Romney has money parked in the Cayman Islands???

His daddy was wealthy. He inherited some dough.

On his own he earned a lot of dough.

He has invested quite a lot of his wealth.

Is he (a) supposed to know exactly what each investment firm does with each insignificant or each significant portion of his investments? or (b) supposed to care all that much if some of his money gets invested in a place like the Cayman Islands?

How and why should that be an "oh nozies" moment?

I am not a Mitt fan, but I see lots of good reasons to limit the criticism to the politics the guy has, and not waste a freakin' second on this kind of tripe.
Especially when it comes to personal wealth.

No one else's business. But for those wringing thier hands and wanting that wealth for themselves?

Get a job and work hard...for that could be you too. Mind your own fucking business...and get to work.

Are you really trying to make the point that it is no ones business if a potential POTUS is a tax cheat? Seriously?
Seems so, but most voters won't be so "understanding".
I think I may for the first time bow out of my own thread. I did not mean this as an indictment of Romney but merely an attempt to expose what could be a serious perception problem in the general election. Many here have corrected me that sheltering money offshore is not illegal. Fine. You're okay with it. I'm not, and I suspect most of middle America is not either. We can all sit here and play our silly partisan games day in and day out. It's a fun way to pass the time on occasion. But their comes a time when the ultimate goal should out weigh our personal wishes and this is one of those occasions. Do I wish I could hide my money? Hell yea. Do I think in this hyper class warfare that Obama has waged that this will fly with everyday people? Nope.

I want to win the whitehouse. I don't want to lose because our nominee is perceived as a "lawful cheat"

Add on top of this that Romney didn't want to release his tax returns and you got an issue that won't go away. We can scream all day that its legal but it he can't fully explain it, it won't fucking matter. We need to win. I'll take Newts damn infidelity issues over this type of issue anyday. We need to win. In order to do that we have to look beyond just what we think.

Or have you all forgotten what damage was done to Kerry based on finances or McCain based on his perceived lack of financial knowledge?

Like it or not this issue will have wings if for no other reason than the media. IT MUST BE ADDRESSED.

What you fail to grasp is the real issue here is the fight over whether making a lot of money, and working at a Venture Capital Company is evil or not.

If The American Public in general thinks that is evil, then Capitalism clearly is dead in this country, and I could give a fuck less who wins the Election because it does not matter.

I mean for gods sake, Bain and Companies like it, are the very ones who take the risks, and provide the Capital to Start ups, that would never get a bank loan, and never get off the ground with out venture Capitalist to take a risk on them.

It's the very life blood of our Economy, and Capitalism and it seems Americans think it is evil to it's core. How Can Capitalism continue when the General Public is so misinformed that they think Venture Capitalists are nothing but greedy fucks, and that you can regularly make money by buying companies and tearing them apart. Anyone who has ever been in Business knows that is not how you make money. You make money in Bain's Case by Buying small, sometimes struggling Companies, and making them Leaner, and Profitable and eventually Grow.

Americans simply do not get it anymore, At least to many of them don't, Socialism is inevitable. I think it was Lenin that said Democracy will eventually lead to Socialism, Because people will always vote yes to take money from others to give to themselves or those the deem Needy. People will always vote there way right out of Capitalism, and by Default eventually into a Authoritarian Socialism State.

Guess the asshole was right.

I don't think the Bain issue has legs. I do however believe this may.

Imagine for a second a commercial about Romney stating he may not release his taxes (using his own words) then in the same 30 second spot the reveal that he has offshore sheltered accounts.

You don't see a problem for middle of the road Americans with this? Even if its just perception?
He's already said he'll release his tax returns, so no, I don't see this as an issue. He's rich. We already knew that. If the Democrats think they can win by attacking success, have at it.........
Although it is not apparent on his financial disclosure form, Mitt Romney has millions of dollars of his personal wealth in investment funds set up in the Cayman Islands, a notorious Caribbean tax haven.

A spokesperson for the Romney campaign says Romney follows all tax laws and he would pay the same in taxes regardless of where the funds are based.

As the race for the Republican nomination heats up, Mitt Romney is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain a shroud of secrecy around the details about his vast personal wealth, including, as ABC News has discovered, his investment in funds located offshore and his ability to pay a lower tax rate.

"His personal finances are a poster child of what's wrong with the American tax system," said Jack Blum, a Washington lawyer who is an authority on tax enforcement and offshore banking.

On Tuesday, Romney disclosed that he has been paying a far lower percentage in taxes than most Americans, around 15 percent of his annual earnings. It has been Romney's Republican rivals who have driven the tax issue onto center stage. For weeks, Romney has cited a desire for privacy as his reason for not sharing his tax returns -- a gesture of transparency that is now expected from presidential contenders.

Romney Parks Millions in Cayman Islands - ABC News

Much like Romney needs to do, I beat you to it.


Chris just made my point for me.
What you fail to grasp is the real issue here is the fight over whether making a lot of money, and working at a Venture Capital Company is evil or not.

If The American Public in general thinks that is evil, then Capitalism clearly is dead in this country, and I could give a fuck less who wins the Election because it does not matter.

I mean for gods sake, Bain and Companies like it, are the very ones who take the risks, and provide the Capital to Start ups, that would never get a bank loan, and never get off the ground with out venture Capitalist to take a risk on them.

It's the very life blood of our Economy, and Capitalism and it seems Americans think it is evil to it's core. How Can Capitalism continue when the General Public is so misinformed that they think Venture Capitalists are nothing but greedy fucks, and that you can regularly make money by buying companies and tearing them apart. Anyone who has ever been in Business knows that is not how you make money. You make money in Bain's Case by Buying small, sometimes struggling Companies, and making them Leaner, and Profitable and eventually Grow.

Americans simply do not get it anymore, At least to many of them don't, Socialism is inevitable. I think it was Lenin that said Democracy will eventually lead to Socialism, Because people will always vote yes to take money from others to give to themselves or those the deem Needy. People will always vote there way right out of Capitalism, and by Default eventually into a Authoritarian Socialism State.

Guess the asshole was right.

I don't think the Bain issue has legs. I do however believe this may.

Imagine for a second a commercial about Romney stating he may not release his taxes (using his own words) then in the same 30 second spot the reveal that he has offshore sheltered accounts.

You don't see a problem for middle of the road Americans with this? Even if its just perception?
He's already said he'll release his tax returns, so no, I don't see this as an issue. He's rich. We already knew that. If the Democrats think they can win by attacking success, have at it.........
Apparently NOT fast enough for some...Romney said 'In the Spring'...
Although it is not apparent on his financial disclosure form, Mitt Romney has millions of dollars of his personal wealth in investment funds set up in the Cayman Islands, a notorious Caribbean tax haven.

A spokesperson for the Romney campaign says Romney follows all tax laws and he would pay the same in taxes regardless of where the funds are based.

As the race for the Republican nomination heats up, Mitt Romney is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain a shroud of secrecy around the details about his vast personal wealth, including, as ABC News has discovered, his investment in funds located offshore and his ability to pay a lower tax rate.

"His personal finances are a poster child of what's wrong with the American tax system," said Jack Blum, a Washington lawyer who is an authority on tax enforcement and offshore banking.

On Tuesday, Romney disclosed that he has been paying a far lower percentage in taxes than most Americans, around 15 percent of his annual earnings. It has been Romney's Republican rivals who have driven the tax issue onto center stage. For weeks, Romney has cited a desire for privacy as his reason for not sharing his tax returns -- a gesture of transparency that is now expected from presidential contenders.

Romney Parks Millions in Cayman Islands - ABC News
Indeed. Bring on FAIR or FLAT Tax do away with the 16th Amendment.:clap2:

A flat tax is a tax on poor people to pay for the Reagan Bush tax cuts for the rich.

All we need to do is let the Bush tax cuts expire and cut the bloated military budget and bring the troops home.
Romney should tell the country that he will release his tax returns as soon as Obama releases his college transcripts.
There ya go. ALL for public record as Bush was hammered on. And still Bush beat John F'ing Kerry on grades and intellect.

That was before Bush spent twenty years as a self described alcoholic.
Romney should tell the country that he will release his tax returns as soon as Obama releases his college transcripts.
There ya go. ALL for public record as Bush was hammered on. And still Bush beat John F'ing Kerry on grades and intellect.

That was before Bush spent twenty years as a self described alcoholic.
And he still BEAT John F'ing Kerry.

Get over it Chrissy.
Talk about a stretch. Apples and oranges.

I think charity is cool. Doesn't mean I am going to demand anyone give to charity. Or "force" them to give to others. It really doesnt matter to me how much he has or what he does with HIS money. That doesnt mean charity isn't totally sweet.


I said you think giving to charities is cool, I say some other might think that stashing money in the Camans is not cool. Then you respond with a "taking money from others" response.

You understand that while people may or may not "care" what Mitt does with his money, they, like you, will come to a judgement of cool and not cool with what Mitt does with his money. You just want everyone to think he's cool and if you dont, you hate money or envy him.


You have a deliterious effect on the language.

[ame=]Alan Parsons Project - Psychobabble - YouTube[/ame]

Stashing money where one sees fit if lawful is NONE of your business.

Keep on with the wealth envy crap.

:eusa_shhh: You. are. stupid.
Well let's be honest... we do envy the wealthy.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to convince 50% of the population to vote against their own interests.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to run the country into the ground, blame the government...then ask the same government for help.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to demand the government provide corporate protections, subsidies and welfare, while simultaneously denouncing "dependency" on Government.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to use their wealth to buy US public policy and law.
And there's the old "against their own best interests" canard that fucking pathetic liberals love so much. Their inability to resist repeating that bullshit line again and again reveals much of what is so wrong with the far-left attitude, and why normal people hate them.
Well let's be honest... we do envy the wealthy.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to convince 50% of the population to vote against their own interests.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to run the country into the ground, blame the government...then ask the same government for help.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to demand the government provide corporate protections, subsidies and welfare, while simultaneously denouncing "dependency" on Government.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to use their wealth to buy US public policy and law.

Good Little Marxist Soldier.
Romney Parks Millions in Cayman Islands - ABC News

This alarms me a bit. I'm sure further investigation will follow but this causes me a few red flags.

We gotta make damn sure our nominee is FULLY vetted. We don't need any October surprises to cost us the election.

So what if he did?

Perception is everything.

Make what you will of it. The rest of America will as well.

Like I said, if that's the case, and America is going to Perceive a Venture Capitalist as Evil. The Game is over, We lost. Might as well just buy your I love Marx T shirt today.
And there's the old "against their own best interests" canard that fucking pathetic liberals love so much. Their inability to resist repeating that bullshit line again and again reveals much of what is so wrong with the far-left attitude, and why normal people hate them.

It comes from their Basic Disdain for the American People. Liberals(who make up only 20% of America) believe everyone else is just to stupid to get it, and only they know what's best for them. They actually believe that shit.
Romney Parks Millions in Cayman Islands - ABC News

This alarms me a bit. I'm sure further investigation will follow but this causes me a few red flags.

We gotta make damn sure our nominee is FULLY vetted. We don't need any October surprises to cost us the election.

So what if he did?

Perception is everything.

Make what you will of it. The rest of America will as well.

He should make a positive of it.
And there's the old "against their own best interests" canard that fucking pathetic liberals love so much. Their inability to resist repeating that bullshit line again and again reveals much of what is so wrong with the far-left attitude, and why normal people hate them.

The Republicans want to kill programs that benefit the middle class like Social Security, Medicare, the EPA, and public schools.

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