Ryan Justifies Lack Of Washington Establishment Loyalty to the President

Why do they owe trump anything ? He was a interloper into the GOP . They hated him and he talked shit about them.

I'm surprised they ain't openly hostile to him.
These traitors Ryan, McConnell, McCain, etc hate Trump.

If they were really working for the voters they would have told Pelosi, Schumer, etc "we won you lost sit down shut up".

Telling the opposing party to " sit down and shut up" isn't working for the country. There are both republicans and democrats in the country. Telling them to shut up is being partisan.

Secondly, McCain served this country and was a POW. Have some damn respect. Unlike draft dodger Trump, McCain made a sacrifice for this country.

Ryan is a traitor because he won't defend Trump's investigation? What's to defend? Trump hasn't been charged with anything yet. And even if Trump was, its not the speaker of the house's job to be the president's cheerleader.
Telling the opposing party to " sit down and shut up" isn't working for the country. There are both republicans and democrats in the country. Telling them to shut up is being partisan.

Secondly, McCain served this country and was a POW. Have some damn respect. Unlike draft dodger Trump, McCain made a sacrifice for this country.

Ryan is a traitor because he won't defend Trump's investigation? What's to defend? Trump hasn't been charged with anything yet. And even if Trump was, its not the speaker of the house's job to be the president's cheerleader.

We are not dealing with an "Opposing Party"....we are dealing with a traitorous UPRISING which seeks to fundamentally change the US into something it was NOT founded to be.
Ryan: We Weren’t Elected To Defend Trump From Investigations

Ryan and McConnell also obviously believe they weren't elected to serve their Constituents and do what is best for the country, as they keep rolling over to the liberals.
you know what, maybe not, but he is supposed to look out for the needs of the country. And a waste of tax dollars to fund a bogus investigation is part of what he was elected to protect us against. so he can take his ego and check it back at the gators. Then someone should remind the asshole that he was elected to do the work of the people and in that is the agenda of the president of the US and his own fking campaign promise of repealing obummerfail. So Mr. Ryan, I quite emphatically request you do your fking job.
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These traitors Ryan, McConnell, McCain, etc hate Trump.

If they were really working for the voters they would have told Pelosi, Schumer, etc "we won you lost sit down shut up".

Telling the opposing party to " sit down and shut up" isn't working for the country. There are both republicans and democrats in the country. Telling them to shut up is being partisan.

Secondly, McCain served this country and was a POW. Have some damn respect. Unlike draft dodger Trump, McCain made a sacrifice for this country.

Ryan is a traitor because he won't defend Trump's investigation? What's to defend? Trump hasn't been charged with anything yet. And even if Trump was, its not the speaker of the house's job to be the president's cheerleader.
Ryan: We Weren’t Elected To Defend Trump From Investigations

Ryan and McConnell also obviously believe they weren't elected to serve their Constituents and do what is best for the country, as they keep rolling over to the liberals.
Congress is not subservient to the office of the President. They are an equal branch of government. As such, they owe loyalty to their constituents and America, not to the President.

They are, however; tasked with investigating wrongdoing at the federal level and as such, they need to be investigating people who bring charges without merit against elected officials.
Telling the opposing party to " sit down and shut up" isn't working for the country. There are both republicans and democrats in the country. Telling them to shut up is being partisan.

Oh sorry is “They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.” better?

Secondly, McCain served this country and was a POW. Have some damn respect. Unlike draft dodger Trump, McCain made a sacrifice for this country.

And has spent every second since his return undermining the country.

Ryan is a traitor because he won't defend Trump's investigation? What's to defend? Trump hasn't been charged with anything yet. And even if Trump was, its not the speaker of the house's job to be the president's cheerleader.

There hasn't been any evidence a crime has been committed. At least that Trump has been involved in anyway. So why have any investigation into Trump?

All Mueller is doing is opposition research for the DNC on the tax payers dime.
Ryan: We Weren’t Elected To Defend Trump From Investigations

Ryan and McConnell also obviously believe they weren't elected to serve their Constituents and do what is best for the country, as they keep rolling over to the liberals.
Congress is not subservient to the office of the President. They are an equal branch of government. As such, they owe loyalty to their constituents and America, not to the President.

They are, however; tasked with investigating wrongdoing at the federal level and as such, they need to be investigating people who bring charges without merit against elected officials.
hitlery then.
The OP is an idiot. Ryan and Mitchy have been trying their best to support Trump as he is their best chance to pass legislation that they've been campaigning on for years. There are only so many excuses these guys are going to make for our belligerent leader before they check out though
What? Trump said last week, let's just repeal Obamacare. What have these two half-wits done to make THAT happen? This should be a slam-dunk, yet within 24 hours there were how many "Republicans" that said they wouldn't vote for repeal, even after voting FOR it. These two guys couldn't lead a bunch of 2nd graders to recess.
I'm not going defend them as I'm not a fan of either. But time and time again they have stood for Trump that's just a fact. You can pick the few times they haven't and call them evil if you want but it's not accurate
As for defending Trump from the investigations, he said congressional Republicans are “not spending all of our time on this.” Ryan went on to say “that wasn’t what we were elected to do,” and that they instead will focus on health care reform and improving the economy.
well that explains the massive accomplishments they are making when someone is in office giving them the power to do what they've been bitching about for 8 years.
The OP is an idiot. Ryan and Mitchy have been trying their best to support Trump as he is their best chance to pass legislation that they've been campaigning on for years. There are only so many excuses these guys are going to make for our belligerent leader before they check out though
What? Trump said last week, let's just repeal Obamacare. What have these two half-wits done to make THAT happen? This should be a slam-dunk, yet within 24 hours there were how many "Republicans" that said they wouldn't vote for repeal, even after voting FOR it. These two guys couldn't lead a bunch of 2nd graders to recess.
I'm not going defend them as I'm not a fan of either. But time and time again they have stood for Trump that's just a fact. You can pick the few times they haven't and call them evil if you want but it's not accurate
Correction, I am not calling them evil, I am calling them "establishment turn-coats" and "incompetent". BIG difference. I do believe at one time (long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away) both of these two stood for real principles. Sadly, all they stand for now is staying in power. It's time for them to go.
The OP is an idiot. Ryan and Mitchy have been trying their best to support Trump as he is their best chance to pass legislation that they've been campaigning on for years. There are only so many excuses these guys are going to make for our belligerent leader before they check out though
What? Trump said last week, let's just repeal Obamacare. What have these two half-wits done to make THAT happen? This should be a slam-dunk, yet within 24 hours there were how many "Republicans" that said they wouldn't vote for repeal, even after voting FOR it. These two guys couldn't lead a bunch of 2nd graders to recess.
I'm not going defend them as I'm not a fan of either. But time and time again they have stood for Trump that's just a fact. You can pick the few times they haven't and call them evil if you want but it's not accurate
Correction, I am not calling them evil, I am calling them "establishment turn-coats" and "incompetent". BIG difference. I do believe at one time (long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away) both of these two stood for real principles. Sadly, all they stand for now is staying in power. It's time for them to go.
I would not shed a tear if they went. There are many in our leadership that are way to comfortable with their "power" and have lost the spirit of what their office of PUBLIC SERVICE is supposed to be about
The OP poster's a clown, but try to keep in mind that even with 60 votes coming off one of the largest landsides EVAH, LBJ struggled to get Medicare enacted, not to mention Slick's presidency nearly imploding when the dems walked away for Hillarycare, and even then the effort brought in the Gingrich House. Trump wants to pass bills that at least 60% of voters don't like.

I think Ryan is pretty much a Koch ideologue who will bend to reality, and the Turtle does not go against his own caucues wishes, but he is bringing up a vote on this. I'll be surprised if there isn't some kind of "repeal," simply because the gop has been running on this for 7 years, despite a maj of voters constistently supporting things like keeping kids on our plans and a ban on pre-existing conditions. The Gop is now caught holding the tar baby ... or has the tiger by the tail. They need to pass something without doing away with the popular parts of Obamacare. Rotsa Ruck. LOL

And their leader Trump doesn't give a fuck what's in the bill so long as he has some shiny win object to detract from his WH imploding.
The OP poster's a clown, but try to keep in mind that even with 60 votes coming off one of the largest landsides EVAH, LBJ struggled to get Medicare enacted, not to mention Slick's presidency nearly imploding when the dems walked away for Hillarycare, and even then the effort brought in the Gingrich House. Trump wants to pass bills that at least 60% of voters don't like.

I think Ryan is pretty much a Koch ideologue who will bend to reality, and the Turtle does not go against his own caucues wishes, but he is bringing up a vote on this. I'll be surprised if there isn't some kind of "repeal," simply because the gop has been running on this for 7 years, despite a maj of voters constistently supporting things like keeping kids on our plans and a ban on pre-existing conditions. The Gop is now caught holding the tar baby ... or has the tiger by the tail. They need to pass something without doing away with the popular parts of Obamacare. Rotsa Ruck. LOL

And their leader Trump doesn't give a fuck what's in the bill so long as he has some shiny win object to detract from his WH imploding.
strange, given that the GOP won as many seats as they did to take back control, that 60% doesn't like it. I see in your wrenched little world that polls are correct? And why Hitlery won. Oh wait, no she didn't and the polls were wrong. hmmmmmm

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