RW’s: because children have freedom of speech, does that mean kids should own guns too?

You are so fucking dumb. You can’t address the actual points in my thread and you’re too much of a pussy to admit it.

You made no salient point. You are equating children's alleged first amendment right to the 2nd amendment as if they are somehow related. Should children be allowed to have consensual sex with an adult because that should be their right? We have first amendment rights but there can also be consequences for it. The first amendment protects free speech, the second amendment insures the first.

You are an intellectual lightweight and you have got nothing.
Um gun retards like you like think any gun control laws are unconstitutional yet you will support laws that bar 5 year olds from purchasing a gun. That’s the point. The first amendment applies to ALL Americans yet common sense law prevents kids from buying guns. According to your logic about limiting the 2nd amendment, it SHOULD be legal for kids to own guns.

I also support acts, statutes, codes and ordinances that prevents a child from having sex with an adult or imposes on him or her having to decide what their gender is. We have rules in place to prevent minors from that an infringement on what you perceive is their rights? The entire argument is unbelievably STUPID.
Your opinion about those issues is irrelevant since the 2nd amendment says NOTHING about kids being barred from purchasing guns. The same logic applies to the first amendment. We have since laws forbidding defamation of character and owning child pornography. Why not create further gun control laws?

"Why not create further gun control laws?"

Such as? How many more laws do you think should be created? How many drug laws are there? How many people are still able to attain them and sell them??????
It doesn’t matter what I think about how many gun control laws should be created. All that matters is what the constitution does or does not say.
You made no salient point. You are equating children's alleged first amendment right to the 2nd amendment as if they are somehow related. Should children be allowed to have consensual sex with an adult because that should be their right? We have first amendment rights but there can also be consequences for it. The first amendment protects free speech, the second amendment insures the first.

You are an intellectual lightweight and you have got nothing.
Um gun retards like you like think any gun control laws are unconstitutional yet you will support laws that bar 5 year olds from purchasing a gun. That’s the point. The first amendment applies to ALL Americans yet common sense law prevents kids from buying guns. According to your logic about limiting the 2nd amendment, it SHOULD be legal for kids to own guns.

I also support acts, statutes, codes and ordinances that prevents a child from having sex with an adult or imposes on him or her having to decide what their gender is. We have rules in place to prevent minors from that an infringement on what you perceive is their rights? The entire argument is unbelievably STUPID.
Your opinion about those issues is irrelevant since the 2nd amendment says NOTHING about kids being barred from purchasing guns. The same logic applies to the first amendment. We have since laws forbidding defamation of character and owning child pornography. Why not create further gun control laws?

"Why not create further gun control laws?"

Such as? How many more laws do you think should be created? How many drug laws are there? How many people are still able to attain them and sell them??????
It doesn’t matter what I think about how many gun control laws should be created. All that matters is what the constitution does or does not say.

My right to exist on this planet does not come from a "benevolent" corporate entity that believes that they have the ability to bestow "privileges" upon their serfs while claiming that they have the right to take away those privileges at their whim.

You see? We have had a slow move towards communism with the banking oligarchs financing this movement because if they get their way? They would run it and there will be no middle class. Leftards like you have been nothing but useful idiots doing the biding of the very ones that those of your ilk claim to be against. We have more missing and unaccounted children in this country than we do gun deaths that doesn't include gang violence or suicide by guns and that is a fucking FACT. The deep state has gone full steam ahead with Operation Galdio false flag and staged events like Sandy Hoax, Charleston, Aurora movie shooting, the Orlando queer nite club fake event and most recently? The Mandalay shooting in Las Vegas. You might just want to think about what lies ahead in the future when the powers that be are doing all they can to sway the public into disarming.....maybe it's something that most of us will not be on board with?

"Death by government" has killed over 200 million unarmed people since might want to think about that...if you have the brain cells to mull it over.....I have my doubts.
Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.
kids do own guns

their parents usually buy them
Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.
kids do own guns

their parents usually buy them
Yeah because people are actually stupid enough to do that, sure. All that matters, however, is that a kid can’t legally purchase a gun under federal law.
Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.
kids do own guns

their parents usually buy them
Yeah because people are actually stupid enough to do that, sure. All that matters, however, is that a kid can’t legally purchase a gun under federal law.
you're fear and ignorance of guns is not shared by most of the world.

most of the world teachers their kids how to use handle and maintain a firearm properly.

you're just a pussy that quivers at the thought your neighbor might be armed
Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.
kids do own guns

their parents usually buy them
Yeah because people are actually stupid enough to do that, sure. All that matters, however, is that a kid can’t legally purchase a gun under federal law.
you're fear and ignorance of guns is not shared by most of the world.

most of the world teachers their kids how to use handle and maintain a firearm properly.

you're just a pussy that quivers at the thought your neighbor might be armed
God you are so fucking stupid. For one thing, my opinion about guns is irrelevant to the point. Secondly, I personally am okay with adults owning firearms. You just pretend I don’t because any sort of nuanced discussion about the 2nd amendment makes your brain bleed.
Show me the law that says a child can't own a firearm with their parents consent...I'll wait.
The point is, it’s illegal for children to buy guns. It doesn’t fucking matter if they get parental consent.

Show me that law then...The law that says a child can't buy a gun...because I'm betting that law says a person under 18 cannot buy a long gun from an Federal Firearm License holder.

I could sell, or gift my son or daughter a firearm without violating any law.
Lol good god. Okay so you’re basically saying any adult has the legal authority to give a 4 year old a gun?
Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.
kids do own guns

their parents usually buy them
Yeah because people are actually stupid enough to do that, sure. All that matters, however, is that a kid can’t legally purchase a gun under federal law.
you're fear and ignorance of guns is not shared by most of the world.

most of the world teachers their kids how to use handle and maintain a firearm properly.

you're just a pussy that quivers at the thought your neighbor might be armed
God you are so fucking stupid. For one thing, my opinion about guns is irrelevant to the point. Secondly, I personally am okay with adults owning firearms. You just pretend I don’t because any sort of nuanced discussion about the 2nd amendment makes your brain bleed.
I've had the "nuanced discussion" about the 2nd with you leftists, there's simply no end to the number of end arounds or excuses you scum will come up with to get rid of it.
Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.

The worst I've had is someone who said they didn't support gun control. Then when asked whether the insane or prisoners should have guns in prisons said "no", then I pointed out that this was gun control, they flatly refused to accept this. Their ideology comes first. So brainwashed that they can't accept deviations from their brainwashing.
Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.

As a child I had full access to guns and ammo all my life, I was given my first gun for my birthday at the age of 12. The difference between now and then, people don't teach their children that actions have consequences and personal responsibility. Children back then were taught never to consider aiming a gun at another person, of course we were also taught to respect teachers and police. If we violated those rules there was a major price to pay, thanks to you regressives, it's not like that anymore.

So take your little play gotcha questions and shove it up your ass, people like you are responsible for the shape this country is in today. Enjoy MF.

lol what’s funny about this, ok Texas, is that you actually think your anecdotal experience as a child somehow serves as an example of legal precedent of anything.

He stated a fact dear and it was not anecdotal.
We who were raised in the 50's and 60's were taught that. :)
Children don't have freedom of speech, numskull.
Yes, they do. No child in the history of the US has ever been charged with a crime for simply saying something. Yeah, there are consequences to what they say, but adults have that same problem. Just see what happens if you call that black guy the N-word while being at work.

Children have "first amendment rights"? When they are in school and being indoctrinated?????.... without consequences?
No, the second amendment is pretty fucking clear and is in the order of importance for a reason.

Commie fucks like you don't like the second amendment because it's a HUGE roadblock as it pertains to the end game the commies seek. Want our guns? You will get the ammo and spent shells first......
You are so fucking dumb. You can’t address the actual points in my thread and you’re too much of a pussy to admit it.

You made no salient point. You are equating children's alleged first amendment right to the 2nd amendment as if they are somehow related. Should children be allowed to have consensual sex with an adult because that should be their right? We have first amendment rights but there can also be consequences for it. The first amendment protects free speech, the second amendment insures the first.

You are an intellectual lightweight and you have got nothing.
Um gun retards like you like think any gun control laws are unconstitutional yet you will support laws that bar 5 year olds from purchasing a gun. That’s the point. The first amendment applies to ALL Americans yet common sense law prevents kids from buying guns. According to your logic about limiting the 2nd amendment, it SHOULD be legal for kids to own guns.

The courts have ruled that children do have some rights, but not all. It's based on their age and what particular right is in question.

A child cannot tell his government teacher to F-off and then expect the constitution to protect him or her. The child is not allowed to vote. A child is not constitutionally protected by the Equal Protection law compared to an adult. They are protected by Equal Protection in cases that involve all children. A child cannot pursue a lawsuit because they can't drink alcohol but adults can.

Therefore, no, a child does not have a constitutional right to buy and own a firearm.
Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.
In what world do children have freedom of speech?

And FYI I got my first BB gun when I was 8 and my first .22 when I was 10. I still have the .22
Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.

Children don't have freedom of speech, numskull.
Yes, they do. No child in the history of the US has ever been charged with a crime for simply saying something. Yeah, there are consequences to what they say, but adults have that same problem. Just see what happens if you call that black guy the N-word while being at work.

Children have "first amendment rights"? When they are in school and being indoctrinated?????.... without consequences?
No, the second amendment is pretty fucking clear and is in the order of importance for a reason.

Commie fucks like you don't like the second amendment because it's a HUGE roadblock as it pertains to the end game the commies seek. Want our guns? You will get the ammo and spent shells first......
You are so fucking dumb. You can’t address the actual points in my thread and you’re too much of a pussy to admit it.

You made no salient point. You are equating children's alleged first amendment right to the 2nd amendment as if they are somehow related. Should children be allowed to have consensual sex with an adult because that should be their right? We have first amendment rights but there can also be consequences for it. The first amendment protects free speech, the second amendment insures the first.

You are an intellectual lightweight and you have got nothing.
Kids don't have free speech, so I don't see how that example helps his argument.
This refers to the gun show loophole. All that matters is the federal law that kids can’t purchase guns. Even so, my point is, even the most insane gun nuts in this country agree that kids shouldn’t own guns. That’s the point.

But they can decide their gender??????

Good point. And they can get an abortion.
Now, I know your answer to that is “no”, but think about this: what does that say about the 2nd amendment’s limitations? Doesn’t that mean gun control already has a legal precedent? If you think current gun control laws are illegal, then WHY would giving guns to kids be an exception when we think about the legal bounds of the constitution? After all kids are not at all mentioned in the amendment.
Absolutely, gun safety classes as early as middle school

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