Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
Funny how the Left assailed conservatives for thinking Obama was really a Kenyan DESPITE refusing to turn over a birth certificate (finally turning over a legally worthless "record of birth" after being forced, with signs of alterations, and both Obama himself AND his book agent (and Kenyans like Obama's own family) SAYING he was from Kenya!), and yet HERE THEY ARE, the very same people accusing Trump of being a Soviet sock puppet working for the Kremlin, and with absolutely nothing but their own delirium feeding off each other's lies to support it. Oh and an Intel proven out to destroy Trump which says the evidence POINTS to the Russians tampering with the election, but still no evidence that it actually CHANGED the election much less that Trump was a participant in it.
Russia is the excuse used to explain why Hillary lost the election. Everything else came from that.
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I can recall the birther movement and thinking really......

We, as the GOP elected a moron twice (over two bigger morons)...and a congress

That spent money like hell.

That started wars I certainly didn't want.

That didn't take leadership on the health care issue.

And we got what we deserved...booted and Obama.

The birther thing was just a ruse that gave the more ardent something to crow over.

Now the left has the same thing.

We endured 8 years of Obamapurgatory (only we got the house back quickly thank God).

Now the left can suffer.
Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
Well birtherism was founded on a 100 percent false premise. Not only that but it's main pursuer was REWARDED for pushing it. Unsavory it might be but it surely was effective.
Anyway in the Russia Trump connection the problem is that the facts known are in fact highly specific and not fussy at all. It can be in no doubt that Russia tried to influence the election. Mueller has been highly specific in the who, how and when of it. Putin and the US intelligence community has been highly specific as to it's purpose. To favor candidate Trump. Mueller has also been successful in getting several guilty pleas from people in the Trump campaign and administration in regards to contacts with the Russians. We know that Don Jr pursued a meeting with proclaimed Russian government contacts in order to get damaging information on Clinton. We know this because he released the email chain which proved he did. We also know that the president of the United States has been pursuing an agenda that could have been written in the Kremlin. We have seen him question NATO, the EU and the UK in the same week he failed to question Putin although Mueller had put out indictments that were so clear and NOT fussy that no president should have failed to use it as at least a tool to get the high ground on the murderer in the Kremlin.
I understand that it his hard to entertain the idea that POTUS is been compromised. I understand that it becomes even more confusing when there literally is another controversy on an almost daily bases. Controversies usually started by some inane tweet from Trump himself. But information doesn't exist in a vacuum and to quote Sherlock Holmes. " if you rule out the impossible. What is left, however unlikely has to be the truth." I have yet to see any other possible explanation that is less unlikely then the president of the United States has to be a Russian asset.
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Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
Well birtherism was founded on a 100 percent false premise. Not only that but it's main pursuer was REWARDED for pushing it. Unsavory it might be but it surely was effective.
Anyway in the Russia Trump connection the problem is that the facts known are in fact highly specific and not fussy at all. It can be in no doubt that Russia tried to influence the election. Mueller has been highly specific in the who, how and when of it. Putin and the US intelligence community has been highly specific as to it's purpose. To favor candidate Trump. Mueller has also been successful in getting several guilty pleas from people in the Trump campaign and administration in regards to contacts with the Russians. We know that Don Jr pursued a meeting with proclaimed Russian government contacts in order to get damaging information on Clinton. We know this because he released the email chain which proved he did. We also know that the president of the United States has been pursuing an agenda that could have been written in the Kremlin. We have seen him question NATO, the EU and the UK in the same week he failed to question Putin although Mueller had put out indictments that were so clear and NOT fussy that no president should have failed to use it as at least a tool to get the high ground on the murderer in the Kremlin.
I understand that it his hard to entertain the idea that POTUS is been compromised. I understand that it becomes even more confusing when there literally is another controversy on an almost daily bases. Controversies usually started by some inane tweet from Trump himself. But information doesn't exist in a vacuum and to quote Sherlock Holmes. " if you rule out the impossible. What is left, however unlikely has to be the truth." I have yet to see any other possible explanation that is less unlikely then the president of the United States has to be a Russian asset.

1. Agreed that birtherism was total bullshit.
2. I was with you until your last statement.
3. There are plenty of other explanations.
4. The weight of each of these so called "issues" can never be properly discovered because each one is akin to the birther bullshit.....resulting in what amounts to hysteria.
Let’s just say the OP is true .

Ain’t it karma for Donald , considering he was the main birther guy?
Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
WTF? You comparing that stupid birther crap to EVIDENCE from top US Intelligence agencies? You that much of a dimwit?
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Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
WTF? You comparing that stupid birther crap to EVIDENCE from top US Intelligence agencies? You that much of a dimwit?

No, you stupid motherfucker.

The point of the OP was that the hysteria levels match.

You can't get a reasonable evaluation in the public arena because if Trump says hi to Putin, the left starts slinging it's shit across the cage.
Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
WTF? You comparing that stupid birther crap to EVIDENCE from top US Intelligence agencies? You that much of a dimwit?

Holy crap, you've got EVIDENCE?
Let’s just say the OP is true .

Ain’t it karma for Donald , considering he was the main birther guy?

He benefits from it all.

If he is guilty, you can't discern it in all the shit.
Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
WTF? You comparing that stupid birther crap to EVIDENCE from top US Intelligence agencies? You that much of a dimwit?

Holy crap, you've got EVIDENCE?

What they call evidence is something that links an underling of Trumps to Russia PROVING that everybody who voted from Trump was duped or part of a KGB cell.
Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
Well birtherism was founded on a 100 percent false premise. Not only that but it's main pursuer was REWARDED for pushing it. Unsavory it might be but it surely was effective.
Anyway in the Russia Trump connection the problem is that the facts known are in fact highly specific and not fussy at all. It can be in no doubt that Russia tried to influence the election. Mueller has been highly specific in the who, how and when of it. Putin and the US intelligence community has been highly specific as to it's purpose. To favor candidate Trump. Mueller has also been successful in getting several guilty pleas from people in the Trump campaign and administration in regards to contacts with the Russians. We know that Don Jr pursued a meeting with proclaimed Russian government contacts in order to get damaging information on Clinton. We know this because he released the email chain which proved he did. We also know that the president of the United States has been pursuing an agenda that could have been written in the Kremlin. We have seen him question NATO, the EU and the UK in the same week he failed to question Putin although Mueller had put out indictments that were so clear and NOT fussy that no president should have failed to use it as at least a tool to get the high ground on the murderer in the Kremlin.
I understand that it his hard to entertain the idea that POTUS is been compromised. I understand that it becomes even more confusing when there literally is another controversy on an almost daily bases. Controversies usually started by some inane tweet from Trump himself. But information doesn't exist in a vacuum and to quote Sherlock Holmes. " if you rule out the impossible. What is left, however unlikely has to be the truth." I have yet to see any other possible explanation that is less unlikely then the president of the United States has to be a Russian asset.

1. Agreed that birtherism was total bullshit.
2. I was with you until your last statement.
3. There are plenty of other explanations.
4. The weight of each of these so called "issues" can never be properly discovered because each one is akin to the birther bullshit.....resulting in what amounts to hysteria.
I won't go further on point 1 and 2 since we agree, so 3.
3. What other explanation can you give that is more likely? This is an honest question so we can discuss it's merit.
4. None of them are bullshit. Guilty pleas by definition say you did it. Even more if you are willing to say you did it, one has to be concerned and ask, as to what other things you did ,(the only conjecture in this reply) that prompted you to not just say so but also promise cooperation with the prosecutor. An email chain you released yourself is equally undeniable so what prompts you to call it bullshit?
As I always say, amazing how similar the two ends can be.

Give wingers an excuse to lose their shit, and that's what they'll do.
Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
Well birtherism was founded on a 100 percent false premise. Not only that but it's main pursuer was REWARDED for pushing it. Unsavory it might be but it surely was effective.
Anyway in the Russia Trump connection the problem is that the facts known are in fact highly specific and not fussy at all. It can be in no doubt that Russia tried to influence the election. Mueller has been highly specific in the who, how and when of it. Putin and the US intelligence community has been highly specific as to it's purpose. To favor candidate Trump. Mueller has also been successful in getting several guilty pleas from people in the Trump campaign and administration in regards to contacts with the Russians. We know that Don Jr pursued a meeting with proclaimed Russian government contacts in order to get damaging information on Clinton. We know this because he released the email chain which proved he did. We also know that the president of the United States has been pursuing an agenda that could have been written in the Kremlin. We have seen him question NATO, the EU and the UK in the same week he failed to question Putin although Mueller had put out indictments that were so clear and NOT fussy that no president should have failed to use it as at least a tool to get the high ground on the murderer in the Kremlin.
I understand that it his hard to entertain the idea that POTUS is been compromised. I understand that it becomes even more confusing when there literally is another controversy on an almost daily bases. Controversies usually started by some inane tweet from Trump himself. But information doesn't exist in a vacuum and to quote Sherlock Holmes. " if you rule out the impossible. What is left, however unlikely has to be the truth." I have yet to see any other possible explanation that is less unlikely then the president of the United States has to be a Russian asset.

1. Agreed that birtherism was total bullshit.
2. I was with you until your last statement.
3. There are plenty of other explanations.
4. The weight of each of these so called "issues" can never be properly discovered because each one is akin to the birther bullshit.....resulting in what amounts to hysteria.
I won't go further on point 1 and 2 since we agree, so 3.
3. What other explanation can you give that is more likely? This is an honest question so we can discuss it's merit.
4. None of them are bullshit. Guilty pleas by definition say you did it. Even more if you are willing to say you did it, one has to be concerned and ask, as to what other things you did ,(the only conjecture in this reply) that prompted you to not just say so but also promise cooperation with the prosecutor. An email chain you released yourself is equally undeniable so what prompts you to call it bullshit?

First, this isn't license to go looking for crimes.

If there is evidence of a crime, you investigate it. If you can't find anything, you stop.

So far, these underlings have been charged for shit they did. Not Trump.

But back to my first point. What are the specific crimes that have been committed.

Russia taking out fake facebook ads isn't a crime.
Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
WTF? You comparing that stupid birther crap to EVIDENCE from top US Intelligence agencies? You that much of a dimwit?

No, you stupid motherfucker.

The point of the OP was that the hysteria levels match.

You can't get a reasonable evaluation in the public arena because if Trump says hi to Putin, the left starts slinging it's shit across the cage.
Name calling reflects your intelligence ... or emotions that dominate them.
The OP has no good point.
Your motherfucker & otherfucker leader ptefers
Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
WTF? You comparing that stupid birther crap to EVIDENCE from top US Intelligence agencies? You that much of a dimwit?

No, you stupid motherfucker.

The point of the OP was that the hysteria levels match.

You can't get a reasonable evaluation in the public arena because if Trump says hi to Putin, the left starts slinging it's shit across the cage.
Name calling reflects your intelligence ... or emotions that dominate them.
The OP has no good point.
Your motherfucker & otherfucker leader prefers to believe Putin over his own top Intelligence agencies who provided him with lots of evidence?
Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
WTF? You comparing that stupid birther crap to EVIDENCE from top US Intelligence agencies? You that much of a dimwit?

No, you stupid motherfucker.

The point of the OP was that the hysteria levels match.

You can't get a reasonable evaluation in the public arena because if Trump says hi to Putin, the left starts slinging it's shit across the cage.
Name calling reflects your intelligence ... or emotions that dominate them.
The OP has no good point.
Your motherfucker & otherfucker leader ptefers
Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
WTF? You comparing that stupid birther crap to EVIDENCE from top US Intelligence agencies? You that much of a dimwit?

No, you stupid motherfucker.

The point of the OP was that the hysteria levels match.

You can't get a reasonable evaluation in the public arena because if Trump says hi to Putin, the left starts slinging it's shit across the cage.
Name calling reflects your intelligence ... or emotions that dominate them.
The OP has no good point.
Your motherfucker & otherfucker leader prefers to believe Putin over his own top Intelligence agencies who provided him with lots of evidence?

Go cry to someone who gives a shit if you live or die.

The OP wasn't about Russia asshole.

It was about peoples response to so called "issues" the birther bullshit.

Not 'splaining it again.
Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
WTF? You comparing that stupid birther crap to EVIDENCE from top US Intelligence agencies? You that much of a dimwit?

No, you stupid motherfucker.

The point of the OP was that the hysteria levels match.

You can't get a reasonable evaluation in the public arena because if Trump says hi to Putin, the left starts slinging it's shit across the cage.
Name calling reflects your intelligence ... or emotions that dominate them.
The OP has no good point.
Your motherfucker & otherfucker leader ptefers
Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
WTF? You comparing that stupid birther crap to EVIDENCE from top US Intelligence agencies? You that much of a dimwit?

No, you stupid motherfucker.

The point of the OP was that the hysteria levels match.

You can't get a reasonable evaluation in the public arena because if Trump says hi to Putin, the left starts slinging it's shit across the cage.
Name calling reflects your intelligence ... or emotions that dominate them.
The OP has no good point.
Your motherfucker & otherfucker leader prefers to believe Putin over his own top Intelligence agencies who provided him with lots of evidence?

Go cry to someone who gives a shit if you live or die.

The OP wasn't about Russia asshole.

It was about peoples response to so called "issues" the birther bullshit.

Not 'splaining it again.
No need to explain.
It is obvious that you and your kind are confused about relating different issues.
Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
Well birtherism was founded on a 100 percent false premise. Not only that but it's main pursuer was REWARDED for pushing it. Unsavory it might be but it surely was effective.
Anyway in the Russia Trump connection the problem is that the facts known are in fact highly specific and not fussy at all. It can be in no doubt that Russia tried to influence the election. Mueller has been highly specific in the who, how and when of it. Putin and the US intelligence community has been highly specific as to it's purpose. To favor candidate Trump. Mueller has also been successful in getting several guilty pleas from people in the Trump campaign and administration in regards to contacts with the Russians. We know that Don Jr pursued a meeting with proclaimed Russian government contacts in order to get damaging information on Clinton. We know this because he released the email chain which proved he did. We also know that the president of the United States has been pursuing an agenda that could have been written in the Kremlin. We have seen him question NATO, the EU and the UK in the same week he failed to question Putin although Mueller had put out indictments that were so clear and NOT fussy that no president should have failed to use it as at least a tool to get the high ground on the murderer in the Kremlin.
I understand that it his hard to entertain the idea that POTUS is been compromised. I understand that it becomes even more confusing when there literally is another controversy on an almost daily bases. Controversies usually started by some inane tweet from Trump himself. But information doesn't exist in a vacuum and to quote Sherlock Holmes. " if you rule out the impossible. What is left, however unlikely has to be the truth." I have yet to see any other possible explanation that is less unlikely then the president of the United States has to be a Russian asset.

1. Agreed that birtherism was total bullshit.
2. I was with you until your last statement.
3. There are plenty of other explanations.
4. The weight of each of these so called "issues" can never be properly discovered because each one is akin to the birther bullshit.....resulting in what amounts to hysteria.
I won't go further on point 1 and 2 since we agree, so 3.
3. What other explanation can you give that is more likely? This is an honest question so we can discuss it's merit.
4. None of them are bullshit. Guilty pleas by definition say you did it. Even more if you are willing to say you did it, one has to be concerned and ask, as to what other things you did ,(the only conjecture in this reply) that prompted you to not just say so but also promise cooperation with the prosecutor. An email chain you released yourself is equally undeniable so what prompts you to call it bullshit?

First, this isn't license to go looking for crimes.

If there is evidence of a crime, you investigate it. If you can't find anything, you stop.

So far, these underlings have been charged for shit they did. Not Trump.

But back to my first point. What are the specific crimes that have been committed.

Russia taking out fake facebook ads isn't a crime.
Actually your first point was that investigating a connection between the Trump campaign and presidency and Russia equals birtherism. Something that is pretty easily to rebuke considering the FACTS already in the public realm. A suspicion of such a break in the national security of the country actually does warrant going looking for a crime. Actually the justice system is set up in such a way that an investigation always STARTS with a suspicion, (the whole presumed innocent thing).
Oh and trying to make the point that the Russian activity was confined to facebook adds shows an unwillingness to get the relevant information ( unlikely since we are on a political forum) or simple dishonesty.
I have a question though since you are now seemingly eager to derail your own OP. Why aren't you engaging the premise of what I asked?
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Russia Mania Is the Birtherism of the Left | RealClearPolitics

Oh how the world turns.

The birther movement that assailed President Obama represents one of the most unsavory themes of American politics over the last decade. The slurs emanated first from the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008, which smeared then-Sen. Obama as “fundamentally not American.” To his discredit, Donald Trump also took up the cause. Thankfully, he did not mention this issue as a presidential candidate in 2016 until he unequivocally, and properly, put it to rest, fully acknowledging President Obama’s birth citizenship. As a campaign surrogate, I regularly denounced the whole birther theme, both in print and on television.

Now, I forcefully denounce a new birtherism, this time from the left via an entrenched and hysterical fixation on Russia and President Trump. Like the Obama birtherism, there are enough fuzzy facts for totally biased people to convince themselves there is some merit to the fanciful concoction. After all, Trump seems unwilling to vigorously condemn Putin’s misdeeds. Trump also was hesitant to enact harsh sanctions against Russia. Perhaps most importantly, he seemed unduly deferential to Putin in the Helsinki press conference, a criticism I myself levied.


It's so fun to see the hypocrites on the left suck on their loss.
Well birtherism was founded on a 100 percent false premise. Not only that but it's main pursuer was REWARDED for pushing it. Unsavory it might be but it surely was effective.
Anyway in the Russia Trump connection the problem is that the facts known are in fact highly specific and not fussy at all. It can be in no doubt that Russia tried to influence the election. Mueller has been highly specific in the who, how and when of it. Putin and the US intelligence community has been highly specific as to it's purpose. To favor candidate Trump. Mueller has also been successful in getting several guilty pleas from people in the Trump campaign and administration in regards to contacts with the Russians. We know that Don Jr pursued a meeting with proclaimed Russian government contacts in order to get damaging information on Clinton. We know this because he released the email chain which proved he did. We also know that the president of the United States has been pursuing an agenda that could have been written in the Kremlin. We have seen him question NATO, the EU and the UK in the same week he failed to question Putin although Mueller had put out indictments that were so clear and NOT fussy that no president should have failed to use it as at least a tool to get the high ground on the murderer in the Kremlin.
I understand that it his hard to entertain the idea that POTUS is been compromised. I understand that it becomes even more confusing when there literally is another controversy on an almost daily bases. Controversies usually started by some inane tweet from Trump himself. But information doesn't exist in a vacuum and to quote Sherlock Holmes. " if you rule out the impossible. What is left, however unlikely has to be the truth." I have yet to see any other possible explanation that is less unlikely then the president of the United States has to be a Russian asset.

1. Agreed that birtherism was total bullshit.
2. I was with you until your last statement.
3. There are plenty of other explanations.
4. The weight of each of these so called "issues" can never be properly discovered because each one is akin to the birther bullshit.....resulting in what amounts to hysteria.
I won't go further on point 1 and 2 since we agree, so 3.
3. What other explanation can you give that is more likely? This is an honest question so we can discuss it's merit.
4. None of them are bullshit. Guilty pleas by definition say you did it. Even more if you are willing to say you did it, one has to be concerned and ask, as to what other things you did ,(the only conjecture in this reply) that prompted you to not just say so but also promise cooperation with the prosecutor. An email chain you released yourself is equally undeniable so what prompts you to call it bullshit?

First, this isn't license to go looking for crimes.

If there is evidence of a crime, you investigate it. If you can't find anything, you stop.

So far, these underlings have been charged for shit they did. Not Trump.

But back to my first point. What are the specific crimes that have been committed.

Russia taking out fake facebook ads isn't a crime.
Actually your first point was that investigating a connection between the Trump campaign and presidency equals birtherism. Something that is pretty easily to rebuke considering the FACTS already in the public realm. A suspicion of such a break in the national security of the country actually does warrant going looking for a crime. Actually the justice system is set up in such a way that an investigation always STARTS with a suspicion, (the whole presumed innocent thing).
Oh and trying to make the point that the Russian activity was confined to facebook adds shows an unwillingness to get the relevant information ( unlikely since we are on a political forum) or simple dishonesty.
I have a question though since you are no seemingly eager to derail your own OP. Why aren't you engaging the premise of what I asked?

If you read the OP (and the statements are from the link), it analyzes the descent of the left wing mind into total fantasy.

The equality isn't the issue, but the irrational responses to the issues. You can got completely nuts over something that "might" be there. You are still going nuts.

Said FACTS mean what ? An evidence of a crime ? That is what is needed...something that indicates something might have happened.

Start there.

I never recall saying it was "limited".

And just what premise was that ? The one that says "I think you did something let's take it further ?" Be my guest. Once you've proved something was done wrong.

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