Ron Johnson: President Biden 'Almost Certainly Is Compromised' By Hunter's Dealings With China


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Johnson asserts the mainstream media covering up the truth behind the existence of Hunter Biden's laptop is "the biggest political trick in U.S. history."

Johnson asserts the mainstream media covering up the truth behind the existence of Hunter Biden's laptop is "the biggest political trick in U.S. history."

Too bad that since about 2017 johnson has been taken over by maga stupidity.

WI will change that this coming November.
Johnson asserts the mainstream media covering up the truth behind the existence of Hunter Biden's laptop is "the biggest political trick in U.S. history."

Ron Johnson is the last person that would be considered a credible source. The supposed laptop story is ridiculous. This fake story about Hunter Biden and bioweapons labs clearly strengthens the case that this is a Russian sting.
Where oh where is this mythical beast!?
The FBI is most likely in the process of losing it right now Or at least finding some way to screw up the chain of custody.


WikiLeaks is at it again. And, as per usual, their leaks seem only to spell bad news for the DNC and the left. In the newest batch, we find that the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton was even worse than we thought. Isn’t that something! The corrupt, obviously biased miscarriage of justice that was the Hillary Clinton investigation was actually worse than what you know up to this point. That is no small statement.

Here’s what we learned. When the probe began, the FBI confiscated Hillary’s email server. This is the infamous server that was kept in her home, and it was the device that housed, sent and received virtually every email of her career as Secretary of State. Considering that, it was a pretty crucial piece of evidence.

It was in storage for just shy of two months before investigators were ready to comb through it and see what there was to find. This in itself is not entirely unusual. Investigators face red tape all the time, and that’s exactly why the FBI uses a chain of custody to keep track of things that have to sit in storage for a while.

This is where we get to the problem. When investigators took the server out of storage, they found that it had no chain of custody. What does that really mean? For two months, the FBI was unaware of the server’s existence. Now, this does not prove that anyone tampered with the server before it was investigated, but it does prove that anyone could have messed with it and the FBI would be unaware.

For perspective, if the same thing happened with a drug sample or a murder weapon, people would be fired. Then, they would be prosecuted for obstruction of justice. Losing a chain of custody is a big deal, and in this case, it’s a catastrophe. If nothing else, it shows exactly how tens of thousands of emails were able to disappear right under the nose of the FBI.

And, above all else, this case was too high profile for such a problem to be an honest mistake. The chain of custody was missing for a reason, and it is another strong piece of evidence that shows complete corruption within the FBI and the Clinton investigation.

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