Romney agreed with Perry on immigration...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008

FactCheck: [Romney] Took hard-line on illegals, but only late in term

Romney’s Iowa TV ad portrays Romney’s immigration stance as hard-line compared with Huckabee’s. It’s true that a plan Huckabee supported would have granted in-state tuition rates and eligibility for scholarships to any student who had attended an Arkansa public high school for at least three years, regardless of immigration status. It’s also true that Romney vetoed a similar bill in 2004. But Romney’s illegal immigrant bashing is of fairly recent vintage.

In 2004, the Boston Globe reported that Romney was reluctant to veto the tuition proposal--and not at all the certain, sure-footed decision maker portrayed in the ad.

At the time, Romney said, “I hate the idea of in any way making it more difficult for kids, even those who are illegal aliens, to afford college in our state.”

Romney wasn’t a hardliner on immigration until late in his tenure as governor. None of the specifics presented here are false, but the ad presents a black-and-white contrast that doesn’t exist in reality.

Source: AdWatch of 2007 campaign ad, “The Record” Dec 13, 2007

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From the quote, it sounds more like he didn't take a position either way. In any event, it seems clear that Romney's attacks on Perry's immigration policy are politically motivated. I think people have a pretty good understanding of how Romney works. A recent CNN poll found that Romney's weakest statistic by far was in " Which Republican candidate is most likely to fight for their beliefs?": New CNN Poll: Perry on top when it comes to electability – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs. It seems as though even Romney supporters see him largely as opportunistic, they just trust him anyway.

FactCheck: [Romney] Took hard-line on illegals, but only late in term

Romney’s Iowa TV ad portrays Romney’s immigration stance as hard-line compared with Huckabee’s. It’s true that a plan Huckabee supported would have granted in-state tuition rates and eligibility for scholarships to any student who had attended an Arkansa public high school for at least three years, regardless of immigration status. It’s also true that Romney vetoed a similar bill in 2004. But Romney’s illegal immigrant bashing is of fairly recent vintage.

In 2004, the Boston Globe reported that Romney was reluctant to veto the tuition proposal--and not at all the certain, sure-footed decision maker portrayed in the ad.

At the time, Romney said, “I hate the idea of in any way making it more difficult for kids, even those who are illegal aliens, to afford college in our state.”

Romney wasn’t a hardliner on immigration until late in his tenure as governor. None of the specifics presented here are false, but the ad presents a black-and-white contrast that doesn’t exist in reality.

Source: AdWatch of 2007 campaign ad, “The Record” Dec 13, 2007

Is that all you got????????????? Rick Perry did not turn Republican until 1988 after the Reagan era and to take the cake worked for AL GORE'S campaign.

And the real problem that you are attempting to deny is that Perry STILL supports illegal immigration, in fact, he encourages it with in state tuition for illegals and his oppostion to the fence. Crazy and one that is sure to lose him the nomination.
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From the quote, it sounds more like he didn't take a position either way. In any event, it seems clear that Romney's attacks on Perry's immigration policy are politically motivated. I think people have a pretty good understanding of how Romney works. A recent CNN poll found that Romney's weakest statistic by far was in " Which Republican candidate is most likely to fight for their beliefs?": New CNN Poll: Perry on top when it comes to electability – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs. It seems as though even Romney supporters see him largely as opportunistic, they just trust him anyway.

Romney said in the debate when responding to Perry's stance on in-state tuition for the children of illegal immigrants "This doesn't make any sense to me."

Obviously it make a lot of sense to he says virtually the same thing in 2004 as Perry said in the debate last night.

The rest of your post I totally agree with.

I think people back Romney because they think he has the best chance of winning, and I don't begrudge them that.

But I don't want to vote for a guy I don't trust.

I'd rather vote for the guy who will stand up and say "This is what I believe in...this is what you can expect from me if I'm elected" rather than the guy who will say anything to get elected and who knows what he is really going to do.
From the quote, it sounds more like he didn't take a position either way. In any event, it seems clear that Romney's attacks on Perry's immigration policy are politically motivated. I think people have a pretty good understanding of how Romney works. A recent CNN poll found that Romney's weakest statistic by far was in " Which Republican candidate is most likely to fight for their beliefs?": New CNN Poll: Perry on top when it comes to electability – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs. It seems as though even Romney supporters see him largely as opportunistic, they just trust him anyway.

Then would you care to explain why Romney beats Obama in a one to one match up and no other candidate does???
From the quote, it sounds more like he didn't take a position either way. In any event, it seems clear that Romney's attacks on Perry's immigration policy are politically motivated. I think people have a pretty good understanding of how Romney works. A recent CNN poll found that Romney's weakest statistic by far was in " Which Republican candidate is most likely to fight for their beliefs?": New CNN Poll: Perry on top when it comes to electability – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs. It seems as though even Romney supporters see him largely as opportunistic, they just trust him anyway.

Romney said in the debate when responding to Perry's stance on in-state tuition for the children of illegal immigrants "This doesn't make any sense to me."

Obviously it make a lot of sense to he says virtually the same thing in 2004 as Perry said in the debate last night.

The rest of your post I totally agree with.

I think people back Romney because they think he has the best chance of winning, and I don't begrudge them that.

But I don't want to vote for a guy I don't trust.

I'd rather vote for the guy who will stand up and say "This is what I believe in...this is what you can expect from me if I'm elected" rather than the guy who will say anything to get elected and who knows what he is really going to do.

Michelle Bachman certainly does not have anything nice to say about Perry, in fact, she accuses him of cronie capitalism and the HPV virus is just the tip of the ice berg.

[ame=]Michele Bachmann Post Debate - YouTube[/ame]
From the quote, it sounds more like he didn't take a position either way. In any event, it seems clear that Romney's attacks on Perry's immigration policy are politically motivated. I think people have a pretty good understanding of how Romney works. A recent CNN poll found that Romney's weakest statistic by far was in " Which Republican candidate is most likely to fight for their beliefs?": New CNN Poll: Perry on top when it comes to electability – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs. It seems as though even Romney supporters see him largely as opportunistic, they just trust him anyway.

Romney said in the debate when responding to Perry's stance on in-state tuition for the children of illegal immigrants "This doesn't make any sense to me."

Obviously it make a lot of sense to he says virtually the same thing in 2004 as Perry said in the debate last night.

The rest of your post I totally agree with.

I think people back Romney because they think he has the best chance of winning, and I don't begrudge them that.

But I don't want to vote for a guy I don't trust.

I'd rather vote for the guy who will stand up and say "This is what I believe in...this is what you can expect from me if I'm elected" rather than the guy who will say anything to get elected and who knows what he is really going to do.

Michelle Bachman certainly does not have anything nice to say about Perry, in fact, she accuses him of cronie capitalism and the HPV virus is just the tip of the ice berg.

[ame=]Michele Bachmann Post Debate - YouTube[/ame]

And according this article Michelle Bachmann may have a point about Perry and croni-capitalism.

Perry's meeting with cancer patient 'lobbyist' only came after his executive order | The American Independent
From the quote, it sounds more like he didn't take a position either way. In any event, it seems clear that Romney's attacks on Perry's immigration policy are politically motivated. I think people have a pretty good understanding of how Romney works. A recent CNN poll found that Romney's weakest statistic by far was in " Which Republican candidate is most likely to fight for their beliefs?": New CNN Poll: Perry on top when it comes to electability – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs. It seems as though even Romney supporters see him largely as opportunistic, they just trust him anyway.

Romney said in the debate when responding to Perry's stance on in-state tuition for the children of illegal immigrants "This doesn't make any sense to me."

Obviously it make a lot of sense to he says virtually the same thing in 2004 as Perry said in the debate last night.

The rest of your post I totally agree with.

I think people back Romney because they think he has the best chance of winning, and I don't begrudge them that.

But I don't want to vote for a guy I don't trust.

I'd rather vote for the guy who will stand up and say "This is what I believe in...this is what you can expect from me if I'm elected" rather than the guy who will say anything to get elected and who knows what he is really going to do.

Michelle Bachman certainly does not have anything nice to say about Perry, in fact, she accuses him of cronie capitalism and the HPV virus is just the tip of the ice berg.

[ame=]Michele Bachmann Post Debate - YouTube[/ame]

So, do you still trust Perry after these serious allegations? I don't see Michelle Bachman as a liar. I think she is a straight shooter.
Romney said in the debate when responding to Perry's stance on in-state tuition for the children of illegal immigrants "This doesn't make any sense to me."

Obviously it make a lot of sense to he says virtually the same thing in 2004 as Perry said in the debate last night.

The rest of your post I totally agree with.

I think people back Romney because they think he has the best chance of winning, and I don't begrudge them that.

But I don't want to vote for a guy I don't trust.

I'd rather vote for the guy who will stand up and say "This is what I believe in...this is what you can expect from me if I'm elected" rather than the guy who will say anything to get elected and who knows what he is really going to do.

Michelle Bachman certainly does not have anything nice to say about Perry, in fact, she accuses him of cronie capitalism and the HPV virus is just the tip of the ice berg.

[ame=""]Michele Bachmann Post Debate - YouTube[/ame]

So, do you still trust Perry after these serious allegations? I don't see Michelle Bachman as a liar. I think she is a straight shooter.

Straight shooter "I didn't say that" Bachmann?

Perry, who isn't afraid to say "I was wrong" is a straight shooter.

Bachmann "I never said anything about mental retardation is caused by the vaccine" is not a straight shooter.

FactCheck: [Romney] Took hard-line on illegals, but only late in term

Romney’s Iowa TV ad portrays Romney’s immigration stance as hard-line compared with Huckabee’s. It’s true that a plan Huckabee supported would have granted in-state tuition rates and eligibility for scholarships to any student who had attended an Arkansa public high school for at least three years, regardless of immigration status. It’s also true that Romney vetoed a similar bill in 2004. But Romney’s illegal immigrant bashing is of fairly recent vintage.

In 2004, the Boston Globe reported that Romney was reluctant to veto the tuition proposal--and not at all the certain, sure-footed decision maker portrayed in the ad.

At the time, Romney said, “I hate the idea of in any way making it more difficult for kids, even those who are illegal aliens, to afford college in our state.”

Romney wasn’t a hardliner on immigration until late in his tenure as governor. None of the specifics presented here are false, but the ad presents a black-and-white contrast that doesn’t exist in reality.

Source: AdWatch of 2007 campaign ad, “The Record” Dec 13, 2007

Is that all you got????????????? Rick Perry did not turn Republican until 1988 after the Reagan era and to take the cake worked for AL GORE'S campaign.

And the real problem that you are attempting to deny is that Perry STILL supports illegal immigration, in fact, he encourages it with in state tuition for illegals and his oppostion to the fence. Crazy and one that is sure to lose him the nomination.

Not even close.

Do you want me to start a thread for every flip-flop from Governor Romney?

Because I've been pretty happy to promote my candidate without tearing down the other candidates.

But when others can only boost their choice by tearing down another, I think turnabout is fair play.

I'd prefer to keep doing what I've been doing, building Perry up without tearing Romney down, but, as it is much easier to tear down, I can do that if that's the game we're going to play.
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From the quote, it sounds more like he didn't take a position either way. In any event, it seems clear that Romney's attacks on Perry's immigration policy are politically motivated. I think people have a pretty good understanding of how Romney works. A recent CNN poll found that Romney's weakest statistic by far was in " Which Republican candidate is most likely to fight for their beliefs?": New CNN Poll: Perry on top when it comes to electability – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs. It seems as though even Romney supporters see him largely as opportunistic, they just trust him anyway.

Then would you care to explain why Romney beats Obama in a one to one match up and no other candidate does???

Because the independent vote picks the president and Romney is more palatable for the center. You know this and that it has nothing to do with the statistic pointed out, why ask?
From the quote, it sounds more like he didn't take a position either way. In any event, it seems clear that Romney's attacks on Perry's immigration policy are politically motivated. I think people have a pretty good understanding of how Romney works. A recent CNN poll found that Romney's weakest statistic by far was in " Which Republican candidate is most likely to fight for their beliefs?": New CNN Poll: Perry on top when it comes to electability – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs. It seems as though even Romney supporters see him largely as opportunistic, they just trust him anyway.

Then would you care to explain why Romney beats Obama in a one to one match up and no other candidate does???

Because the independent vote picks the president and Romney is more palatable for the center. You know this and that it has nothing to do with the statistic pointed out, why ask?

Romney's not electable.

He is McCain part 2.

A liberal in conservative costume.

And Romneycare takes the biggest gun in the Republican general election arsenal and flushes down the toilet.
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Then would you care to explain why Romney beats Obama in a one to one match up and no other candidate does???

Because the independent vote picks the president and Romney is more palatable for the center. You know this and that it has nothing to do with the statistic pointed out, why ask?

Romney's not electable.

He is McCain part 2.

A liberal in conservative costume.

And Romneycare takes the biggest gun in the Republican general election arsenal and flushes down the toilet.

I remember another GOP nomination battle between what some considered between a REAL conservative and a RINO. The REAL conservative won the nomination and went on to win the Presidency. His name was George W. Bush.

And he turned out to be the worst POTUS in the history of the United States.

Then would you care to explain why Romney beats Obama in a one to one match up and no other candidate does???

Because the independent vote picks the president and Romney is more palatable for the center. You know this and that it has nothing to do with the statistic pointed out, why ask?

Romney's not electable.

He is McCain part 2.

A liberal in conservative costume.

And Romneycare takes the biggest gun in the Republican general election arsenal and flushes down the toilet.

Sure.. That must be why he wins in one on one polls against Obama...
Because the independent vote picks the president and Romney is more palatable for the center. You know this and that it has nothing to do with the statistic pointed out, why ask?

Romney's not electable.

He is McCain part 2.

A liberal in conservative costume.

And Romneycare takes the biggest gun in the Republican general election arsenal and flushes down the toilet.

I remember another GOP nomination battle between what some considered between a REAL conservative and a RINO. The REAL conservative won the nomination and went on to win the Presidency. His name was George W. Bush.

And he turned out to be the worst POTUS in the history of the United States.


Bush wasn't a real conservative. He spent money like water. And he wasn't the worst POTUS in the history of the United States.

He was an average President, nothing special, nothing terrible.

Carter was the worst President in my lifetime.

And Obama makes American's long for the days of the Bush Administration.

President Obama has done so much to resurrect Bush's legacy, it was almost worth putting up with him for four years.
And just in case you think I'm blowing smoke, here is the poll, from Gallup a week ago.


Majority Rates Obama Same or Worse Compared With Bush

Half say Obama has been worse than Clinton

by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- Asked to compare Barack Obama with George W. Bush, Americans are more inclined to say Obama has been a better (43%) rather than a worse (34%) president, with 22% seeing no difference between the two. Obama compares much less favorably to Bill Clinton, with half saying Obama has been worse than Clinton and 12% saying better.


Majority Rates Obama Same or Worse Compared With Bush
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FactCheck: [Romney] Took hard-line on illegals, but only late in term

Romney’s Iowa TV ad portrays Romney’s immigration stance as hard-line compared with Huckabee’s. It’s true that a plan Huckabee supported would have granted in-state tuition rates and eligibility for scholarships to any student who had attended an Arkansa public high school for at least three years, regardless of immigration status. It’s also true that Romney vetoed a similar bill in 2004. But Romney’s illegal immigrant bashing is of fairly recent vintage.

In 2004, the Boston Globe reported that Romney was reluctant to veto the tuition proposal--and not at all the certain, sure-footed decision maker portrayed in the ad.

At the time, Romney said, “I hate the idea of in any way making it more difficult for kids, even those who are illegal aliens, to afford college in our state.”

Romney wasn’t a hardliner on immigration until late in his tenure as governor. None of the specifics presented here are false, but the ad presents a black-and-white contrast that doesn’t exist in reality.

Source: AdWatch of 2007 campaign ad, “The Record” Dec 13, 2007

So, now Romney is against illegal immigration, while Perry still supports it. Is that about right?
PREDICTION? obama's gonna win in 2012 by default of conservatives eating their own?

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