Russians Are "At Our Gates" Again ??? Did These CNN Guys Go Crazy OR They Have a Creative Crisis ???

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Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
Washington Post: CIA assessment says Putin 'probably directing' efforts to interfere in 2020 election against Biden By Veronica Stracqualursi, Marshall Cohen and Zachary Cohen, CNN

Washington (CNN)The CIA assessed in August that Russian President Vladimir Putin and his top aides "are aware of and probably directing Russia's influence operations" aimed at undermining Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in the 2020 election, according to a new report in The Washington Post.


"We assess that President Vladimir Putin and the senior most Russian officials are aware of and probably directing Russia's influence operations aimed at denigrating the former U.S. Vice President, supporting the U.S. president and fueling public discord ahead of the U.S. election in November," the first line of the assessment reads, the Post reported.

The CIA compiled its August 31 assessment with input from the National Security Agency and the FBI using public, unclassified, and classified intelligence sources, the Post reported, citing two sources who reviewed the document.

The CIA and Office of the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment. CNN has also reached out to the National Security Agency and the FBI. The agencies declined to comment to the Post.

Former CIA officer Douglas London told CNN that the agency's use of the word "probably" when concerning an issue of such importance means its "analysts are sufficiently confident based on their deep expertise to put their reputations on the line in making such a call."

"It means the intel is good enough that they're not guessing, but have enough pieces of the puzzle to confidently make out the image," London said.

While US intelligence has publicly accused Russia of actively interfering in the 2020 election, seeking to denigrate Biden's White House bid, the agencies did not provide any assessment of Putin's potential involvement.


"We assess that Russia is using a range of measures to primarily denigrate former Vice President Biden and what it sees as an anti-Russia 'establishment.' This is consistent with Moscow's public criticism of him when he was Vice President for his role in the Obama Administration's policies on Ukraine and its support for the anti-Putin opposition inside Russia," William Evanina, director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, said in a statement in August.


William R. Evanina of Pennsylvania was nominated by President Trump and confirmed by the U.S. Senate on May 6, 2020 to be the first Senate-confirmed Director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC).

The US accused Putin in 2017 of directing all efforts to meddle in the 2016 presidential election.

"We assess Moscow will apply lessons learned from its Putin-ordered campaign aimed at the US presidential election to future influence efforts worldwide, including against US allies and their election processes," US intelligence said in a statement following the 2016 election.

In his statement from August, Evanina also accused pro-Russian Ukrainian parliamentarian Andrii Derkach of "spreading claims about corruption" to undermine Biden's candidacy.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told CNN's John King on "Newsroom" on Tuesday that the report serves as "confirmation" of what both Evanina and FBI Director Christopher Wray have said about Russia's efforts to meddle in the election.


Clapper, a CNN contributor, added that the report is "significant but not surprising," adding: "Given Putin's background -- a trained career KGB officer -- he has a very astute and sophisticated understanding of the tools that he can use to interfere with our election process and to sow discord and distrust, which he is doing fairly well."

The Post reported that the CIA assessment details Derkach's efforts to spread and boost anti-Biden information through lobbyists, Congress, and US news outlets. Though the document refers to Derkach interacting with a "prominent" person tied to President Donald Trump's campaign, it does not identify the person, according to the Post.

Derkach has close ties to Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who the Post reports is not named in the CIA assessment. Over the past year, Derkach has worked closely with Giuliani and right-wing outlets like One America News Network to peddle anti-Biden material, according to past CNN reporting and Derkach's public statements.


The US Treasury sanctioned Derkach because of those efforts and labeled him an "active Russian agent."

"Derkach and other Russian agents employ manipulation and deceit to attempt to influence elections in the United States and elsewhere around the world," Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement earlier this month.

Giuliani has acknowledged that he received documents from Derkach about Biden.
Asked earlier this month about the sanctions against Derkach, Giuliani told CNN via text, "Who cares."


"I never put any of his information in my report to State, and met (Derkach) long after my investigation was over," Giuliani told CNN last month, referring to a controversial packet of documents he gave to the US State Department last year as part of his efforts to dig up dirt on Biden.

Derkach recently dismissed the notion that he is a Russian agent, calling the allegations from the US government "absurd" and illogical during a freewheeling press conference in Ukraine that quickly devolved into a nonsensical spectacle.

The US intelligence community declined to comment on Derkach's specific activities after he spoke out. But an official from the ODNI reiterated the agency's public assessment from August that the Ukrainian lawmaker "is spreading claims about corruption -- including through publicizing leaked phone calls -- to undermine former Vice President Biden's candidacy and the Democratic Party."

Derkach has released and promoted alleged audiotapes of a 2016 conversation between Biden and then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

Last month, Trump retweeted a post containing snippets of the audio and accusing Biden of improprieties.

CNN's Devan Cole, Alex Marquardt, Sarah Mucha, Jeremy Herb, Mike Warren and Kylie Atwood contributed to this report."
Published with some abbreviations.

From the author:

Amazing things are happening in America today. Corrupt CNN journalists publish materials with accusations against Moscow, but do not provide any documentary evidence of this.

This is followed by an interview with Former CIA officer Douglas London who told CNN that the agency's use of the word "probably" when concerning an issue of such importance means its "analysts are sufficiently confident based on their deep expertise to put their reputations on the line in making such a call. "

But this statement is completely ABSURD because the dictionary interprets the meaning of the word PROBABLY as "in all likelihood" - meaning "very probably", "in all probability" - meaning "to convey that something is very likely", "as likely as not" - meaning "probably".

The dictionary further clarifies "What the meaning of "probably is:
"Probably means most likely or in all likelihood. Probably is the adverb form of the adjective probable, meaning “very likely to occur or be true.” Probably is used when you think something will happen or turn out to be true, but you're not certain enough to say it definitely will.


Probably | Definition of Probably at

The representatives of the special services either keep a mysterious silence or refer to a dubious analysis, the main word in which is the word "PROBABLY".

I will not follow the bad practice of corrupt journalists, third-rate or even first-rate intelligence officers whose unconfirmed accusations against Russia cloud the already damaged reputation of CNN and intelligence agencies.

I say bluntly that fake news and some of the dishonest officials DEFINITELY carry out psychological sabotage against the American people, using OUTRIGHT LIES and CONCEPTS in order to form a negative attitude towards President Trump in people's minds..

This is a very unworthy practice, but lying is a traditional tool of the American Democratic Party policy, regardless of whether they are lying about Russia, Obama's or Harris's ethnicity or about WMD in Iraq.

It would be better if both journalists and representatives of the American special services speak out about their subversive activities in Belarus, where lies and deception are used to overthrow the state system of a social state.


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I read this and the CNN article mentioned in it, and I assess that CNN and The Washington Post are probably acting as agents of the Biden Campaign to pre-discredit the Senate Committee's Report, suppose to come out this week, throwing some light on very very shady dealings by the Biden Family in Ukraine.

I read this and the CNN article mentioned in it, and I assess that CNN and The Washington Post are probably acting as agents of the Biden Campaign to pre-discredit the Senate Committee's Report, suppose to come out this week, throwing some light on very very shady dealings by the Biden Family in Ukraine.


Wow, the FBI and the CIA lied to us once again like they did for the 2016 election. Yah, it's was a Biden conspiracy back then as well. Well, Ivan. You keep spreading that disinformation. Only the Party of the Rump follower (Cult) believes you.
If it weren't for the Dims and the MSM no one would notice. Putin couldn't buy the propaganda the deep state, the Dims and the MSM keep shoveling.

So you buy the Crap from a known Russian disinformation applicator because it agrees with Rump. Guess where Rump got it, same place.

"from a known Russian disinformation applicator"

Please translate this into normal English
I read this and the CNN article mentioned in it, and I assess that CNN and The Washington Post are probably acting as agents of the Biden Campaign to pre-discredit the Senate Committee's Report, suppose to come out this week, throwing some light on very very shady dealings by the Biden Family in Ukraine.


Yes, the Americans will soon learn a lot, a lot of "interesting" things about this political crook.

And I absolutely agree with you that the " fake news industry" is trying to somehow neutralize the power of the "information bomb" that is about to explode in Washington ...

Let's hope that after that Biden will change his spider hole in the basement to a prison cell by the totality of all crimes he committed, including participation in the conspiracy against Iraq, the victims of which were more than six thousand young Americans, and 30 thousand injured.
I read this and the CNN article mentioned in it, and I assess that CNN and The Washington Post are probably acting as agents of the Biden Campaign to pre-discredit the Senate Committee's Report, suppose to come out this week, throwing some light on very very shady dealings by the Biden Family in Ukraine.


Wow, the FBI and the CIA lied to us once again like they did for the 2016 election. Yah, it's was a Biden conspiracy back then as well. Well, Ivan. You keep spreading that disinformation. Only the Party of the Rump follower (Cult) believes you.
Biden conspiracy back then?
Back then it was all about Hillary's buttery males; not a hint of Biden anywhere in 2016.
Fast-forward today, nobody but Trump takes blame for Giuliani hanging around Andriy Derkach.
I read this and the CNN article mentioned in it, and I assess that CNN and The Washington Post are probably acting as agents of the Biden Campaign to pre-discredit the Senate Committee's Report, suppose to come out this week, throwing some light on very very shady dealings by the Biden Family in Ukraine.


Wow, the FBI and the CIA lied to us once again like they did for the 2016 election. Yah, it's was a Biden conspiracy back then as well. Well, Ivan. You keep spreading that disinformation. Only the Party of the Rump follower (Cult) believes you.

You know very well that my name is not Ivan, as your REAL name is not Daryl, and that I have been a citizen of the United States for over a quarter of a century.

You are also well aware that in all possible Russian-language forums and on Youtube I am conducting an active campaign against Putin's criminal crypto-Neo-Zionist regime.

You are also well aware that I do not hide, but am proud of my Slavic origin. I am not Obama or Harris who hides their REAL ethnicity. And I'm not hiding it by replacing it with citizenship.

Can you live a day without malice, poison, and lies?

Even a fool can "glue labels". WHERE IS THE DISCLAIMER OF AT LEAST ONE of my thesis?
I read this and the CNN article mentioned in it, and I assess that CNN and The Washington Post are probably acting as agents of the Biden Campaign to pre-discredit the Senate Committee's Report, suppose to come out this week, throwing some light on very very shady dealings by the Biden Family in Ukraine.


Yes, the Americans will soon learn a lot, a lot of "interesting" things about this political crook.

And I absolutely agree with you that the " fake news industry" is trying to somehow neutralize the power of the "information bomb" that is about to explode in Washington ...

Let's hope that after that Biden will change his spider hole in the basement to a prison cell by the totality of all crimes he committed, including participation in the conspiracy against Iraq, the victims of which were more than six thousand young Americans, and 30 thousand injured.

The Senate Report is out this morning:

  • In early 2015 the former Acting Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine, George Kent, raised concerns to officials in Vice President Joe Biden’s office about the perception of a conflict of interest with respect to Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board. Kent’s concerns went unaddressed, and in September 2016, he emphasized in an email to his colleagues, “Furthermore, the presence of Hunter Biden on the Burisma board was very awkward for all U.S. officials pushing an anticorruption agenda in Ukraine.”
  • In October 2015, senior State Department official Amos Hochstein raised concerns with Vice President Biden, as well as with Hunter Biden, that Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma’s board enabled Russian disinformation efforts and risked undermining U.S. policy in Ukraine.
  • Although Kent believed that Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board was awkward for all U.S. officials pushing an anti-corruption agenda in Ukraine, the Committees are only aware of two individuals — Kent and former U.S. Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs Amos Hochstein — who raised concerns to Vice President Joe Biden (Hochstein) or his staff (Kent).
  • The awkwardness for Obama administration officials continued well past his presidency. Former Secretary of State John Kerry had knowledge of Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board, but when asked about it at a town hall event in Nashua, N.H. on Dec. 8, 2019, Kerry falsely said, “I had no knowledge about any of that. None. No.” Evidence to the contrary is detailed in Section V.
  • Former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland testified that confronting oligarchs would send an anticorruption message in Ukraine. Kent told the Committees that Zlochevsky was an “odious oligarch.” However, in December 2015, instead of following U.S. objectives of confronting oligarchs, Vice President Biden’s staff advised him to avoid commenting on Zlochevsky and recommended he say, “I’m not going to get into naming names or accusing individuals.”
  • Hunter Biden was serving on Burisma’s board (supposedly consulting on corporate governance and transparency) when Zlochevsky allegedly paid a $7 million bribe to officials serving under Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Vitaly Yarema, to “shut the case against Zlochevsky.” Kent testified that this bribe occurred in December 2014 (seven months after Hunter joined Burisma’s board), and, after learning about it, he and the Resident Legal Advisor reported this allegation to the FBI.
  • Hunter Biden was a U.S. Secret Service protectee from Jan. 29, 2009 to July 8, 2014. A day before his last trip as a protectee, Time published an article describing Burisma’s ramped up lobbying efforts to U.S. officials and Hunter’s involvement in Burisma’s board. Before ending his protective detail, Hunter Biden received Secret Service protection on trips to multiple foreign locations, including Moscow, Beijing, Doha, Paris, Seoul, Manila, Tokyo, Mexico City, Milan, Florence, Shanghai, Geneva, London, Dublin, Munich, Berlin, Bogota, Abu Dhabi, Nairobi, Hong Kong, Taipei, Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, Johannesburg, Brussels, Madrid, Mumbai and Lake Como.
  • Andrii Telizhenko, the Democrats’ personification of Russian disinformation, met with Obama administration officials, including Elisabeth Zentos, a member of Obama’s National Security Council, at least 10 times. A Democrat lobbying firm, Blue Star Strategies, contracted with Telizhenko from 2016 to 2017 and continued to request his assistance as recent as the summer of 2019. A recent news article detailed other extensive contacts between Telizhenko and Obama administration officials.
  • In addition to the over $4 million paid by Burisma for Hunter Biden’s and Archer’s board memberships, Hunter Biden, his family, and Archer received millions of dollars from foreign nationals with questionable backgrounds.
  • Archer received $142,300 from Kenges Rakishev of Kazakhstan, purportedly for a car, the same day Vice President Joe Biden appeared with Ukrainian Prime Minister Arsemy Yasenyuk and addressed Ukrainian legislators in Kyiv regarding Russia’s actions in Crimea.
  • Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.
  • Hunter Biden opened a bank account with Gongwen Dong to fund a $100,000 global spending spree with James Biden and Sara Biden.
  • Hunter Biden had business associations with Ye Jianming, Gongwen Dong, and other Chinese nationals linked to the Communist government and the People’s Liberation Army. Those associations resulted in millions of dollars in cash flow.
  • Hunter Biden paid nonresident women who were nationals of Russia or other Eastern European countries and who appear to be linked to an “Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.”

Close your eyes and imagine if one of Trump's sons had done all this and picture the hyper hissy fit the Neo-Bolsheviks/Democrats would be throwing.

Last edited:
I read this and the CNN article mentioned in it, and I assess that CNN and The Washington Post are probably acting as agents of the Biden Campaign to pre-discredit the Senate Committee's Report, suppose to come out this week, throwing some light on very very shady dealings by the Biden Family in Ukraine.


Wow, the FBI and the CIA lied to us once again like they did for the 2016 election. Yah, it's was a Biden conspiracy back then as well. Well, Ivan. You keep spreading that disinformation. Only the Party of the Rump follower (Cult) believes you.
Biden conspiracy back then?
Back then it was all about Hillary's buttery males; not a hint of Biden anywhere in 2016.
Fast-forward today, nobody but Trump takes blame for Giuliani hanging around Andriy Derkach.

Yes, the CIA is correct.
Only idiots who believe Trump and Putin over our own intelligence believe otherwise.
If it weren't for the Dims and the MSM no one would notice. Putin couldn't buy the propaganda the deep state, the Dims and the MSM keep shoveling.

So you buy the Crap from a known Russian disinformation applicator because it agrees with Rump. Guess where Rump got it, same place.

"from a known Russian disinformation applicator"

Please translate this into normal English

Vladimir needs you to get back to more effective disinformation activities pronto.
You're grazing break is over! ;)

I read this and the CNN article mentioned in it, and I assess that CNN and The Washington Post are probably acting as agents of the Biden Campaign to pre-discredit the Senate Committee's Report, suppose to come out this week, throwing some light on very very shady dealings by the Biden Family in Ukraine.


Wow, the FBI and the CIA lied to us once again like they did for the 2016 election. Yah, it's was a Biden conspiracy back then as well. Well, Ivan. You keep spreading that disinformation. Only the Party of the Rump follower (Cult) believes you.


Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S.Government Policy and Related Concerns

U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland

Security and Governmental Affairs

U.S. Senate Committee on Finance Majority Staff Report















As the Chairmen’s report details, Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board negatively impacted the efforts of dedicated career-service individuals who were fighting to push for anti-corruption measures in Ukraine. Because the vice president’s son had a direct link to a corrupt company and its owner, State Department officials were required to maintain situational awareness of Hunter Biden’s association with Burisma. Unfortunately, U.S. officials had no other choice but to endure the “awkward[ness]” of continuing to push an anti-corruption agenda in Ukraine while the vice president’s son sat on the board of a Ukrainian company with a corrupt owner. As George Kent testified, he “would have advised any American not to get on the board of Zlochevsky’s company.”

Yet, even though Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma’s board cast a shadow over the work of those advancing anti-corruption reforms in Ukraine, the Committees are only aware of two individuals who raised concerns to their superiors. Despite the efforts of these individuals, their concerns appear to have fallen on deaf ears.

Former Secretary Kerry’s December 2019 denial of having any knowledge about Hunter Biden or Burisma is inconsistent with the evidence uncovered by the Committees. Kerry was briefed about Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Christopher Heinz the day after Burisma announced Hunter Biden joined its board. Additionally, Secretary Kerry ’ s senior advisor sent him press clips and articles relating to Hunter Biden’s board membership. This appears to be yet another example of high-ranking Obama administration officials blatantly ignoring Hunter Biden’s association with Burisma. Several witnesses highlighted efforts to enable a successful investigation of Zlochevsky, and also noted that the U.S. decision to condition a $1 billion loan guarantee was made in part because of the then-Ukrainian prosecutor general’s failure to pursue a case against Zlochevsky. But at the end of the day, between 2014 through 2017, despite the concerted effort of many U.S. officials, not one of the three different Ukrainian prosecutor generals held Zlochevsky accountable. The Obama administration and the Democrat lobby shop Blue Star Strategies had consistent and extensive contact with Andrii Telizhenko over a period of years. Yet despite these well-documented contacts with Democratic officials, Democrats have attempted to impugn this investigation for having received some Blue Star-related records from Telizhenko. Some Democrats have even (incorrectly) identified Telizhenko as the Committee s’“ star witness.”

Although he produced a small number of Blue Star-related records to the Committees, the Committees never interviewed him as part of this investigation.

George Kent Testimony at 110.

Ranking Member Ron Wyden, Wyden Takes to Senate Floor to Address Russian Disinformation in Flawed Congressional Investigation, 2020 Election (Sept. 16, 2020), Wyden Takes to Senate Floor to Address Russian Disinformation in Flawed Congressional Investigation, 2020 Election | The United States Senate Committee on Finance.


The Committees received a small number of records from Telizhenko related to his communications with and subsequent work for Blue Star Strategies. Ranking Member Peters and Ranking Member Wyden have access to these records but have refused to receive or review them. Had they done so, they would have observed that the State Department, National Archives, and Blue Star Strategies (after it received a subpoena) produced most of the same records to the Committees. They also would have noticed the emails and text messages that Blue Star failed to produce to the Committees.

Even though almost all of the committees’ records are from U.S. agencies and U.S. officials or persons, Democrats have repeatedly misconstrued the facts of this investigation and have smeared it as a Russian disinformation campaign. In doing so, they conveniently have ignored their own long history of meeting with Telizhenko and his yearlong work for a Democrat lobby shop.

If Democrats are concerned that Telizhenko presents any risk of advancing disinformation, it is notable that the Ranking Members have not expressed any curiosity about his work with the Obama administration or Blue Star Strategies. The records acquired by the Committees also show that Hunter Biden and his family were involved in a vast financial network that connected them to foreign nationals and foreign governments across the globe. Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, in particular, formed significant and consistent financial relationships with the corrupt oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky during their time working for Burisma, and their firms made millions of dollars from that association while Joe Biden was vice president and the public face of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy.

Rosemont Seneca Thornton, an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden, received $3.5million in a wire transfer from Elena Baturina, who allegedly received illegal construction contracts from her husband, the then-mayor of Moscow.

Moreover, Archer’s apparent receipt of money for a car from Kenges Rakishev of Kazakhstan while Vice President Biden was in Kyiv is especially concerning in light of the timing. And finally, Biden and Archer ’s work with Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime illustrate the deep financial connections that accelerated while Joe Biden was vice president and continued after he left office. The Chairmen’s investigation has faced many obstacles from the minority and from executive agencies that have failed to comply with document requests. Accordingly, there’ remains much work to be done.
Alexandre Fedorovski Cant find a link to the CNN copyright article.. You also used TOO much of it to comply with "fair use" guidlines.. Contact me with the link and I'll edit and shorten the material.. Then I'll remove some off topic posts and re-open.

ALSO -- topic is CIA report and Russia.. Going off to Hunter Biden is WAY TOO FAR from topic..
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