Rush states huma abedin let obama know whenever hilary changed her servers....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
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Yep.....obama knew all about the illegal server.....
How did Rush get this information? That would cook Obama's goose.
Hillary's server was not illegal. Hillary email on that server would have had a distinct address, if this were a concern it should have been mentioned then by those so concerned now. That it wasn't shows it was similar to Colin Powell's email service, also non government. All this demonstrates is that it was accepted behavior. Bush Jr's administrators also used private email and deleted it. That is as it should be. This is just an issue because the right wing in America is brain dead and stupid, they believe anything money power tells them and corporate money controls them.

PS Rush Limbaugh is another draft dodger who supports Germany with his Maybach purchases while his moronic audience pays for it by listening to his BS talk.

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Hillary's server was not illegal. Hillary email on that server would have had a distinct address, if this were a concern it should have been mentioned then by those so concerned now. That it wasn't shows it was similar to Colin Powell's email service, also non government. All this demonstrates is that it was accepted behavior. Bush Jr's administrators also used private email and deleted it. That is as it should be. This is just an issue because the right wing in America is brain dead and stupid, they believe anything money power tells them and corporate money controls them.

You don't think we're buying that canned BS do you?
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