Zone1 Roma in the Media


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
Gypsy Boy
Gypsy Boy is the first commercial memoir written by someone on the inside of
the notoriously secretive culture of the Romany Gypsies.
A classic tale of triumph over adversity, this is the story of one boy's struggle to escape from a secret world. Mikey was born into a Romany Gypsy family. Here he describes the vibrant and loyal culture he grew up in, and also the violence and grief which forced him to make the agonizing decision to leave. Source: Publisher

I saw series and movies along a similar narrative. Like Criminal Intent "Bloodline" a secretive mystyerious romany family acts as a cult and kidnapps blonde little girls, and kills her parents, they also practice magical rituals, and make a living by shoplifting.

That is a very wrapped view of roma, and very wrong.

Here is my background story:

I wouldnt describe my background as secretive, it might be the case for certain communities, somewhere else, but about me or my family, there is nothing secretive. I dont have to escape, something, also it is very wrong because it is written like he escapes, and becomes part of the gadjo world, but that is not the case, because a roma will be rejected assimilation with the gadjo world in eastern europe, and there is nothing secretive, you can see from the airplane who is a gypsy, and if a gypsy says he is not a gypsy but a serb, then he will be laughed off, and they would hate it. I used to say Im a serb when i first registered here, but quickly they attacked me saying im a gypsy. That is usually the case always was so i realised who i truly am and that i cannot be and do not want to be someone else, and that i should fight for my rights, self-defense. It makes no sense "to escape secretive gypsy society" that is very wrong and maybe true for irish travellers who are not visible as a minority, and who are not romani, and who can become regular british if they give up their secretive ways, that is not possible and very different for eastern european roma.
Roma and the Media generally (Europe/America doesnt matter)
I speak from experience, it's not just an assumption, my conclusion is based on observation. When it comes to Roma, it's mostly criminal or beggar gangs, or curses and horror stories etc. if it's fictional. I've never seen a report where a Roma doctor was interviewed, or a Miss Roma, or a Roma athlete like a famous footballer who plays for the national team, but where they portrayed him as representative of the culture. Although there is. And that's why I get it right in my videos that I publish. If you really want to make up your own mind and don't want to remain ignorant, watch the video here, it's short but concise, the most important information is researched and reproduced, it's just a short video but it's on point .


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