"russian" (Muscovy, Tartary , Juchi ulus) empire is a satellite of Turkey". Social networks about the Karabakh agreement


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
"russian" (Muscovy, Tartary , Juchi ulus) empire (ulus) is a satellite of Turkey". Social networks about the Karabakh agreement.
With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher


Until the end of history, the Armenians will consider that the Kremlin, having intelligence data on the preparation of the Azerbaijani-Turkish military operation, could not (or did not) try to stop it diplomatically, but gave Baku an opportunity to celebrate its triumph.

In an already lost situation, Putin is forced to sign a treaty
-in which, as they rightly write, Erdogan does not participate at all. Thus, his hands are untied. Putin puts his peacekeeping contingent in Artsakh, the next morning Aliyev says that the situation will be controlled by the Russian-Turkish alliance, Peskov is forced to refute. At the same time, Moscow agreed to a Russian-Turkish monitoring mission. Now one can object, they say, the Turks will not be in Artsakh, the mission will be on the territory of Azerbaijan. But tomorrow the Turks will say: how can we participate in monitoring without being on the scene. This is all obvious. Thus, Russian military analysts who write that "Erdogan won the Transcaucasus" -right. There is no other interpretation to be seen. Of course, the Kremlin remains the guarantor of Armenia’s security, but now with a completely different context: the Armenians will believe that Putin did not do what he could. Over time, of course, they will soften and think that he "could not." That is, the concept will win: Putin was already so weak in front of Erdogan by the time the conflict began to unfreeze that he could not do anything.


Russia will have its troops there for the years to come (which weren't there until this agreement). I don't understand why you are so happy.
Russia will have its troops there for the years to come (which weren't there until this agreement). I don't understand why you are so happy.
+ Karabakh
Azerbaijan to destroy with one blow essentially the entire military air defense, which covered the forward positions of the troops....

we see that Russia has become so weakened recently as a result of Putin's numerous adventures, as a result of engaging in wars in Ukraine, Syria, Africa, as a result of sanctions, conflicts of various kinds, poisoning, as a result of this chaotic policy. "
Putin's intention is to weaken the alliance between Turkey and America. The pact effectively sidelines the U.S. and France, enabling Putin and Erdogan to dominate talks. Turkey had been a steadfast U.S. ally for many decades as a NATO member state but Turkey is leaning toward Russia in recent years. Russia and Turkey are likely to sign a S-400 missile deal next year. Turkey proceeded with the deal for the Russian missile system despite U.S. and NATO warnings, as if it was no longer a NATO member state, thus effectively becoming a Russian satellite state. This will weaken America's influence in the region, which should be a concern for the next administration.

Turkey's president on Wednesday announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) setting up a joint Turkish-Russian center to monitor the Karabakh peace deal, which has ended weeks of armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

"Turkey will join the peacekeeping forces in the [Karabakh] region to monitor the implementation of the deal with Russia," Recep Tayyip Erdogan told a parliamentary group meeting of his party in the capital Ankara.

The joint center, which will be established on Azerbaijani territories that were liberated from Armenia's occupation, was signed this morning, Erdogan added.
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Putin's intention is to weaken the alliance between Turkey and America. The pact effectively sidelines the U.S. and France, enabling Putin and Erdogan to dominate talks. Turkey had been a steadfast U.S. ally for many decades as a NATO member state but Turkey is leaning toward Russia in recent years. Russia and Turkey are likely to sign a S-400 missile deal next year. Turkey proceeded with the deal for the Russian missile system despite U.S. and NATO warnings, as if it was no longer a NATO member state, thus effectively becoming a Russian satellite state. This will weaken America's influence in the region, which should be a concern for the next administration.

Turkey's president on Wednesday announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) setting up a joint Turkish-Russian center to monitor the Karabakh peace deal, which has ended weeks of armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

"Turkey will join the peacekeeping forces in the [Karabakh] region to monitor the implementation of the deal with Russia," Recep Tayyip Erdogan told a parliamentary group meeting of his party in the capital Ankara.

The joint center, which will be established on Azerbaijani territories that were liberated from Armenia's occupation, was signed this morning, Erdogan added.
war between Turkey and Moscow´s empire in Azerbaijan is just matter of time )))
Putin's intention is to weaken the alliance between Turkey and America. The pact effectively sidelines the U.S. and France, enabling Putin and Erdogan to dominate talks. Turkey had been a steadfast U.S. ally for many decades as a NATO member state but Turkey is leaning toward Russia in recent years. Russia and Turkey are likely to sign a S-400 missile deal next year. Turkey proceeded with the deal for the Russian missile system despite U.S. and NATO warnings, as if it was no longer a NATO member state, thus effectively becoming a Russian satellite state. This will weaken America's influence in the region, which should be a concern for the next administration.

Turkey's president on Wednesday announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) setting up a joint Turkish-Russian center to monitor the Karabakh peace deal, which has ended weeks of armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

"Turkey will join the peacekeeping forces in the [Karabakh] region to monitor the implementation of the deal with Russia," Recep Tayyip Erdogan told a parliamentary group meeting of his party in the capital Ankara.

The joint center, which will be established on Azerbaijani territories that were liberated from Armenia's occupation, was signed this morning, Erdogan added.
war between Turkey and Moscow´s empire in Azerbaijan is just matter of time )))

There were more than thirteen large wars and a great number of small ones between Russia and Turkey in last five hundred years. And Turks lost more than 90% of their lands. This time, they are going to lose one more time without American support.
Putin's intention is to weaken the alliance between Turkey and America. The pact effectively sidelines the U.S. and France, enabling Putin and Erdogan to dominate talks. Turkey had been a steadfast U.S. ally for many decades as a NATO member state but Turkey is leaning toward Russia in recent years. Russia and Turkey are likely to sign a S-400 missile deal next year. Turkey proceeded with the deal for the Russian missile system despite U.S. and NATO warnings, as if it was no longer a NATO member state, thus effectively becoming a Russian satellite state. This will weaken America's influence in the region, which should be a concern for the next administration.

Turkey's president on Wednesday announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) setting up a joint Turkish-Russian center to monitor the Karabakh peace deal, which has ended weeks of armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

"Turkey will join the peacekeeping forces in the [Karabakh] region to monitor the implementation of the deal with Russia," Recep Tayyip Erdogan told a parliamentary group meeting of his party in the capital Ankara.

The joint center, which will be established on Azerbaijani territories that were liberated from Armenia's occupation, was signed this morning, Erdogan added.
Turkey is hardly leaning toward Russia. Erdogan wants Turkey to be a regional power and puts the eggs in different baskets.
Putin's intention is to weaken the alliance between Turkey and America. The pact effectively sidelines the U.S. and France, enabling Putin and Erdogan to dominate talks. Turkey had been a steadfast U.S. ally for many decades as a NATO member state but Turkey is leaning toward Russia in recent years. Russia and Turkey are likely to sign a S-400 missile deal next year. Turkey proceeded with the deal for the Russian missile system despite U.S. and NATO warnings, as if it was no longer a NATO member state, thus effectively becoming a Russian satellite state. This will weaken America's influence in the region, which should be a concern for the next administration.

Turkey's president on Wednesday announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) setting up a joint Turkish-Russian center to monitor the Karabakh peace deal, which has ended weeks of armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

"Turkey will join the peacekeeping forces in the [Karabakh] region to monitor the implementation of the deal with Russia," Recep Tayyip Erdogan told a parliamentary group meeting of his party in the capital Ankara.

The joint center, which will be established on Azerbaijani territories that were liberated from Armenia's occupation, was signed this morning, Erdogan added.
Turkey is hardly leaning toward Russia. Erdogan wants Turkey to be a regional power and puts the eggs in different baskets.
"Turkey is hardly leaning toward Russia." no Turkey uses Muscovite imperial weakness

Turkey and Russia are at war, and Libya's the loser | The ...
www.japantimes.co.jp › commentary › world-commentary

Jun 1, 2020 — Turkey and Russia are at war, and Libya's the loser. Sorry, but ... At that moment, unfortunately, the resolve of the West was weak. NATO, its ...

"Erdogan wants Turkey to be a regional power and puts the eggs in different baskets. " Yes, agreed
Putin's intention is to weaken the alliance between Turkey and America. The pact effectively sidelines the U.S. and France, enabling Putin and Erdogan to dominate talks. Turkey had been a steadfast U.S. ally for many decades as a NATO member state but Turkey is leaning toward Russia in recent years. Russia and Turkey are likely to sign a S-400 missile deal next year. Turkey proceeded with the deal for the Russian missile system despite U.S. and NATO warnings, as if it was no longer a NATO member state, thus effectively becoming a Russian satellite state. This will weaken America's influence in the region, which should be a concern for the next administration.

What business do France or USA have in the Caucasus ?
Please explain.
There were more than thirteen large wars and a great number of small ones between Russia and Turkey in last five hundred years. And Turks lost more than 90% of their lands. This time, they are going to lose one more time without American support.

You misread the situation.

In Syria, Libya, Karabakh both Russia and Turkey are backing different sides, they're opponents.
Russia and Turkey enter a conflict-zone on 2 different sides and become the leading backer of each side.
Then these "conflicts" become a bilateral issue between Russia and Turkey.
The future of these conflict-zones is decided by meetings either in Ankara or Moscow, not in Washington, Brussels, Paris or Berlin.
It's a blueprint to reduce outside influence on the region, and it's working well.
Sometimes it gets violent with many dead, but then Erdogan and Putin meet in-person or by phone and deconflict the situation. In the end both Russia and Turkey expand their influence at the expense of countries alien to this region.

By 2030 Russia is projected to be 30% Muslim.

Most of these Muslims are either ethnic Turks or speak a Turkic language, in any case they're heavily influenced by Turkish culture and Turkish Muslim thinking and they're driving socio-economic rapprochement between Russia and Turkey by tourism and marriages which are skyrocketing.

Sergey Shoygu, Chief of Staff in Russia is a Tuva Turk, speaks fluent Turkish.
The Russian peace contingent which will be stationed in Karabakh will be lead by Russian general from Dagestan, off course he's Muslim as well.

Current Russian Foreign Minister (Lavrov) is an ethnic Armenian, he'll be sent to the UN as Russia's ambassador and then Russia's stance in the Caucasus will shift to an even more pro-Azeri stance.
Both Russia and Turkey have nothing to win by killing each other, they can win all the influence which Atlanticists wielded in the past by cooperating.
There were more than thirteen large wars and a great number of small ones between Russia and Turkey in last five hundred years. And Turks lost more than 90% of their lands. This time, they are going to lose one more time without American support.

You misread the situation.

In Syria, Libya, Karabakh both Russia and Turkey are backing different sides, they're opponents.
Russia and Turkey enter a conflict-zone on 2 different sides and become the leading backer of each side.
Then these "conflicts" become a bilateral issue between Russia and Turkey.
The future of these conflict-zones is decided by meetings either in Ankara or Moscow, not in Washington, Brussels, Paris or Berlin.
It's a blueprint to reduce outside influence on the region, and it's working well.
Sometimes it gets violent with many dead, but then Erdogan and Putin meet in-person or by phone and deconflict the situation. In the end both Russia and Turkey expand their influence at the expense of countries alien to this region.

By 2030 Russia is projected to be 30% Muslim.

Most of these Muslims are either ethnic Turks or speak a Turkic language, in any case they're heavily influenced by Turkish culture and Turkish Muslim thinking and they're driving socio-economic rapprochement between Russia and Turkey by tourism and marriages which are skyrocketing.

Sergey Shoygu, Chief of Staff in Russia is a Tuva Turk, speaks fluent Turkish.
The Russian peace contingent which will be stationed in Karabakh will be lead by Russian general from Dagestan, off course he's Muslim as well.

Current Russian Foreign Minister (Lavrov) is an ethnic Armenian, he'll be sent to the UN as Russia's ambassador and then Russia's stance in the Caucasus will shift to an even more pro-Azeri stance.
Both Russia and Turkey have nothing to win by killing each other, they can win all the influence which Atlanticists wielded in the past by cooperating.
" Russia and Turkey have nothing to win by killing each other, " LOL, you must be joking, you guys 2 the worst foes out there

  • Russo-Turkish War (1568–1570)
  • Russo-Turkish War (1676–1681)
  • Russo-Turkish War (1686–1700)
  • Russo-Turkish War (1735–1739)
  • Russo-Turkish War (1768–1774)
  • Russo-Turkish War (1787–1792)
More items...

Category:Russo-Turkish wars - Wikipedia
Putin's intention is to weaken the alliance between Turkey and America. The pact effectively sidelines the U.S. and France, enabling Putin and Erdogan to dominate talks. Turkey had been a steadfast U.S. ally for many decades as a NATO member state but Turkey is leaning toward Russia in recent years. Russia and Turkey are likely to sign a S-400 missile deal next year. Turkey proceeded with the deal for the Russian missile system despite U.S. and NATO warnings, as if it was no longer a NATO member state, thus effectively becoming a Russian satellite state. This will weaken America's influence in the region, which should be a concern for the next administration.

What business do France or USA have in the Caucasus ?
Please explain.
What business do France or USA have in the Caucasus ?
Please explain. "
saving your Turkish @sses from the nuclear holocaust, you know that Muscovites are masters of genocides , right ?

Circassian genocide - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Circassian_genocide

The Circassian genocide was the Russian Empire's systematic mass murder, ethnic cleansing, forced migration, and expulsion of 800,000–1,500,000 ...
" Russia and Turkey have nothing to win by killing each other, " LOL, you must be joking, you guys 2 the worst foes out there

  • Russo-Turkish War (1568–1570)
  • Russo-Turkish War (1676–1681)
  • Russo-Turkish War (1686–1700)
  • Russo-Turkish War (1735–1739)
  • Russo-Turkish War (1768–1774)
  • Russo-Turkish War (1787–1792)
More items...
Category:Russo-Turkish wars - Wikipedia

Different time, different geo-political setting.
Both Russia and Turkey are overpower by both USA and EU.
That was not the case when historically most of Russian-Turkish wars happened.
When Russian-Turkish interest converge it is enough power to squeeze out any foreign power from the region where Russia-Turkey have agreed upon (Syria, Armenia-Azerbaijan, Libya).

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