RVP at an All Time High


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Steven Hayward

A fitting tribute to the Senate Democratic Leader
Little did I know that just days after my post on “Reid Vapid Pressure,” Harry Reid would sink to an all time low, even for him.* Yesterday Reid said on a media conference call that Romney had “sullied” Mormonism.* Reid said he agreed with a Puffington Host columnist that “[Romney] is not the face of Mormonism.”
Normally I do not spend much time evaluating the fidelity of people who belong to other denominations than my own, but I’m pretty sure Reid has this about as arse-backwards as you can possibly get it.* I’d like to see Reid’s proportional contributions to the Mormon Church (and other charities for that matter) lined up next to Romney’s.* Say what you will about Romney (and I’ve been very critical), but the word that always comes to mind when contemplating Romney’s public career is grace—which is not a word you’ll ever hear attached to the image or memory of Harry Reid.* Guttersnipe is closer descriptive of his public conduct.* Repulsive human being is probably more accurate. *Reid is so awful that substitute NFL refs would look down on him, fergawdsakes.

Isn't Reid the Senator whose son facilitated a huge deal for a Chinese company that bought a Nevada solar green co that got a $130 million dollar government loan 100% taxpayer backed like Solyndra?

Oh, that Harry Reid, the nepotist. He had what to say about his fellow Mormon who has an impeccable fiscal reputation? :rolleyes:
When did Reid Derangement Syndrome replace Pelosi Derangment Syndrome as the right's second most common mental illness?

(ODS is still #1, of course).
When did Reid Derangement Syndrome replace Pelosi Derangment Syndrome as the right's second most common mental illness?

(ODS is still #1, of course).
Cry me a river.

I believe it was when Reid outright lied about Mitt's tax returns.

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