Rudy Giuliani Has New York Law License Suspended For Election Falsehoods

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Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
It's about time. A person can't go into a court room and lie through their teeth. It's illegal.

A lawyer can't go around the nation spreading lies as a lawyer. Sure they can speak their mind but they can't stand in front of the press as a representative for trump and lie through his teeth.

Which is what rudy has been doing for months.

The NY Bar has had enough and is finally taking steps to hold rudy responsible for the lies he has spread.

We will have to wait to see if they disbar him.

It's about time. A person can't go into a court room and lie through their teeth. It's illegal.

A lawyer can't go around the nation spreading lies as a lawyer. Sure they can speak their mind but they can't stand in front of the press as a representative for trump and lie through his teeth.

Which is what rudy has been doing for months.

The NY Bar has had enough and is finally taking steps to hold rudy responsible for the lies he has spread.

We will have to wait to see if they disbar him.

And another Trump acolyte is destroyed by their relationship with Cheeto Madness.
They are all part of the same cartel who were part of/responsible for the illegal raid on his apartment the other month.

This is no different. It all stems from the same thing.

Even if what they are claiming as the reason for doing it is true, lawyers lie in court all the time.

The fact they are using that as an excuse for doing what they are doing should be the perfect red flag for anyone who isn't brainwashed by Biden's leftist/Democratic cult.
Yet another Guiliani thread?

I think the last three or four got shut down by the mods.
It's about time. A person can't go into a court room and lie through their teeth. It's illegal.

A lawyer can't go around the nation spreading lies as a lawyer. Sure they can speak their mind but they can't stand in front of the press as a representative for trump and lie through his teeth.

Which is what rudy has been doing for months.

The NY Bar has had enough and is finally taking steps to hold rudy responsible for the lies he has spread.

We will have to wait to see if they disbar him.

And another Trump acolyte is destroyed by their relationship with Cheeto Madness.

Yup he threw away his credibility and his law practice.

I wonder if he thinks all those lies for trump were worth what is now happening and may happen soon.
They are all part of the same cartel who were part of/responsible for the illegal raid on his apartment the other month.

This is no different. It all stems from the same thing.

I couldn't get past the lie in the first sentence. I stopped reading. No reason to keep reading lies.

Searching and seizing private property is very legal when the authorities have a warrant to do so.

Which you know there was a warrant so you know your first sentence is a lie.

Just stop lying. It's getting old.
It's about time. A person can't go into a court room and lie through their teeth. It's illegal.

A lawyer can't go around the nation spreading lies as a lawyer. Sure they can speak their mind but they can't stand in front of the press as a representative for trump and lie through his teeth.

Which is what rudy has been doing for months.

The NY Bar has had enough and is finally taking steps to hold rudy responsible for the lies he has spread.

We will have to wait to see if they disbar him.

His son lost his mind over it.

It's about time. A person can't go into a court room and lie through their teeth. It's illegal.

A lawyer can't go around the nation spreading lies as a lawyer. Sure they can speak their mind but they can't stand in front of the press as a representative for trump and lie through his teeth.

Which is what rudy has been doing for months.

The NY Bar has had enough and is finally taking steps to hold rudy responsible for the lies he has spread.

We will have to wait to see if they disbar him.

the problem with your lies of election falsehoods the entire world knows it was a stolen election fag. :auiqs.jpg:
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It's about time. A person can't go into a court room and lie through their teeth. It's illegal.

A lawyer can't go around the nation spreading lies as a lawyer. Sure they can speak their mind but they can't stand in front of the press as a representative for trump and lie through his teeth.

Which is what rudy has been doing for months.

The NY Bar has had enough and is finally taking steps to hold rudy responsible for the lies he has spread.

We will have to wait to see if they disbar him.

Big deal! There are many, many people going to jail when the final election results are revealed. In fact, a lot of them are going to be executed for treason. Change my mind.
It's about time. A person can't go into a court room and lie through their teeth. It's illegal.

A lawyer can't go around the nation spreading lies as a lawyer. Sure they can speak their mind but they can't stand in front of the press as a representative for trump and lie through his teeth.

Which is what rudy has been doing for months.

The NY Bar has had enough and is finally taking steps to hold rudy responsible for the lies he has spread.

We will have to wait to see if they disbar him.

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