Rosie - Newt should read a history book

Uh huh. What happened to Hermann?

Oh yeah, that was somehow our fault too, huh?

No matter, he wouldn't have won the nomination anyways.

As if you have a crystal ball? Frankly, what liberals think about conservatism doesn't matter to me.. I'd be happy for you leftists to go your own way.

I don't need a crystal ball. The outcome was obvious.

As for your last sentence: I'd be happy for stupid people to simultaneously implode, but we can't always get what we want, can we?

This is true.. I'm with you on the stupidity of the deranged left.
President Obama

BA, JD... , president of harvard law review, constitutional law professor


Isn't affirmative action wonderful?

Just giving him the titles is just as good as if he actually earned them.

It's kind of like when they gave the Scarecrow a diploma. The Wizard meant it as sarcasm, but Dems think that should be policy.

I would be more impressed with him as editor (not president) of the Harvard Law Review if we could see something he wrote and evaluate it.

What a racist!!!!

the truth is never racist. but it's a word you all just love to throw around.
we see how you Liberals TREAT any black Conservative Republican. so you all don't have any room to be calling others RACIST

What does how the other side treats your candidate have to do with Republicans nominating and voting for blacks? Five in seventy years shows how Republicans feel about voting for people of other races.

omg. black white pink blue. you people are OBSESSED with people's SKIN COLORS.
now being WHITE and voting white is becoming a sin. you all couldn't get any smaller and petty as human beings.

LOL.......Republicans not voting for blacks shows they are colorblind?

Golly gee America....we never even realized we don't vote for blacks
omg, you can't FORCE people to come into a party. why black people are in the Democrat party after they proudly elected a grand wizard of the kkk, is beyond me.
pandering does wonders I guess.
In EIGHTY years? Three Republicans?

You think it might have to do with the fact republicans have a poor history of electing black republicans to power.

Naw. Can't be that.

"can't force people to a party" - Gawd. Do you folks even hear yourselves?

take a breath dear. we know you all are proud of owning black people. you have to list them for all to see.

And even more racism!!!!
Excuse me.. Any black candidate that states he's a conservative is automatically labeled by the "LEFT ENLIGHTENED PC CROWD" as an Uncle Tom and is immediately destroyed. Don't even try it. No one buys in to your crap Right.

yep, and they accuse them of abandoning (THEIR people)

You two are wrong and should learn to only speak for yourselves.

why should we when we get accusations like this that was posted above.
expecting racist conservatives to vote for you.
What does Barack Obama have to do with Rosie's really naive statements?
Conservatives don't walk around looking for a color coded book on how or what to think about a person based upon their race. We believe in INDIVIDUALITY, not collectivism. Liberalism is the wart on the ass of society and American's have come to realize in LARGE numbers that liberalism is failure at the government level. Say goodbye.. your voices are merely a nuisance now, nothing more.

Sure they do.

If that is the case, why is it that the Republican Party has only elected six blacks to major offices in the last 50 years? Their record of nominating and electing black republicans is abysmal. Sure, race doesn't matter to Conservatives.......but they will be damned if they will vote for one

You mean other than the United States Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, or Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff Colin Powell, just to name a few right off the top in recent history?

How many minorities did Democrats have holding political positions in comparison, or is this a one sided argument?

And they had Rice and Powell lie for the Master.
What does how the other side treats your candidate have to do with Republicans nominating and voting for blacks? Five in seventy years shows how Republicans feel about voting for people of other races.

omg. black white pink blue. you people are OBSESSED with people's SKIN COLORS.
now being WHITE and voting white is becoming a sin. you all couldn't get any smaller and petty as human beings.

LOL.......Republicans not voting for blacks shows they are colorblind?

Golly gee America....we never even realized we don't vote for blacks

What don't you get about we don't care??? Why is color so important to you?? If you liberals want to stay race obsessed, be our guests.. we don't give a shit..
Isn't affirmative action wonderful?

Just giving him the titles is just as good as if he actually earned them.

It's kind of like when they gave the Scarecrow a diploma. The Wizard meant it as sarcasm, but Dems think that should be policy.

I would be more impressed with him as editor (not president) of the Harvard Law Review if we could see something he wrote and evaluate it.

What a racist!!!!

the truth is never racist. but it's a word you all just love to throw around.

When I see racism, I call it.
omg, you can't FORCE people to come into a party. why black people are in the Democrat party after they proudly elected a grand wizard of the kkk, is beyond me.
pandering does wonders I guess.
In EIGHTY years? Three Republicans?

You think it might have to do with the fact republicans have a poor history of electing black republicans to power.

Naw. Can't be that.

"can't force people to a party" - Gawd. Do you folks even hear yourselves?

take a breath dear. we know you all are proud of owning black people. you have to list them for all to see.

It's a shame that certain people feel they have to elect someone based upon color of their skin over the person's qualifications and past experience. I'd rather an individual earn his position through his merits and character, over just a simple "opportunity" to make political history. One produces a strong leader that has the ability and resources to bring a country together while encouraging it's citizens to move foward towards a common goal . . . . . the other creates national uncertainty with a lack of any true leadership guidance, under the burden of "playing politics" to divide a nation as a means to achieving its goals, OVER the hope coming together to reach towards a brighter future. One encourages and touts a country's individual greatness and ability to achieve, the other focuses only on blame and discouragement as a political weapon to obtain their ideological goals.
In EIGHTY years? Three Republicans?

You think it might have to do with the fact republicans have a poor history of electing black republicans to power.

Naw. Can't be that.

"can't force people to a party" - Gawd. Do you folks even hear yourselves?

take a breath dear. we know you all are proud of owning black people. you have to list them for all to see.

It's a shame that certain people feel they have to elect someone based upon color of their skin over the person's qualifications and past experience. I'd rather an individual earn his position through his merits and character, over just a simple "opportunity" to make political history. One produces a strong leader that has the ability and resources to bring a country together while encouraging it's citizens to move foward towards a common goal . . . . . the other creates national uncertainty with a lack of any true leadership guidance, under the burden of "playing politics" to divide a nation as a means to achieving its goals, OVER the hope coming together to reach towards a brighter future. One encourages and touts a country's individual greatness and ability to achieve, the other focuses only on blame and discouragement as a political weapon to obtain their ideological goals.

It is about NOT voting for skin color. The right votes white.
take a breath dear. we know you all are proud of owning black people. you have to list them for all to see.

It's a shame that certain people feel they have to elect someone based upon color of their skin over the person's qualifications and past experience. I'd rather an individual earn his position through his merits and character, over just a simple "opportunity" to make political history. One produces a strong leader that has the ability and resources to bring a country together while encouraging it's citizens to move foward towards a common goal . . . . . the other creates national uncertainty with a lack of any true leadership guidance, under the burden of "playing politics" to divide a nation as a means to achieving its goals, OVER the hope coming together to reach towards a brighter future. One encourages and touts a country's individual greatness and ability to achieve, the other focuses only on blame and discouragement as a political weapon to obtain their ideological goals.

It is about NOT voting for skin color. The right votes white.

It's not about skin color for the left unless you be a black Republican then youse ain't black nuff..
take a breath dear. we know you all are proud of owning black people. you have to list them for all to see.

It's a shame that certain people feel they have to elect someone based upon color of their skin over the person's qualifications and past experience. I'd rather an individual earn his position through his merits and character, over just a simple "opportunity" to make political history. One produces a strong leader that has the ability and resources to bring a country together while encouraging it's citizens to move foward towards a common goal . . . . . the other creates national uncertainty with a lack of any true leadership guidance, under the burden of "playing politics" to divide a nation as a means to achieving its goals, OVER the hope coming together to reach towards a brighter future. One encourages and touts a country's individual greatness and ability to achieve, the other focuses only on blame and discouragement as a political weapon to obtain their ideological goals.

It is about NOT voting for skin color. The right votes white.

and the left votes for idiots and skin color no matter if they are up for the job or not, so what?
It's a shame that certain people feel they have to elect someone based upon color of their skin over the person's qualifications and past experience. I'd rather an individual earn his position through his merits and character, over just a simple "opportunity" to make political history. One produces a strong leader that has the ability and resources to bring a country together while encouraging it's citizens to move foward towards a common goal . . . . . the other creates national uncertainty with a lack of any true leadership guidance, under the burden of "playing politics" to divide a nation as a means to achieving its goals, OVER the hope coming together to reach towards a brighter future. One encourages and touts a country's individual greatness and ability to achieve, the other focuses only on blame and discouragement as a political weapon to obtain their ideological goals.

It is about NOT voting for skin color. The right votes white.

It's not about skin color for the left unless you be a black Republican then youse ain't black nuff..
You're blaming the historical electoral preferences of republicans on the left?
take a breath dear. we know you all are proud of owning black people. you have to list them for all to see.

It's a shame that certain people feel they have to elect someone based upon color of their skin over the person's qualifications and past experience. I'd rather an individual earn his position through his merits and character, over just a simple "opportunity" to make political history. One produces a strong leader that has the ability and resources to bring a country together while encouraging it's citizens to move foward towards a common goal . . . . . the other creates national uncertainty with a lack of any true leadership guidance, under the burden of "playing politics" to divide a nation as a means to achieving its goals, OVER the hope coming together to reach towards a brighter future. One encourages and touts a country's individual greatness and ability to achieve, the other focuses only on blame and discouragement as a political weapon to obtain their ideological goals.

It is about NOT voting for skin color. The right votes white.

Actually, the right votes according to idealogy. The left votes according to race.
In EIGHTY years? Three Republicans?

You think it might have to do with the fact republicans have a poor history of electing black republicans to power.

Naw. Can't be that.

"can't force people to a party" - Gawd. Do you folks even hear yourselves?

take a breath dear. we know you all are proud of owning black people. you have to list them for all to see.

It's a shame that certain people feel they have to elect someone based upon color of their skin over the person's qualifications and past experience. I'd rather an individual earn his position through his merits and character, over just a simple "opportunity" to make political history. One produces a strong leader that has the ability and resources to bring a country together while encouraging it's citizens to move foward towards a common goal . . . . . the other creates national uncertainty with a lack of any true leadership guidance, under the burden of "playing politics" to divide a nation as a means to achieving its goals, OVER the hope coming together to reach towards a brighter future. One encourages and touts a country's individual greatness and ability to achieve, the other focuses only on blame and discouragement as a political weapon to obtain their ideological goals.

That is an excellent point..

And if you checked, I'm sure EVERY one of those thousands of whites they elected had more merit and character than any available black candidate

That's what being colorblind means
So much little time!

First there is this.

Rosie O'Donnell: Newt Gingrich 'Should Read a History Book' |

I kid you not. This has got to be the funniest thing I've seen today.
LMAOff...let's see. This is the same Rosie who famously quoted, "EVERYone knows that fire can't melt steel!" in one of her 9/11 conspiracy rants....right?

Yep...she possesses all the intellectual fire power of a typical liberal "useful idiot!"

Then there is this little gem.
President Obama

BA, JD... , president of harvard law review, constitutional law professor

LMAOff! As far as a "constitutional law professor" goes, let's see. How many constitutional law professors...beside that you think don't understand that if you leave "Endowed by their Creator" out of the Declaration that you DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHTS...just privileges granted by man? The divinity in that single phrase is the ONLY thing that keeps man from taking your rights and yet this so-called constitutional law expert doesn't understand that?

OR...doesn't know that there are NOT 58 states for that matter!? Yeah...guys a freakin' genius!

Oh, and then there is THIS little bit of insightful BS.
The Award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama was a no brainer. It will go down in history as one of the most significant Peace Prizes ever awarded

Barack Hussein Obama was born to a white mother and black father at a time when his father would have been lynched in much of the United States for marrying a white woman. From this humble beginning he rose to be President of the most powerful nation on earth

The Nobel committee has long recognized accomplishments in racial harmony as the furtherment of peace. Previous prizes to Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu were examples

The election of a black man in historically racist America is a significant accomplishment.
Your right. It WILL, "...go down in history as one of the most significant Peace Prizes ever awarded" but NOT for the reason you believe. It will become a symbol that illuminates perfectly, the progressive agenda driven motives of the Nobel committee that violates every principle Alfred Nobel stood for and quickly making the Nobel Peace prize irrelevant.

Nobel was a scientist...a conservative scientist I might add...and the Nobel Foundation was established to honor people who had ACHIEVED to better mankind...NOT an ideology!

The only thing this president will go down as achieving is as the most divisive figure in the history American politics. He and his minions have taken class warfare and the fulminating of POINTLESS civil decent to a level not seen since the 1860's. A WONDERFUL legacy...don't ya think?

" a time when his father would have been lynched in much of the United States for marrying a white woman..." WHERE in the HELL do you live...OR do you just read the same books as Rosie!?

MOST of the US...really? Dude...YOU need to get a GRIP!

Twice as many people were struck dead by lightning in any given year in this country than were "lynch" because of their race. A little historical perspective MIGHT be in order!

"Previous prizes to Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu were examples" You are putting Obama in the same sentence with those men...REALly!?

Let's see, how many times was Obama jailed for his beliefs? How much time did he spend on the dirt floor of a prison cell? How many times did HE stand as a LONE VOICE in the wilderness? How many bullets whizzed by his head? How many times was he SHOT DEAD before he got the Nobel???

SHUT UP with that crap. It's ridiculous!

His whole career as a "community organizer" was laid out at the feet of Bill Ayers and the remnants of the Weather Underground. His Professorship was a GIFT as a favor to Valerie Jarrett's family as a favor to Michelle. His ONLY accomplishment as a State Representative in Illinois was to vote "present" more than any other legislation in the body. And, his only claim to fame as a Representative in the US House of Representatives was a CLAIM that he "would have" voted against the Iraq War "IF" he'd be there at the time and to CONSISTENTLY vote AGAINST the troops he NOW commands.


"The election of a black man in historically racist America is a significant accomplishment." Again...where in the HELL do you get this crap? Why do you suppose America is called the "melting pot" by the rest of the world? WHY do you suppose MILLIONS of people of different races from all around the world have HISTORICALLY come to this country every year? Do you suppose it was and is because they believe they will be MORE oppressed than the country they left?

Are there racist in this country? HELL yes! Is or WAS this country any more racist than any other country in the world? HELL NO!

The FIRST slave owner in this country was a free BLACK MAN!!!

Again, a little historical perspective please. The Constitution of this country was designed so that racism could NOT be institutionalize into the government...UNLESS "We the People" decided it should be so. 99.9% of every other country on this planets governments HAVE racism and/or bigotry institutionalized into it in some shape form or fashion.

Some folks really do need to study history before they start popping off, but Newt AIN'T one of 'um! ;~)
take a breath dear. we know you all are proud of owning black people. you have to list them for all to see.

It's a shame that certain people feel they have to elect someone based upon color of their skin over the person's qualifications and past experience. I'd rather an individual earn his position through his merits and character, over just a simple "opportunity" to make political history. One produces a strong leader that has the ability and resources to bring a country together while encouraging it's citizens to move foward towards a common goal . . . . . the other creates national uncertainty with a lack of any true leadership guidance, under the burden of "playing politics" to divide a nation as a means to achieving its goals, OVER the hope coming together to reach towards a brighter future. One encourages and touts a country's individual greatness and ability to achieve, the other focuses only on blame and discouragement as a political weapon to obtain their ideological goals.

That is an excellent point..

And if you checked, I'm sure EVERY one of those thousands of whites they elected had more merit and character than any available black candidate

That's what being colorblind means

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