Romney in 2016


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
If the GOP is to win the White House in 2016, it must make the election a referendum on Obama. The only candidate who can do that is Romney. Otherwise, Hillary will be elected as our First Female President. Sound familiar? :eusa_hand:
Romney lost against BHO, he won't win a referendum.

It is possible that he may run, not probable.
Recent polls say 56% would vote for Romney if they had a chance to change their 2012 votes.
If the GOP is to win the White House in 2016, it must make the election a referendum on Obama. The only candidate who can do that is Romney. Otherwise, Hillary will be elected as our First Female President. Sound familiar? :eusa_hand:

The only candidate who can do that is Romney.

the "only" ? - that is what Romney did (make the election a referendum on Obama) in 2012 and lost ...

by Nov 2016 Obama will be all but forgotten, the Rs had better come up with a better game plan than that.

If the GOP is to win the White House in 2016, it must make the election a referendum on Obama. The only candidate who can do that is Romney. Otherwise, Hillary will be elected as our First Female President. Sound familiar? :eusa_hand:

The only candidate who can do that is Romney.

the "only" ? - that is what Romney did (make the election a referendum on Obama) in 2012 and lost ...

by Nov 2016 Obama will be all but forgotten, the Rs had better come up with a better game plan than that.


Mitt Romney: I Might Run for President in 2016 [VIDEO]

Over the past several months, former MA governor and 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has been making waves as he has gone after Obama and his disastrous administration.

He has hit the President’s failed leadership on the world stage, the unmitigated mess that is Obamacare, and his failure to stand up to Putin and assert American strength in the Middle East and eastern Europe.

He’s been so outspoken recently that it has caused quite a bit of speculation on whether Romney will run yet again for the Republican nomination for President. We’re seeing recent reports that he may intend to do just that.

Via The Washington Post:

Mitt Romney has said time and time again that he has no interest in running for president a third time.

But, on Sunday morning, CBS’ Bob Schieffer said not to write off the idea of a 2016 campaign by Romney so quickly.

“I have a source that told me that if Jeb Bush decides not to run, that Mitt Romney may actually try it again,” Schieffer said.

Mitt Romney did a fantastic job against Obama in 2012 – there’s no doubt he’d be a formidable candidate against Hillary in 2016. He’s smart, principled, and a genuinely good person. Had the media not been actively campaigning for Obama throughout the entire election, Mitt Romney might be President right now. In fact, Obama’s second term has been such a disaster thus far that recent polling shows that if the election were held today, Romney would win.

Please share this article on Facebook and Twitter if you’d like to see Mitt Romney run for President again.

Mitt Romney: I Might Run for President in 2016 [VIDEO]

GOP Rep. Believes Mitt Romney Will Run in 2016 and Win

Published on Jul 7, 2014

Remember Mitt Romney? He ran for president in 2012 and there's a "Draft Mitt" movement to get him to try again in two years, in spite of Romney's response earlier this year to the big 2016 question being the word "no" repeated eleven times. But one Republican believes Romney will, in fact, attempt a run again and he'll win.

Congressman Jason Chaffetz was on with Chris Matthews tonight, and the subject of Romney's 2016 aspirations came up. Matthews wondered if Romney looks at all these polls showing people like him more in retrospect and rethinks trying a third time to run for president.

Chaffetz said Romney is definitely considering it, saying, "I happen to be in the camp that thinks he's actually going to run and I think he will be the next President of the United States."

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That would make 3 presidential elections in a row that Romney has tried for.....i guess third time's a charm!!

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