Russell Brand Discovers That Trump Was Right...Russian Collusion Was A Democrat Hoax....Hatched By Hillary

Lincoln, Kennedy, Garfield and McKinley were all assassinated. Serious attempts were made on the lives of more than a half dozen other Presidents, which failed. Those include the shootings of Presidents Reagan and Roosevelt, attempted poisoning of President Obama, a car bomb in Kuwait for George H. W. Bush.
The world would have been off if the one on Reagan and the failed "shoe toss" attempt on Junior would have succeeded.

Trump is one of only two good presidents the US has had since Eisenhower. Bush Junior was the worst president the US ever had. Hillary would have been even worse but Trump (thank God) kicked her ass. But this idiot Biden now is definitely trying to be the worst in history.
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When a Hillary campaign lawyer has been indicted for lying to the FBI about Trump colluding with the Russians....only a fool thinks Hillary didn't have anything to do with it.
Hillary was behind Benghazi.
Obama was arming ISIS and al Qaeda in Syria....and that's why Hillary had an illegal server in her avoid detection by the government.
As every day goes by...the Dems get more and more bold in their corruption.
It's not a stretch to assume they staged Jan 6th to prevent Congress from entering evidence of Biden's election fraud into the record.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?

03:17 AM - 19 Jun 2013
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?

03:17 AM - 19 Jun 2013
Why don't you stop with your hyper partisan idiocy ?? Good grief.
The world would have been off if the one on Reagan and the failed "shoe toss" attempt on Junior would have succeeded.

Trump is one of only two good presidents the US has had since Eisenhower. Bush Junior was the worst president the US ever had. Hillary would have been even worse but Trump (thank God) kicked her ass. But this idiot Biden now is definitely trying to be the worst in history.

Trump is a criminal and a ConMan who nearly destroyed the country. He should never been elected president and he should’ve been impeached and tossed out of office the first time.

Your economy is trashed, a pandemic is raging unchecked in the country, your standing throughout the world is the lowest it’s been in my lifetime. No one trusts the USA. People are reluctant to do business with you because someone like Trump could be elected in tear everything up that’s been signed.

It will take many generations to undo the damage and harm done to your country by that criminal clown you were foolish enough to elect.

If you think Trump was a good president you should have your head examined.
It was obvious all along....unless you
believed the mainstream media.
That statement should be "... written on the subway walls and tenement halls ...". Those words are everything (I mean EVERYTHING) anyone needs to know on the subject.
Trump is a criminal and a ConMan who nearly destroyed the country .....
You have no sense of honesty and since the brown stuff is coming out of your mouth - and your ears - I can see no reason to discuss everything you've just written or anything to do with politics at all.
If the FBI wants to prove you lied to them.....they'll prove it no matter what.
Every former Trump associate was charged with a process crime including lying to the FBI.
They wanted every one of them to sign a false statement implicating Trump.
I think the FBI was in on Russian Collusion all along.
They not only helped with Russian Collusion but they also staged the Capital Riot along with the CIA on Jan 6th.
The FBI helped to fund the Steele Dossier. Comey belongs in a jail cell.
When a Hillary campaign lawyer has been indicted for lying to the FBI about Trump colluding with the Russians....only a fool thinks Hillary didn't have anything to do with it. Hillary was behind Benghazi. Obama was arming ISIS and al Qaeda in Syria....and that's why Hillary had an illegal server in her avoid detection by the government.
Probably true.
The beginning of the FBI investigation into Trump began in 2016
In July 2016, the FBI began investigating the Russian government’s attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election, including whether President Donald Trump’s campaign associates were involved in those efforts.

“Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in july 2016 aimed at the US presidential election” between Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, according to a U.S. intelligence community report released Jan. 6, 2017. Russian intelligence services gained access to the computer network of Democratic Party officials and released the hacked material to WikiLeaks and others “to help President-elect Trump’s election chances,” the IC said in its report.


Baker meet the lawyer in September of 2016. So for a few months there was an investigation going on and this was just additional information that might shed light on Trumps Russian connection. These are verifiable facts. The meeting had nothing to do with the start of the Russian investigation. It was just part of an ongoing investigation. The FBI had a job to investigate all leads.
Well some things like the ALFA bank was investigated and nothing found that would result in charges.

others like the Russians who hacked servers were charged but will never be prosecuted for obvious reason. That was a serious crime that the Russians did by hacking political parties computers on both sides. Yet only released what they found concerning Hillary. The Russian are still at it with the recent hacking of government agencies. Which is a problem that needs to be corrected.

How can anyone forget Trumps saying, I hope the Russians find those missing emails. Later that day the Russians hack into DNC computers.

coincidence or quid pro quo

Why did the Putin hate Hillary because she and Obama put sanctions on Russia for there Ukraine invasion and supporting Crimea

So pointing to the Baker story is focusing on one aspect and really ignoring the rest of the story.
The entire Russian Collusion investigation was a trick hatched by the Hillary camp. FBI Director James Comey was in on it from day-one. They started the investigation because of fake news reports provided to the MSM by the Hillary campaign.
Everything they did was based off of fabricated evidence provide by Hillary herself.
They started investigating Trump before he won the nomination calling it "Plan B" and he wasn't told that he was under investigation until after he was president. Plan B was to be hatched if Trump won the election. His campaign staff were lied to about why they were being questioned.....choosing instead to call the interrogation "an official briefing of incoming administration staff".

The whole mess was a hoax and a set-up. The same folks that set up Russian Collusion also set up the Capital Riot on Jan 6th.
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?

03:17 AM - 19 Jun 2013

How dare Trump make a joke.
Now explain to me how this proves Trump stole the 2016 election.
I do not know if they all provided false statements as only a couple were actually charged.

Yet they still have to prove it in a court of law.

IF you believe that the FBI was in on the collusion, and capital riots then that is your believe.
Easy to prove.

They had a mole inside the Proud Boys.....and he said they knew that the group clearly stated that they were to stay in a defensive posture during the protests. They weren't allowed to act aggressive. Advertisements were put out for attendees to not bring any flags, signs, or backpacks. Anyone who showed up was breaking the rules....and most likely planted instigators.
Nobody in the Proud Boys discussed stopping the vote certification.

Clearly if the FBI had a mole in the Proud Boys, and if they discovered that they planned an insurrection....why was security intentionally so weak? Answer: Because most of the effort was going into allowing Trump Supporters to enter the building and then picking fights with them using BLM&ANTIFA riot instigators. Witnesses said that several white vans pulled up and these ANTIFA idiots got out and were escorted to the front by Capital Cops.

Some of the videos I saw looked like a Hollywood movie with crisis actors dressed up in ANTIFA garb and MAGA hats. The Director says action and then they start fighting with cops wearing body-cams....

It was so fake.
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Easy to prove.

They had a mole inside the Proud Boys.....and he said they knew that the group clearly stated that they were to stay in a defensive posture during the protests. They weren't allowed to act aggressive. Advertisements were put out for attendees to not bring any flags, signs, or backpacks. Anyone who showed up was breaking the rules....and most likely planted instigators.
Nobody in the Proud Boys discussed stopping the vote certification.

Clearly if the FBI had a mole in the Proud Boys, and if they discovered that they planned an insurrection....why was security intentionally so weak? Answer: Because most of the effort was going into allowing Trump Supporters to enter the building and then picking fights with them using BLM&ANTIFA riot instigators. Witnesses said that several white vans pulled up and these ANTIFA idiots got out and were escorted to the front by Capital Cops.

Some of the videos I saw looked like a Hollywood movie with crisis actors dressed up in ANTIFA garb and MAGA hats. The Director says action and then they start fighting with cops wearing body-cams....

It was so fake.

okay show me a source where FBI had a plant other than fly by night websites. You seem to be saying the FBI itself had infiltrated the group. Or are you saying one of there own became an informant.

if they were aware then why were 5 proud boy members arrested misbehaving.

So these guys also had pepper spray in a defensive mode as it been reported that some of the police were just letting them in.
okay show me a source where FBI had a plant other than fly by night websites. You seem to be saying the FBI itself had infiltrated the group. Or are you saying one of there own became an informant.

if they were aware then why were 5 proud boy members arrested misbehaving.

So these guys also had pepper spray in a defensive mode as it been reported that some of the police were just letting them in.
The FBI arrested a few people at a peaceful gathering (a week ago) designed to protest all of the people the FBI arrested earlier this year.
Why would they do that?
Well....because the FBI is corrupt.
okay show me a source where FBI had a plant other than fly by night websites.
It's interesting that you do understand the notion of a fly by night website but when some Russian fly by night hacker causes a twitch you claim that it has to be Putin's Russian plan to control or destroy the US.

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