Russia sending Blackjack bombers to Venezuela


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Yikes. Russia sending Blackjack bombers to Venezuela

Yikes. Russia sending Blackjack bombers to Venezuela
This is yet another piece of disturbing news that we didn’t need to hear. US Defense Department officials are confirming a rumor that Russia is going to be expanding their recent uptick in long-range bomber training missions, this time sending their nuclear-capable planes to Venezuela. If you think this is going to come as some sort of threat to the Venezuelan government, think again. It’s entirely the opposite case. Putin is demonstrating more support for his buddy, dictator Nicolas Maduro, and propping up the imploding socialist nation as best he can. (Free Beacon)…. This doesn’t represent some sudden change of policy in Moscow. Maduro has been courting Putin’s approval and support for some time now, taking meetings with him at every international confab where the two come in contact.... Venezuela has naval ports and airfields that the Russians are keen to use, so Putin flooding the country with foreign aid and military support sets those hopes back considerably.... The real losers in this story are once again the citizens of Venezuela. But the rest of the western world needs to keep an eye on this situation as well. None of this is good news.

My oh my, this is awkward... Venezuela's vaunted Progressive Marxist Socialist Paradise now is deploying bombers from Trump's master Vladimir Putin and his evil empire. How will the PMMS Dem's like Loopy Only Occasionally Loopy incoherent and mentor, Nip & Tucked Nadler, who only made one day of Shiva for his twin brother, explain this paradox.
y guess is that Putin wants to be ready to pick up the pieces when lots of angry Venezuelans finally get around to giving Maduro and his goons the Mussolini treatment. Vlad's most like has someone bought and paid for on the fringes who isn't too damaged by association with the current hot mess--who can step in once the regime has been shot, strung up with piano wire, and received 100 million views on YouTube.
Yeah, russia is trying to step into that vacuum. They would love nothing more than to have control of the oil ministries down there and a major foothold in this hemisphere.
Maybe it is Russia trying to send Hondurans and other Illegals from Latin America to destabilize us.

It's been over 100 years since any war on The Continental US.

if we don't have border security, we could end up with war on our own turf.

I could see Islam allying with DemNazis and Illegals in a Civil War against Patriotic Americans trying to preserve the Union.
Yikes. Russia sending Blackjack bombers to Venezuela

Yikes. Russia sending Blackjack bombers to Venezuela
This is yet another piece of disturbing news that we didn’t need to hear. US Defense Department officials are confirming a rumor that Russia is going to be expanding their recent uptick in long-range bomber training missions, this time sending their nuclear-capable planes to Venezuela. If you think this is going to come as some sort of threat to the Venezuelan government, think again. It’s entirely the opposite case. Putin is demonstrating more support for his buddy, dictator Nicolas Maduro, and propping up the imploding socialist nation as best he can. (Free Beacon)…. This doesn’t represent some sudden change of policy in Moscow. Maduro has been courting Putin’s approval and support for some time now, taking meetings with him at every international confab where the two come in contact.... Venezuela has naval ports and airfields that the Russians are keen to use, so Putin flooding the country with foreign aid and military support sets those hopes back considerably.... The real losers in this story are once again the citizens of Venezuela. But the rest of the western world needs to keep an eye on this situation as well. None of this is good news.

My oh my, this is awkward... Venezuela's vaunted Progressive Marxist Socialist Paradise now is deploying bombers from Trump's master Vladimir Putin and his evil empire. How will the PMMS Dem's like Loopy Only Occasionally Loopy incoherent and mentor, Nip & Tucked Nadler, who only made one day of Shiva for his twin brother, explain this paradox.
y guess is that Putin wants to be ready to pick up the pieces when lots of angry Venezuelans finally get around to giving Maduro and his goons the Mussolini treatment. Vlad's most like has someone bought and paid for on the fringes who isn't too damaged by association with the current hot mess--who can step in once the regime has been shot, strung up with piano wire, and received 100 million views on YouTube.

Trump's master Putin LOL you liberals are truly retarded. We currently have worse relations with Russia than at any time since Reagan told Gorbachav to tear down that wall, and certainly we're further from peace with them than at any time when Obama was in office. For God sakes, Trump literally gave an order to kill Russian soldiers.

But let's not let facts get in the way of bashing that orange bastard.
Maybe it is Russia trying to send Hondurans and other Illegals from Latin America to destabilize us.

It's been over 100 years since any war on The Continental US.

if we don't have border security, we could end up with war on our own turf.

I could see Islam allying with DemNazis and Illegals in a Civil War against Patriotic Americans trying to preserve the Union.
So all that illegal drug money Reagan was sending down to Central America was NOT to fund a war?

Wow, who knew...

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