Rubio on gay marriage

He's likely Bisexual like Obama. Rubio's just playing the role of 'Conservative Republican.' He's a fraud.
What's incoherent? He might have had a gay friend, likely if he was invited to the wedding. So he showed up instead of making a political statement like most people do. I don't understand why dirt needs to be thrown around, if one disagrees with someone just disagree.
but did he bring a present and kiss the bride? (-:
He got called away to an important meeting before the dance.
He's likely Bisexual like Obama. Rubio's just playing the role of 'Conservative Republican.' He's a fraud.

So instead of being proud of his being bisexual he is hiding it in order to obtain votes for people who would condemn him?

I guess he is no different than Obama. After all, Obama is said to have dabbled in that sort of thing as well. But being the consummate politician that he is, perhaps the most pure politician I've ever seen, he simply is willing to live a lie in order to continue to hold power.

Maybe they are right, Rubio really is the GOP Obama.
He's likely Bisexual like Obama. Rubio's just playing the role of 'Conservative Republican.' He's a fraud.

Many question whether he is a fraud as a conservative for other reasons, such as his legislation he introduced on immigration and then later condemned.

Because of this and these later revelations, I think Rubio is Humpty Dumpty.
Marco Rubio: Being Gay Is Not A Choice

According to Rubio, he does not think that being gay is a choice but also thinks that marriage should remain between a man and a woman. He even attended a gay marriage even though he said that he did not support the decision.

This is interesting in light of recent allegations that the Senator attended bath houses in Miami in his early days. If it's true, then he is either bisexual or currently living al lie. It is also interesting that he would attend a marriage he did not support.

Can anyone figure this incoherent stance out?

Several years ago my sister decided to venture into a freelance line of work of writing, editing, transcripting, and some other related things. I didn't support her decision. I thought it was probably a mistake. Nonetheless, when she published a novel I bought a copy. Because I still support her even if I disagreed with her decision.

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