'Russiagate' Is Failing And Its Supporters Are Getting Concerned


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
This explains why the snowflakes are getting increasingly desperate with their wild accusations and conspiracy theories. It won't be long now until the entire country is laughing at these imbeciles. Do you think they will slink away in shame when their pure idiocy and perfidy is finally to obvious for anyone to deny? Not a chance. They will double down on stupid. The will be preaching the doctrine of the Russian hack for the next 50 years.

‘Russiagate’ is failing and its supporters are getting worried...the leaders of the US security services have denied the President’s allegation that they wire-tapped him – though they were careful not to deny that they mounted surveillance on him and his associates – the President’s claim that they did, in effect smoked them out.

The single most important fact about the last few weeks, and the clearest possible sign that the ‘Russiagate’ scandal is flagging, is that there have been no more leaks from within the intelligence and security agencies....
That suggests that the former Obama administration officials, who I suspect were the people who were physically communicating the information in the leaks to the media, are no longer being fed information about Donald Trump and his associates or about the progress of the FBI investigation by their sources within the intelligence and national security bureaucracy.

That could be because people within the intelligence and national security bureaucracy are being deterred by the investigation into the leaking of classified material which the President has been calling for but which the House Intelligence Committee hearing on 20th March 2017 suggested FBI Director Comey is resisting (almost certainly BECAUSE PEOPLE WITHIN THE FBI WERE INVOLVED in the leaks), or it could be because increasingly there is no damaging information to leak.
Zero hedge.:eusa_doh:It's a propaganda magazine written by several imbeciles under the same pseudonym Tyler Durden, a character from fight club.
Zero hedge.:eusa_doh:It's a propaganda magazine written by several imbeciles under the same pseudonym Tyler Durden, a character from fight club.
Yeah, we've all heard your imbecile snowflake talking point before. Try addressing the content rather than attacking the messenger.
Zero hedge.:eusa_doh:It's a propaganda magazine written by several imbeciles under the same pseudonym Tyler Durden, a character from fight club.
Yeah, we've all heard your imbecile snowflake talking point before. Try addressing the content rather than attacking the messenger.
I read it briefly and refuse to waste my time more than that since i do not care what the "Tyler Durden" suggests or comments or doubts. I'm not attacking Zero Hedge, but am being perfectly proper.

However, your spreading such garbage is dangerous to the society and I have a duty as a person possessing this information to tell people what you don't. They are still free to read and judge. I have the right - and as I said the responsibility - to point out the extremely low credibility level of your "source".

By he way, same goes to you. Why not address the content rather than attack the messenger?
No. The RWNJs have come up with a couple of talking points that they like, and all their media are repeating those things. No relation to reality, and what is happening, but it doesn't take much to fool them anyway.
It's easier to believe that earth is flat than this conspiracy theory of epic proportions. Only a butthurt Hillary supporter who still hasn't accepted that Trump is our president now could believe in such nonsense.
It's easier to believe that earth is flat than this conspiracy theory of epic proportions. Only a butthurt Hillary supporter who still hasn't accepted that Trump is our president now could believe in such nonsense.

It's easier to fool a right winger than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.

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