Rudy G. May Have Just Won The Va Governor's Race With This Brilliant Video


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"On Tuesday, former New York City mayor and Trump associate Rudy Giuliani posted a video to Twitter of himself attacking Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe — with an Abraham Lincoln filter applied to his face. "Virginia, vote against the man who dishonored our past by selling my bedroom hundreds and hundreds of times to scoundrels in a pay-for-play scheme!" said Giuliani in the clip.

Giuliani is referring to a controversy in the early 1990s in which the White House was accused of renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to campaign contributors. Fact-checkers have debunked the frequently repeated claim by Republicans that McAuliffe was the mastermind of the scheme."

This video may go down as one of the most brilliant pieces of political campaigning in US history and this will definitely be the final piece that puts the GOP nominee over the top in the governor's race. Which is right on time for Youngkin because he needed it....Especially considering the guy had to distance himself from his own rally and not even show up...

Which is no way to treat Trump, who sanctioned the rally and definitely no way to treat Steve Bannon, who was headlining the to remind voters of how evil and corrupt the Clintons were when McAuliffe was working for them is just what you need to win an election -- it will definitely drive voter turnout because obsessing over the Clintons is far more important than improving healthcare, labor protections, etc.
The ad is great, and I suspect that there are a lot of “secret Youngkin voters” who are not showing up in the polls. My fear, of course, is that we will see the same ballot-harvesting that we did in the general election, and even if Youngkin is ahead on Election Night, thousands of “uncounted” mail ballots will surface and the race will flip.
The ad is great, and I suspect that there are a lot of “secret Youngkin voters” who are not showing up in the polls. My fear, of course, is that we will see the same ballot-harvesting that we did in the general election, and even if Youngkin is ahead on Election Night, thousands of “uncounted” mail ballots will surface and the race will flip.
"Secret Youngkin voters"

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"Secret Youngkin voters"

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Are you saying you doubt there are secret Youngkin voters? Where I live, Republicans are demonized, and many of us have learned to keep our mouths shut. Now, instead of liberals calling us racist, they’ve switched to ”domestic terrorist.” Thanks, but I will speak up when it counts: on Election Day, with my vote.

(And I have no idea what the photo of the little girl means - although she is a cutie. I hope she doesn’t go into any transgender bathrooms.)
The ad is great, and I suspect that there are a lot of “secret Youngkin voters” who are not showing up in the polls. My fear, of course, is that we will see the same ballot-harvesting that we did in the general election, and even if Youngkin is ahead on Election Night, thousands of “uncounted” mail ballots will surface and the race will flip.

it is so damn cute how you are already making excuses for him losing.

This is now going to be the norm, before every single election you people will talk about your fear of cheatings so that if your person does not win you can undermine the election system even more.

This might be Trump's one true lasting legacy.
Are you saying you doubt there are secret Youngkin voters? Where I live, Republicans are demonized, and many of us have learned to keep our mouths shut. Now, instead of liberals calling us racist, they’ve switched to ”domestic terrorist.” Thanks, but I will speak up when it counts: on Election Day, with my vote.

(And I have no idea what the photo of the little girl means - although she is a cutie. I hope she doesn’t go into any transgender bathrooms.)
well we assume that's where it counts.

we hope so. but it seems less and less likely that's the case. Good luck. If McCaulif wins it will speak VOLUMES about where our country is headed. And it won't be good.
it is so damn cute how you are already making excuses for him losing.

This is now going to be the norm, before every single election you people will talk about your fear of cheatings so that if your person does not win you can undermine the election system even more.

This might be Trump's one true lasting legacy.
And from now on, if,a,Republican wins, you’re going to make up a conspiracy theory and accuse him of working with the Russians.

Amazing how liberals have the nerve to complain about Republicans considering the four-year lie that made up about Russia.
well we assume that's where it counts.

we hope so. but it seems less and less likely that's the case. Good luck. If McCaulif wins it will speak VOLUMES about where our country is headed. And it won't be good.
Agree. The Marxists will take it as a sign - correctly - that they have brainwashed enough useful idiots into thinking this is a horrible country that they will speed up their efforts to destroy it.
And from now on, if,a,Republican wins, you’re going to make up a conspiracy theory and accuse him of working with the Russians.

Not me, I am on record on this very forum of being against the Mueller investigation, the impeachments and all the rest.

Amazing how liberals have the nerve to complain about Republicans considering the four-year lie that made up about Russia.

Ahhh, the old "they did it first" defense. Typical partisan sheep response.
No, it’s called pointing out the liberal hypocrisy. What they condemn Republicans for doing is what they do themselves.

You are no different. You are doing exactly what you accuse them of doing.

I have said it 1000 times, left wing or right wing, they are all part of the same bird.

You wingers are all the same, matters not which side of the bird you choose to be on
it is so damn cute how you are already making excuses for him losing.

This is now going to be the norm, before every single election you people will talk about your fear of cheatings so that if your person does not win you can undermine the election system even more.

This might be Trump's one true lasting legacy.
But when you kill each other, it is so much predictable. Perhaps you live away from that.
And from now on, if,a,Republican wins, you’re going to make up a conspiracy theory and accuse him of working with the Russians.

Amazing how liberals have the nerve to complain about Republicans considering the four-year lie that made up about Russia.
It was confirmed by both the Mueller Investigation as well as the GOP Senate that Russia interfered in our election on behalf of Trump. Numerous campaign officials met with Russian intel during the campaign.
Who is "you" and who is killing whom? This post makes no sense at all
The whole argument is Progs way of ruling versus Republican ways. Bad things happen all over. It is just the percentages that give us pause while we genuflect to the politicians elected for half centuries and are corrupted beyond anything.

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