Ron Johnson may be onto something with Trump supporters avoiding vaccinations.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
“The science tells us that vaccines are 95 percent effective, so if you have a vaccine, quite honestly, what do you care if your neighbor has one or not?” Johnson said during an appearance on “The Vicki McKenna Show.” He also asked “what’s the point” of striving to get “everybody” the COVID-19 shot.
Ron Johnson questions 'big push' to vaccinate 'everybody' | TheHill

Now of course every idiot knows that 95% effectiveness really doesn't prevent things like PREGNANCY. So, some will still get sick UNLESS we do herd immunity, which means even the Trumptards would need to get the shots (sort of the point btw LOL)

But might there not be some positives to Trump supporters getting covid, esp if there are more deadly mutations?
I love it when Ron Johnson opines about something, he is in the running for the Dumbest United States Senator award, but his party has many challengers, especially the up and coming Tommy Tuberville.
I love it when Ron Johnson opines about something, he is in the running for the Dumbest United States Senator award, but his party has many challengers, especially the up and coming Tommy Tuberville.

Well, who can blame QAnon Ron? The Republican party has devolved into a kooky unreality of conspiracy theories, white grievances, authoritarianism, and cult of personality. He's just representin'!
“The science tells us that vaccines are 95 percent effective, so if you have a vaccine, quite honestly, what do you care if your neighbor has one or not?” Johnson said during an appearance on “The Vicki McKenna Show.” He also asked “what’s the point” of striving to get “everybody” the COVID-19 shot.
Ron Johnson questions 'big push' to vaccinate 'everybody' | TheHill

Now of course every idiot knows that 95% effectiveness really doesn't prevent things like PREGNANCY. So, some will still get sick UNLESS we do herd immunity, which means even the Trumptards would need to get the shots (sort of the point btw LOL)

But might there not be some positives to Trump supporters getting covid, esp if there are more deadly mutations?
How nice of you to wish death upon people with different political views than yours.
If people would just mind their own business things would be much better. Live and let live. If you want a shot, get a shot. If not, don't. No biggie.
“The science tells us that vaccines are 95 percent effective, so if you have a vaccine, quite honestly, what do you care if your neighbor has one or not?” Johnson said during an appearance on “The Vicki McKenna Show.” He also asked “what’s the point” of striving to get “everybody” the COVID-19 shot.
Ron Johnson questions 'big push' to vaccinate 'everybody' | TheHill

Now of course every idiot knows that 95% effectiveness really doesn't prevent things like PREGNANCY. So, some will still get sick UNLESS we do herd immunity, which means even the Trumptards would need to get the shots (sort of the point btw LOL)

But might there not be some positives to Trump supporters getting covid, esp if there are more deadly mutations?

There's another way to gain immunity from viral diseases, but I'm sure you've never heard of it.
“The science tells us that vaccines are 95 percent effective, so if you have a vaccine, quite honestly, what do you care if your neighbor has one or not?” Johnson said during an appearance on “The Vicki McKenna Show.” He also asked “what’s the point” of striving to get “everybody” the COVID-19 shot.
Ron Johnson questions 'big push' to vaccinate 'everybody' | TheHill

Now of course every idiot knows that 95% effectiveness really doesn't prevent things like PREGNANCY. So, some will still get sick UNLESS we do herd immunity, which means even the Trumptards would need to get the shots (sort of the point btw LOL)

But might there not be some positives to Trump supporters getting covid, esp if there are more deadly mutations?

There's another way to gain immunity from viral diseases, but I'm sure you've never heard of it.
Absolulely, The more Trump supporters who die while others achieve immunity is a postive, imo.
might there not be some positives to Trump supporters getting covid, esp if there are more deadly mutations?

None that any healthy, normal mind could think of. Kinda leaves you out.
Oh, natl selection thinning the US pop of Trump supporters makes lots of sense.

Except that Trump Supporters are survivors. We're not the ones worried about a splinter of every little squeak in the floor.
Yep I just saw this. RoJo the Clown is at it again, saying ill-informed and ofttimes utterly stupid shit.
Well RoJo, I’d be all for idiots not getting vaccinated and dying ..
We’re it not for the fact that your minions will be a Petri dish for variants that could make those smart enough to be vaxed sick again.
The Big Top beckons RoJo. Go make a few children cry. :rolleyes:

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