Russia shuts mission to NATO in spy row retaliation

this is female genetics, in America it coincides with the Asian one and is extremely different from the European one.


Male European genes only in the British colonies of Canada and the northeastern United States
Must be that Russian Genetics programs you're taking........ :rofl:
Must be that Russian Genetics programs you're taking.
There are no such programs in Russia. Basically, this is taken from the statistics of the Y-full company, they give approximately the same data everywhere.

It is not joke.
The officials lie, and the closest relatives of the Americans are Central Asians and residents of Siberia, approximately in the Altai and Chelyabinsk regions.
This is confirmed by both branches.
Moreover, if the male group is even more or less close (according to the macrogroup P), the female group is generally infinitely far from the European, they split in the Middle East 60 thousand years ago(American women descend from macro group M, see the map above)
There are no such programs in Russia. Basically, this is taken from the statistics of the Y-full company, they give approximately the same data everywhere.

It is not joke.
The officials lie, and the closest relatives of the Americans are Central Asians and residents of Siberia, approximately in the Altai and Chelyabinsk regions.
This is confirmed by both branches.
Are you referring to native Americans in the above instance? If your reference to European genetics in the Americas being of English decent only then that's what I was laughing at.
The next step is WWIII.

In fact, there are a few million steps between a diplomatic row and global thermonuclear war...

... not the least of which is ... Russia would have to dust off their nuclear arsenal after decades of neglect.
The next step is WWIII.

Russia said on Monday it would halt the activities of its diplomatic mission to NATO after the Western military alliance expelled eight Russians saying they were spies.
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also said staff at NATO's military mission in Moscow would be stripped of their accreditation from Nov. 1, and the alliance's information office in the Russian capital would be shuttered.
"If NATO members have any urgent matters, they can contact our ambassador in Belgium on these questions," Lavrov told a news conference.

NATO said on Oct. 6 it had expelled eight members of Russia's mission to the alliance who it said were "undeclared Russian intelligence officers".



Well, Russia does suck.


Why did those Warsaw Pact members join NATO?
Did they not like Russia for some reason?
In particular, there is no data on the presence of European markers in the center and in the west of the United States.


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Why did those Warsaw Pact members join NATO?
Did they not like Russia for some reason?
Because from 85 to 2000 Russia was loyal to US and it was no need for union. But now NATO itself became almost Warsaw Pact. American people on their knees. Before that, no one could have imagined that they would be forced to prick some shit like in 3-d countries with totalitarian regimes and a bunch of pathetic terrorists will throw them out of Afghanistan like a rag
NATO was founded in 1949 after the war. It was a tool for containing Europe and countering leftist influence in Europe, including against British influence. At that time, Europe was de facto a province of the United States. The Marshall Plan and the Bretton Woods system were instruments of its economic and political control, Europe covered its currencies with dollars and had no actual sovereignty. In other words, NATO was a regime of occupation of Europe. It lost its meaning after the de Gaulle revolt, Europe broke away from America, back into the bosom of Britain. Now it is fraught with the fact that NATO will be directed against America itself.
NATO was founded in 1949 after the war. It was a tool for containing Europe and countering leftist influence in Europe, including against British influence. At that time, Europe was de facto a province of the United States. The Marshall Plan and the Bretton Woods system were instruments of its economic and political control, Europe covered its currencies with dollars and had no actual sovereignty. In other words, NATO was a regime of occupation of Europe. It lost its meaning after the de Gaulle revolt, Europe broke away from America, back into the bosom of Britain. Now it is fraught with the fact that NATO will be directed against America itself.
That's an interesting take........ Wrong but interesting...... and amusing.
By the way, you do this much better than Baron, he's so obvious it's pathetic. You at least have a little finesse, not much but a little. I'll give you that.....
The name "military alliance" was used only for the sake of political correctness, America did not need any alliance, it was just a plausible pretext for the occupation of Western Europe and its control. In addition, there were financial mechanisms. In particular, dollar coverage forced European governments to limit their budgets to dollar revenues, without which they could not create budget deficits to finance governments. Arms production was also limited, especially for Germany(this is still valid).
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That's an interesting take........ Wrong but interesting...... and amusing.
This is a competent view. Most people believe in what they preach in school and cheap newspapers, few people understand the essence of events under the wraps, the masses are stuffed with only superficial information, and the main decisions are carefully encrypted.
This is a competent view. Most people believe in what they preach in school and cheap newspapers, few people understand the essence of events under the wraps, the masses are stuffed with only superficial information, and the main decisions are carefully encrypted.
Ah, a self declared "insider" with all the answers......... That explains a lot......... Do the night nurses know you're using the computer in the day room?
All this is confirmed by the fact that in America, after the formation of the Euroalliance, the culture has radically changed. Blacks abruptly occupied the sport, overnight all boxing turned black, the "sexual revolution", hippies and the like shit began. These were all leftist tendencies of European leverage. England always goes through the left way.
It infiltrates foreign countries not by war, but as a parasite, penetrating the government, society and the press. England is fighting mainly by another hands.
All this is confirmed by the fact that in America, after the formation of the Euroalliance, the culture has radically changed. Blacks abruptly occupied the sport, overnight all boxing turned black, the "sexual revolution", hippies and the like shit began. These were all leftist tendencies of European leverage. England always goes through the left way.
It infiltrates foreign countries not by war, but as a parasite, penetrating the government, society and the press. England is fighting mainly by another hands.
Yup, you're definitely one fry short of a happy meal....... :rofl:
One such triumphant in English left culture of US was Mohammed Ali. He worked for both Islamists and England at the same time. His boxing style is a heavy twist of American classic boxing to an English feminine playing style with treshtalks and dirty tricks on the edge of the rules. At that time, the old school was still alive, so it cost him dearly. In our time, his head would not have been beaten off, now everyone is boxing like that, and a Fury with thin legs and fat sides became the champion, an "athlete" who would be knocked down by any alcoholic.
He simultaneously promoted an anti-American counter-right policy, thwarted the Vietnamese campaign and welcomed the Brezhnev regime in the USSR. It was the start of the end of free strong America.

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