Russian Hacker Extradited to US, in FBI Custody!

What is interesting, is this that was alleged back in May of 2017-

Russian says FBI offered citizenship if he admitted to Clinton email hacks

"[They told me:] you will have to confess to breaking into Clinton's inbox for [U.S. President Donald Trump] on behalf of [Russian President Vladimir Putin],” Nikulin wrote, according to The Moscow Times.

Nikulin said he refused the deal, but U.S. officials threatened to return. He claims the visits occurred in mid-November 2016 and on February 7 of this year. Czech television has reported at least one FBI visit earlier this year, according to The Guardian, which cited an FBI spokesperson as saying the agency was "aware of the situation," but declining further comment. The FBI is seeking to extradite Nikulin to face trial in the U.S., something he and his lawyers are trying to fight.
Haha...and you believe him? Come on.
Well, I doubt he will talk, even if he has info on it and helped do it....

The Russians made certain of it, by trying to assassinate the UK ex Russian spy and his daughter with a Chemical weapon to poison them.

Russia has a hit list of who they are going to kill, to prevent them from talking or for betraying them or just to keep others from investigating.....

They have added Christopher Steele to their hit list as well......

and if they have anything on Trump, and trump wants to expose them for it, it was a warning to Trump as well.....

"we will kill you, and can do it at the drop of a hat" no matter what western country you reside in........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
If he testifies against Hillary, well he will just commit suicide.
Well, I doubt he will talk, even if he has info on it and helped do it....

The Russians made certain of it, by trying to assassinate the UK ex Russian spy and his daughter with a Chemical weapon to poison them.

Russia has a hit list of who they are going to kill, to prevent them from talking or for betraying them or just to keep others from investigating.....

They have added Christopher Steele to their hit list as well......

and if they have anything on Trump, and trump wants to expose them for it, it was a warning to Trump as well.....

"we will kill you, and can do it at the drop of a hat" no matter what western country you reside in........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
If he testifies against Hillary, well he will just commit suicide.
Well, I doubt he will talk, even if he has info on it and helped do it....

The Russians made certain of it, by trying to assassinate the UK ex Russian spy and his daughter with a Chemical weapon to poison them.

Russia has a hit list of who they are going to kill, to prevent them from talking or for betraying them or just to keep others from investigating.....

They have added Christopher Steele to their hit list as well......

and if they have anything on Trump, and trump wants to expose them for it, it was a warning to Trump as well.....

"we will kill you, and can do it at the drop of a hat" no matter what western country you reside in........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
If he testifies against Hillary, well he will just commit suicide.
This investigation has brought out more corruption in the Democrat party, than anything on Trump. Didn't the Democrat server get hacked, and they refused to turn it over to the authorities? I'd say this could back fire, big time.

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