Rush Limbaugh calls for racial segregation

Nobody but a liberoidal assbite would approve of anybody misrepresenting what anybody has said to make an argument.

Why do you ask, Duh? Is there any hope that you think you have the beginnings of an actual thought buried in there somewhere?

And I don't hump legs. Just because libtards like you hump President Obama's ass, you shouldn't project.
Good deal, so you don't approve of Limburger's methods.

Why do I ask? Do get an answer. Isn't that the usual reason for asking a question? Is this really that difficult for you?

I don't suppose you can provide a link to anything that vaguely indicates that I've ever done any ass humping of that damnocrap, Obama, can you?

Come on, give it a try.

Nor could you lin to anything I have done or said that even vaguely qualifies as leg humping, but go ahead and try, dickstain.

And the question, "why do you ask" is largely idomatic. What it means, as my ensuing words would have conveyed to you were you not a moron, was just that the question you asked, itself, is stupid -- unless you had a point in mind. Do you have any point in your pinhead, douchey?

In other words you have no link to back up your accusation regarding me.

I've no need to provide any're already here with more of your redundant insults humping my're not very good at this.

You seem unable to comprehend the simplest of concepts and your substitution of substance with simple minded insults is getting rather boring...I'm not the one starting this shit with you and you're beginning to appear to have an obsession with me...appears you are becoming a real liability as a conservative role model.
I agree with Rush Limbaugh.Black people need to segregate ourselves from White People.

You then do not agree with Rush, since that was not and is not remotely akin to his position, you lying sack of crap.

But we already KNOW you believe in segregation. That's a foundational belief for LOTS of you filthy scumbag racists.

I mean we do it naturally. Both races tend to naturally segregate themselves , when in a public

More 52nd Gutter bullshit.

"We" do no such thing "naturally." It does happen, but it's more a socio-economic thing. Lots of neighborhoods are highly integrated, however, and largely in an harmonious fashion.

Many of us work with, dine with and party with members of "other" races and don't give it a second thought except when some racist assclowns, like you, make it a matter of observation or discussion.

The whole topic of "race" is FAR too important to you maggoty racists.

Like I said we black people need to separate ourselves from whites like you "liability".
given your insane rants and ravings, and use of profanity. Typical white response
when black people discuss matters dealing with black nationalism, and separation from whites.

No. Close minded bigots like you "need" to run away and hide from the truth because the truth scares you. No need to use white people like me to justify your virulent racism. You've already declared who and what you are.

By the way, I am a proud black man.

We all emigrated (anthropologically speaking) from Africa. Your prejudice really is just pigment deep. It's what you racist idiots judge all things by.

When looking at one of EdTheSickDick's lying posts, but editing-out from it all of the dishonest bullshit and the endless obsession with all things Rush, what remains is --


And that is all EdTheLyingSickDick ever has to offer: nothing of any value.
These Crybaby CON$ have no sense of humor. :lol:

They think it quite hilarious while THEY dish out the ridicule, satire and sarcasm, but as soon as they are on the receiving end of the Golden Rule, they whine and squeal like stuck pigs. :rofl:

When looking at one of EdTheSickDick's lying posts, but editing-out from it all of the dishonest bullshit and the endless obsession with all things Rush, what remains is --


And that is all EdTheLyingSickDick ever has to offer: nothing of any value.
These Crybaby CON$ have no sense of humor. :lol:

They think it quite hilarious while THEY dish out the ridicule, satire and sarcasm, but as soon as they are on the receiving end of the Golden Rule, they whine and squeal like stuck pigs. :rofl:

You are now going to pretend that you were attempting to use satire and ridicule and sarcasm? To do what? To vent your spleen some more about your obsession with Rush Limbaugh? :cuckoo:


Good news: You cannot lose any more credibility. It's all gone -- already!
No need to use white people like me....

By the way, I am a proud black man.

You then do not agree with Rush, since that was not and is not remotely akin to his position, you lying sack of crap.

But we already KNOW you believe in segregation. That's a foundational belief for LOTS of you filthy scumbag racists.

More 52nd Gutter bullshit.

"We" do no such thing "naturally." It does happen, but it's more a socio-economic thing. Lots of neighborhoods are highly integrated, however, and largely in an harmonious fashion.

Many of us work with, dine with and party with members of "other" races and don't give it a second thought except when some racist assclowns, like you, make it a matter of observation or discussion.

The whole topic of "race" is FAR too important to you maggoty racists.

Like I said we black people need to separate ourselves from whites like you "liability".
given your insane rants and ravings, and use of profanity. Typical white response
when black people discuss matters dealing with black nationalism, and separation from whites.

No. Close minded bigots like you "need" to run away and hide from the truth because the truth scares you. No need to use white people like me to justify your virulent racism. You've already declared who and what you are.

By the way, I am a proud black man.

We all emigrated (anthropologically speaking) from Africa. Your prejudice really is just pigment deep. It's what you racist idiots judge all things by.

If you are a black man, you must be one of those brainwashed blacks, always looking to
suck up to the white man, and shine his shoes, with no racial dignity or pride.
No need to use white people like me....

By the way, I am a proud black man.

You beat me to it. :lol:

America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering "Butt Boy" similarly stuck his foot in his mouth while discussing his Leno appearance last night, which I'll bet no brainwashed Ditto-Doper caught. When he posts his transcript later today I'll quote it here. Prove me wrong you MessiahRushie warshippers, and beat me to the punch.
Subject: Pigboy quotes

"The world, ladies and gentlemen, is on the brink of destruction. We face daily a threat that could wipe us out. What is that threat? Muslim extremists? Terrorists? International thug cartels? No. No. This is the threat."

The increasingly paranoid delusional Rush Limbaugh screaming out for an intervention by claiming that the president of the United States is a bigger threat to global stability than Muslim terrorists.
If you are a black man, you must be one of those brainwashed blacks, always looking to
suck up to the white man, and shine his shoes, with no racial dignity or pride.

As another Black man (Creole) I'm telling you you are wrong. Because I believe that segregation isn't right I must be brainwashed?!

People like you give white supremest ammo for their rants.

1) Weren't you just saying how you are brainwashed to speak English?

2) Do you plan on going back to Africa with this group of now free black men?
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Subject: Pigboy quotes

"The world, ladies and gentlemen, is on the brink of destruction. We face daily a threat that could wipe us out. What is that threat? Muslim extremists? Terrorists? International thug cartels? No. No. This is the threat."

The increasingly paranoid delusional Rush Limbaugh screaming out for an intervention by claiming that the president of the United States is a bigger threat to global stability than Muslim terrorists.

He is.
I agree with Alli that RushbinLimbaugh is a bigger threat to the U.S. than BHO.
As promised, here is an example of how pathological liars can't ever stop themselves from lying, even when they are telling a joke where the lie is completely unnecessary for the joke.

September 25, 2009
RUSH: So there were other things, there were so many things -- like I wanted to tell the wedding crasher story last last week in Washington, and I asked him, "Would you please bring up what Barney Frank said about me on your show the night before." "Oh, yeah, yeah." He never got to it. I wanted to respond to Barney Frank, as I did on the radio, I wanted to respond on Jay's show. Did you hear what I said on the radio about it?


RUSH: Well, I'll tell you. I don't want to waste time finding the bite but Barney was on the other night with Leno and Leno said, "Okay, yeah, I'll give you three names here that you can have dinner with and you tell me who you choose: Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh." And Barney Frank, (doing Barney impression) "Rush Limbaugh, I want to have dinner with Rush Limbaugh because it would be so painful, but he'd have pain pills, which he has on him all the time." That's what Barney Frank said. So I wanted Jay to remind me of this so I could say, "Jay, I was hoping you wouldn't bring this up, I really wanted to turn the other cheek but then I thought that's probably what Barney would like." But I couldn't lead him there and pull the joke off. He had to bring it up and it just didn't happen. He didn't do it on purpose. There was a lot of stuff that he wanted to bring up that he didn't get to.
“I think the guy’s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America.”
Raw Story » Limbaugh: We need segregated buses

I know it get old, but switch the story around. A Black kid getting beat down by a bunch of white kids. then Jesse Jackson would say something like rush did, with a white republican in office. It woul be a reasonable statment
But Jesse is reasonable compared to Rush is the point. That is just how whacko the road Rush and his followers walk.

Just how long as Rush wanted to segregate black people?

And has the investigation made a determination about Glenn's alleged rape and murder of a girl almost twenty years ago?
But Jesse is reasonable compared to Rush is the point. That is just how whacko the road Rush and his followers walk.

Just how long as Rush wanted to segregate black people?

And has the investigation made a determination about Glenn's alleged rape and murder of a girl almost twenty years ago?

HA! Jesse Jackson reasonable? HAHA. enough said I'm done with this thread
But Jesse is reasonable compared to Rush is the point. That is just how whacko the road Rush and his followers walk.

Just how long as Rush wanted to segregate black people?

And has the investigation made a determination about Glenn's alleged rape and murder of a girl almost twenty years ago?

HA! Jesse Jackson reasonable? HAHA. enough said I'm done with this thread

Jesse reasonable? When compared to Rush? Very reasonable. Yes, you are done and have just been served to the lib'ruls for dinner.
But Jesse is reasonable compared to Rush is the point. That is just how whacko the road Rush and his followers walk.

Just how long as Rush wanted to segregate black people?

And has the investigation made a determination about Glenn's alleged rape and murder of a girl almost twenty years ago?

HA! Jesse Jackson reasonable? HAHA. enough said I'm done with this thread

Jesse reasonable? When compared to Rush? Very reasonable. Yes, you are done and have just been served to the lib'ruls for dinner.

Jesse cries racism when a black kid fails a test even when they had the same chances to study and shit, don't give me that.

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