Rush Reports Zimmerman Arrested again

I sometimes wonder if Barack Obama didn't PROMOTE that Kenyan story just to keep folks who were defending him focused on that and off the truly questionable things in his background and history.

And given all the domestic violence in this country and given that George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin were absolutely nobody to anybody except those who knew them personally, why was this such a huge story in the first place? OJ you can understand--he was beloved both as an amazing sports figure and then as a movie star. Everybody knew who he was. But why is George Zimmerman such an internationally known figure and EVERYTHING he does is instant front page news?

Is that orchestrated and planned too? To get more troublesome news bumped into inside pages? To divert the national conversation? These incidents sure seem to keep cropping up just when the press for the present Administration is the worst. I am guessing Barack Obama would figuratively kill to get another George Zimmerman type story going to divert the national attention right now.

I know I for one am sick of hearing about George Zimmerman. I just don't think he is important enough to merit all the attention.

Paranoid, partisan nonsense.

That most on the right don’t understand the issue is part of the problem.

Zimmerman is about the simmering resentment felt by many white conservatives concerning racism they neither see nor practice, but are told exists nonetheless; and as a consequence they refuse to enter into a good faith dialogue with African-Americans with regard to race and how young black men are perceived by white conservatives.

The proof of this can be seen in the right’s effort to demonize Martin and other young black men.

And the right’s bizarre and ignorant obsession with regard to ‘knock out’ on this very forum is further proof, where conservatives seek to contrive the lie that this is somehow ‘representative’ of African-American culture.

Martin should not have put his hands on anyone, and in particular - a man with a gun.

Sorry, but African-American culture needs to take a long look in the mirror.

There is no evidence, beyond the word of the killer, as to who initiated the physical altercation.

That is also the same reason Zimmerman was acquitted.
You are a speculatng nutjob. This has nothing to do with obama. Bottom feeders like you should be ignored.

Well I don't agree with Foxy on this one BUT WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO INSULTING TO THE Lady..........and what he hell is "speculatng" drone

Thanks but I'm pretty used to it by now. :) You'll note what got them all riled up was a string of questions, not definitive statements. There wasn't anything there to disagree with, but some get angry if even the question is asked. I did make a definitive statement that Obama and company would give almost anything to get Obamacare off the front pages right now, and another George Zimmerman type incident would do that. I really do believe that.

I think you under estimate Mr Obama's resolve Foxy......He is always upfront against his detractors(Whom have been insulting him and more his family since before he originally became President........most of it BANAL......No he couldn't give a Toss about Zimmerstein.

He is more inclined to persue a issue like universal health care for all.

I think a lot of Americans have under estimated the man he is.........never known a Country to Whinge,yet are incapable of making any sense of what they spew,.yet alone deliver.
Well I don't agree with Foxy on this one BUT WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO INSULTING TO THE Lady..........and what he hell is "speculatng" drone

Thanks but I'm pretty used to it by now. :) You'll note what got them all riled up was a string of questions, not definitive statements. There wasn't anything there to disagree with, but some get angry if even the question is asked. I did make a definitive statement that Obama and company would give almost anything to get Obamacare off the front pages right now, and another George Zimmerman type incident would do that. I really do believe that.

I think you under estimate Mr Obama's resolve Foxy......He is always upfront against his detractors(Whom have been insulting him and more his family since before he originally became President........most of it BANAL......No he couldn't give a Toss about Zimmerstein.

He is more inclined to persue a issue like universal health care for all.

I think a lot of Americans have under estimated the man he is.........never known a Country to Whinge,yet are incapable of making any sense of what they spew,.yet alone deliver.

I agree he doesn't give a toss about Zimmerman but it was his State Department who was in Florida meddling in that case just the same--there was political capital to be gained. Nor does he appear to give a damn about any of the hundreds of thousands of people that his 'universal healthcare for all' is devastating, costing them their doctors, their insurance policies, their hospitals, and in many cases their jobs. Under estimate him? I definitely do not under estimate him.

But I am plenty politically savvy for reasons I won't go into here. And I know full well the administration is desperate to find an issue that will divert the media attention from Obamacare.

And another Zimmerman/Martin type incident would do that.
Thanks but I'm pretty used to it by now. :) You'll note what got them all riled up was a string of questions, not definitive statements. There wasn't anything there to disagree with, but some get angry if even the question is asked. I did make a definitive statement that Obama and company would give almost anything to get Obamacare off the front pages right now, and another George Zimmerman type incident would do that. I really do believe that.

I think you under estimate Mr Obama's resolve Foxy......He is always upfront against his detractors(Whom have been insulting him and more his family since before he originally became President........most of it BANAL......No he couldn't give a Toss about Zimmerstein.

He is more inclined to persue a issue like universal health care for all.

I think a lot of Americans have under estimated the man he is.........never known a Country to Whinge,yet are incapable of making any sense of what they spew,.yet alone deliver.

I agree he doesn't give a toss about Zimmerman but it was his State Department who was in Florida meddling in that case just the same--there was political capital to be gained. Nor does he appear to give a damn about any of the hundreds of thousands of people that his 'universal healthcare for all' is devastating, costing them their doctors, their insurance policies, their hospitals, and in many cases their jobs. Under estimate him? I definitely do not under estimate him.

But I am plenty politically savvy for reasons I won't go into here. And I know full well the administration is desperate to find an issue that will divert the media attention from Obamacare.

And another Zimmerman/Martin type incident would do that.

Well I can only comment on the facts as I see it and admit there could well be a lot I'm ignorant about but you will relate to me privately I it's a Mexican Stand Off at present. Steve keep me up to speed Lovely:eusa_angel:
There is no evidence, beyond the word of the killer, as to who initiated the physical altercation.

That is also the same reason Zimmerman was acquitted.

That was determined at the trial - that's why they had a trial and didn't use the media to decide his fate.

Are all crimes videotaped? Do they all have witnesses? Zimmerman's story held up.
Are they profiling him for being Hispanic?


The fatass just can't stop being involved with violence of some sort.

Why do you think he's been getting all this attention and been having so many run-ins with the law?

Intentionally or not, you are drawing the wrong conclusions, I'd bet.

I believe the stresses of the guy's life stemming from the night he killed Trayvon have made him this way. And whether the charges are valid or bogus this is just another signpost along the dark road he's on.

That dark road being named 'Libtard Target for Personal Destruction'.

Long street signs in Floriduh.
There is no evidence, beyond the word of the killer, as to who initiated the physical altercation.

That is also the same reason Zimmerman was acquitted.

That was determined at the trial - that's why they had a trial and didn't use the media to decide his fate.

Are all crimes videotaped? Do they all have witnesses? Zimmerman's story held up.

In the libtardmind, it is verdict first, evidence later, that is after the libtard leadership (a bunch of shake down artists and criminals) has given them the verdict to parot to anyone willing to listen, and for the libtard journalists who are a disgrace to the profession.

Once their verdict is rendered, they ignore any contrary evidence or testimony because, like Neo in the Matrix, they think all the rest of us are enemies, supporters of the evil Matrix of the racist white heterosexual male power structure, hence we cannot be listened to or reasoned with, only shouted down, lied to and attacked at every opportunity.
There is no evidence, beyond the word of the killer, as to who initiated the physical altercation.

That is also the same reason Zimmerman was acquitted.

That was determined at the trial - that's why they had a trial and didn't use the media to decide his fate.

Are all crimes videotaped? Do they all have witnesses? Zimmerman's story held up.
So did Casey Anthony's

and OJ.
Paranoid, partisan nonsense.

That most on the right don’t understand the issue is part of the problem.

Zimmerman is about the simmering resentment felt by many white conservatives concerning racism they neither see nor practice, but are told exists nonetheless; and as a consequence they refuse to enter into a good faith dialogue with African-Americans with regard to race and how young black men are perceived by white conservatives.

The proof of this can be seen in the right’s effort to demonize Martin and other young black men.

And the right’s bizarre and ignorant obsession with regard to ‘knock out’ on this very forum is further proof, where conservatives seek to contrive the lie that this is somehow ‘representative’ of African-American culture.

Martin should not have put his hands on anyone, and in particular - a man with a gun.

Sorry, but African-American culture needs to take a long look in the mirror.

There is no evidence, beyond the word of the killer, as to who initiated the physical altercation.

That is also the same reason Zimmerman was acquitted.

There several other eye witnesses of the incident, you ignorant shit.
There is no evidence, beyond the word of the killer, as to who initiated the physical altercation.

That is also the same reason Zimmerman was acquitted.

That was determined at the trial - that's why they had a trial and didn't use the media to decide his fate.

Are all crimes videotaped? Do they all have witnesses? Zimmerman's story held up.
So did Casey Anthony's

and OJ.

there is a difference between oj /casey cases and zimmermans case

they claimed they didnt do it

in zimmerman the defense said he did do it

in fact they said he did it on purpose

that it was no accident

they spent about an hour and a half proving it was not accidental
There is no evidence, beyond the word of the killer, as to who initiated the physical altercation.

That is also the same reason Zimmerman was acquitted.

That was determined at the trial - that's why they had a trial and didn't use the media to decide his fate.

Are all crimes videotaped? Do they all have witnesses? Zimmerman's story held up.

So did that of the white klansmen who lynched Emmett Till....
That dark road being named 'Libtard Target for Personal Destruction'.

Long street signs in Floriduh.

I know about that all too well, brother.

The advantage the left has always had is that they are far too well organized for conservatives.

Conservatives generally don't want to mess with people on a personal level, but primarily want to discuss ideas, while libtards will act like they are discussing things with you all the while knowing like a religious zealot that they are right and you are wrong, spreading the libtard Gospel being the only real consideration. Libtards also believe the ends justify the means so they will betray friends of many years, strip people of their careers and property, and lie incessantly because they think it advances their cause of the day. Conservatives generally avoid such behavior and find it detestable, except fo the neocons are mostly former libtards themselves anyway.

This is why conservatives have lost every social issue since 1940, and why they have not yet rolled back the libtard statist utopia they are building with the purloined wealth and blood of the Middle Class.

Conservatives need to wake up and start a new party with leadership willing to get in the trenches and fucking fight back like the libtards do.
Just saw this.

It's from the neighbor who was the first one on the scene when - literally seconds after Z killed Trayvon.

The one who Z said his very first words to...which was:

"am I bleeding?"

(Just killed a kid, and first words are wondering if you're bleeding...ooookay) This is the same guy who snapped the bloody back of head picture and saw Z walk instantly towards to the T after the killing --

anyway, this dude (a UPS worker) describes how a colleague of his had an encounter with Z before the shooting.

[ame=]Jonathan Manalo interviews with Joy Reid on the Zimmerman shooting - YouTube[/ame]

He said the incident was reported to the supervisor at the time. It's bizarre to me this wasn't brought up at trial.

Manalo: It was about November.

Joy Reid: This is November before the shooting. So, November of 2011.

Manalo: Before the shooting. So we are looking at about three or four months before the actual shooting. He was just—you know: One of the biggest trucks that we have; day light; knocks on the door and says, “Driver release,” so he can just leave it at the door; and he walks back to his truck.

When he turns around, George Zimmerman is just standing there with his gun in his hand; and then just says, “Oh, I didn’t know who it was.”

But, clearly--there is a big, brown truck in front of your house, with a UPS logo on it—and you don’t know who it is.

It kind of makes you wonder what his mind was thinking at that moment.

Joy Reid: And was that incident reported to your supervisor?

Manalo: Yes, it was.
This is the first part of that interview.

[ame=""]Jonathan Manalo sit down with Joy Reid - YouTube[/ame]

Manalo describes lies Z told in the walkthrough. Z never said "help me restrain this guy" - and never spread TM's arms.

"Just tell her I shot someone."
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There is no evidence, beyond the word of the killer, as to who initiated the physical altercation.

That is also the same reason Zimmerman was acquitted.

There several other eye witnesses of the incident, you ignorant shit.

Might I recommend going back and reviewing the police reports, Zimmerman's on stories (written and video taped), and then review the witnesses at trail (all the testimony is available on YouTube).

Faun is correct, there is not one witness to the initial physical altercation - all the witnesses came on scene after the fight had already started.

There is no evidence, beyond the word of the killer, as to who initiated the physical altercation.

That is also the same reason Zimmerman was acquitted.

There several other eye witnesses of the incident, you ignorant shit.

Might I recommend going back and reviewing the police reports, Zimmerman's on stories (written and video taped), and then review the witnesses at trail (all the testimony is available on YouTube).

Faun is correct, there is not one witness to the initial physical altercation - all the witnesses came on scene after the fight had already started.


That doesn't mean that there were no witnesses of the incident. One in particular saw the fight and saw Martin on top of Zimmerman beating him into the ground.

That confirms Zimmerman's story, which is legal justification for use of deadly force.
There several other eye witnesses of the incident, you ignorant shit.

Might I recommend going back and reviewing the police reports, Zimmerman's on stories (written and video taped), and then review the witnesses at trail (all the testimony is available on YouTube).

Faun is correct, there is not one witness to the initial physical altercation - all the witnesses came on scene after the fight had already started.


That doesn't mean that there were no witnesses of the incident. One in particular saw the fight and saw Martin on top of Zimmerman beating him into the ground.

That confirms Zimmerman's story, which is legal justification for use of deadly force.
There were no witnesses other than the killer himself who saw who actually initiated the physical confrontation. That was in response to another poster claiming it was Trayvon who initiated the physical confrontation. That is not known merely because the killer says so. There were no other witnesses to corroborate that.

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