. look at OBAMAnoCare if you need anymore proof


Exactly right.

Bed wetting moonbat lunatics have broken everything they've gotten their schlong slappers on, you really want them to "fix" anything?


"Schlong Slappers"

Police brutality is totally accepted by right wingers . At the same time they bitch about all things government . Hypocryites who don't mind gov abuse so long as it targets brown folk .

She killed herself, fool

She was thrown in jail for an entire weekend and couldn't make ridiculous bail . Why ? Because she talked back to a police officer during a traffic stop .

Youre cool with that ?

Yep, should have minded her mouth. If she had she could have offed herself at home

Wow . You really are a terrible person . And you have the nerve to have a cross and flag as your avatar . Is it supposed to be ironic ?

Timmy, give it up, there is nothing a left loon like you can post that is going to bother me. I simply don't care. Understand that and you will save yourself further grief and gas

Of course you don't care . You're a monster .

IF you go to Christmas mass, ask for forgiveness .
She killed herself, fool

She was thrown in jail for an entire weekend and couldn't make ridiculous bail . Why ? Because she talked back to a police officer during a traffic stop .

Youre cool with that ?

Yep, should have minded her mouth. If she had she could have offed herself at home

Wow . You really are a terrible person . And you have the nerve to have a cross and flag as your avatar . Is it supposed to be ironic ?

Timmy, give it up, there is nothing a left loon like you can post that is going to bother me. I simply don't care. Understand that and you will save yourself further grief and gas

Of course you don't care . You're a monster .

IF you go to Christmas mass, ask for forgiveness .

Go change your diaper. You're trying to run with the Big dogs now. you can't handle it: stay on the porch
She was thrown in jail for an entire weekend and couldn't make ridiculous bail . Why ? Because she talked back to a police officer during a traffic stop .

Youre cool with that ?

Yep, should have minded her mouth. If she had she could have offed herself at home

Wow . You really are a terrible person . And you have the nerve to have a cross and flag as your avatar . Is it supposed to be ironic ?

Timmy, give it up, there is nothing a left loon like you can post that is going to bother me. I simply don't care. Understand that and you will save yourself further grief and gas

Of course you don't care . You're a monster .

IF you go to Christmas mass, ask for forgiveness .

Go change your diaper.

I like this one better:


  • image.jpg
    50.5 KB · Views: 71
She killed herself, fool

She was thrown in jail for an entire weekend and couldn't make ridiculous bail . Why ? Because she talked back to a police officer during a traffic stop .

Youre cool with that ?

Yep, should have minded her mouth. If she had she could have offed herself at home

Wow . You really are a terrible person . And you have the nerve to have a cross and flag as your avatar . Is it supposed to be ironic ?

Timmy, give it up, there is nothing a left loon like you can post that is going to bother me. I simply don't care. Understand that and you will save yourself further grief and gas

Of course you don't care . You're a monster .

IF you go to Christmas mass, ask for forgiveness .

You let me worry about what I think I need to do,how's that little dude?
Police brutality is totally accepted by right wingers . At the same time they bitch about all things government . Hypocryites who don't mind gov abuse so long as it targets brown folk .

She killed herself what don't you understand about that

Maybe the cops should have put her in a straight jacket in a padded cell but you would whine about that too

Here's a tip if you don't want to end up in a jail cell then shut the fuck up and do what you're told when a cop pulls you over
She was thrown in jail for an entire weekend and couldn't make ridiculous bail . Why ? Because she talked back to a police officer during a traffic stop .

Youre cool with that ?

Yep, should have minded her mouth. If she had she could have offed herself at home

Wow . You really are a terrible person . And you have the nerve to have a cross and flag as your avatar . Is it supposed to be ironic ?

Timmy, give it up, there is nothing a left loon like you can post that is going to bother me. I simply don't care. Understand that and you will save yourself further grief and gas

Of course you don't care . You're a monster .

IF you go to Christmas mass, ask for forgiveness .

Go change your diaper. You're trying to run with the Big dogs now. you can't handle it: stay on the porch
say NO to Bernie folks. we are sick of them claiming everything is BROKEN and only THEY CAN FIX IT. look at OBAMAnoCare if you need anymore proof


Exactly right.

Bed wetting moonbat lunatics have broken everything they've gotten their schlong slappers on, you really want them to "fix" anything?

I have to admit that photo Cracked me up. my I steal it from you for my collection?
Bernie Sanders' IQ is about as high as his chances of being POTUS.

what is it with these Democrat voters? sheeesh they scare me now, after they put in that NOBODY community agitator with not a lick of experience in anything but reading from a script and running his ugly mouth off as OUR President.
must be:alcoholic:a lot
Police brutality is totally accepted by right wingers . At the same time they bitch about all things government . Hypocryites who don't mind gov abuse so long as it targets brown folk .

She killed herself, fool

She was thrown in jail for an entire weekend and couldn't make ridiculous bail . Why ? Because she talked back to a police officer during a traffic stop .

Youre cool with that ?
Police brutality is totally accepted by right wingers . At the same time they bitch about all things government . Hypocryites who don't mind gov abuse so long as it targets brown folk

Hi, Tim.

Is it possible that some or much of the police misconduct and aggression being reported by our neighbors is related to America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Childhood Abuse and Neglect, Poverty*, that for more than two generations has deprived untold numbers of American kids from experiencing and enjoying a fairly happy American kid childhood with *Safe Streets* to travel and play on?

Is Police Misconduct and Child Abuse-Neglect Intertwined? | Welcome to Knute's Niche – Recognizing Child Abuse/Neglect

Abiola Abrams, “The Myth of The Strong Black Woman Is Killing Us, Literally!” | Welcome to Knute's Niche – Recognizing Child Abuse/Neglect


Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations
Bernie give it up you gave up your chance however slight it might have been to be the Democratic nominee at the first debate so stop pandering and trying bring back to life the brief fad the media called Bernie maina.
But any woman who has a second no-babby-daddy kid should be sterilized to prevent her from having a whole tribe of them.

As for ending generational Child Abuse and Neglect (which pseudo-caring ppl politely term as Poverty) that deprives many American kids from experiencing a safe, fairly happy childhood,

I believe it would be very helpful if Mr. and Mrs. Obama, America's premier parental figures, compassionately, yet firmly and honestly addressed the issue of immature single teen and adult moms irresponsibly introducing children to a life of hardship and struggle.

I believe there is a significant population of immature Americans who need to hear responsible parental figures like Mr. and Mrs Barack Obama compassionately scolding them, saying "Enough is enough, we need to begin building families out of love between two committed caring partners, not immature selfishness."

Other possible solutions:

Placing cameras in the common area of homes with an established track record for failing to responsibly raise and supervise children.

Mandatory random drug testing for people requiring public money to support and build their families.

Last resort, court ordered birth control for teen girls and young women asking their responsible neighbors to financially support their first child, offering an opportunity for a teen or woman to gain some maturity and experience in motherhood before taking on the challenges of building a larger family.

Young children like Kendrick Lamar, Tupac Shakur, Dwayne Lil Wayne Carter and these kids I met some time ago need to be protected from irresponsible, "clueless" parenting.

Brooklyn's Boom-Box Mom; Sad Case of Child Abuse & Maltreatment

One other thing, eliminate the PC language and begin correctly referring to 'poverty and family break-down' by honestly characterizing what 'poverty and family break-down' really is: *"Childhood Abuse and Neglect."*

In my opinion these two moms are fueling poverty by building families with too many mouths to feed. Families much like Baltimore Mom of The Year Toya Graham, whose son Michael grew up peeved for irresponsibly being introduced to a life of struggle and hardship by his irresponsible mom.

These moms also represent the reason why for more than thirty years many rap performance artists have been characterizing the maternal half of our population as *itches and *hores.

Instead of slamming our fellow citizens, shouldn't compassionate Americans be looking for solutions to educating teen girls and women like Baltimore Mom of The Year Toya Graham who build families out of selfishness and immaturity instead of a loving, committed relationship between two caring, responsible adults?


Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations

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