Roger Stone Asks for Evidence Russians Hacked DNC Server


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Roger Stone Asks for Evidence Russians Hacked DNC Server – Court Won’t Provide It Because They Don’t Have the Proof

Roger Stone Asks for Evidence Russians Hacked DNC Server - Court Won't Provide It Because They Don't Have the Proof
by Jim Hoft ~ May 11, 2019
Roger Stone is requesting proof that the Russians hacked the DNC server, as was reported in the Mueller report. He claims if the Russians didn’t hack the DNC, his case should be dismissed. The problem for the Mueller team is that they and the FBI have never reportedly actually looked at the server.... Roger Stone and his legal team are requesting the report from Crowdstrike, the firm connected with the Deep State who reportedly did inspect the DNC server after emails were released by WikiLeaks..... Their position is that if the Mueller team did not inspect the server, or the FBI, then how can they know that the server was hacked. This logical argument makes sense – The Mueller team is fighting back against the Stone team and arguing that it is not necessary to see the documents that support that Russia hacked the DNC –
To date there has been no information reported that ascertains that the DNC was hacked by the Russians. No reports to date show that the DNC server was inspected by the Mueller team and the FBI. Since this is the case, there is no way the Mueller team can claim the server was hacked.... Since there is no proof for the emails being hacked, the reports Russians involved in the collusion delusion evaporate. This would and should destroy the entire Russian sham make-believe case.

Looks like attention is being brought to the lack of verification of hacking of server by Russia. That information will then be used as evidence in other cases.
Eventually the motive for the murder of Seth Rich will be established.
Many have been saying for months that the entire Russia collusion delusion and a sham. To date there has been no information reported that ascertains that the DNC was hacked by the Russians. No reports to date show that the DNC server was inspected by the Mueller team and the FBI. Since this is the case, there is no way the Mueller team can claim the server was hacked.
The Mueller/Wiseman Team is going to have to follow the LEGAL requirements on evidence to prove Russians hacked the DNC.
Why is the same judge (Amy Berman Jackson) on so many cases related to this? No such thing as a coincidence. She should recuse, but of course she won't. The right thing is not what Democrats do.
If Roger's attorneys fail on their motion, they should immediately appeal it. Stone can't get a fair trial without establishing that the Russians did in fact hack, which we know they didn't. This is part of the whole Russian scam.

The Republicans made great hay for a couple of years ridiculing the Democrats for being hacked by the Republicans, Trump won partially on this.

Now they are saying, it's a hoax.


The Republicans made great hay for a couple of years ridiculing the Democrats for being hacked by the Republicans, Trump won partially on this.

Now they are saying, it's a hoax.



We partially won WWII
Well since the DNC wouldn't let the FBI look at their servers I'd say good luck with that.

P.S. Roger Stone was so much better advisor for Trump than that Bolton. In fact, I'm not sure who's Bolton's real boss is: Trump or Deep State.
Well since the DNC wouldn't let the FBI look at their servers I'd say good luck with that.
Ever hear of a SUBPOENA?

Mueller issued 2,500 of them to turn over any rock he could to pin the Fake Russian Collusion Narrative on Trump.

Know how many subpoenas he issued to look in to the funding of the Dirty Russian Dossier?


Know how many subpoenas The FBI Issued to THE DNC to look at The DNC Server?


This tells you all you need to know about What Mueller, McCabe, Comey, Strozk, Clapper, Brennan, Clinton and Obama were up to.

Also note that James Comey KNOWINGLY allowed Hillary Clinton to violate Two Federal Court Orders to protect all data on Clinton's server when he allowed her to delete 33,000 government documents which were evidence!

Note also that James Comey allowed Hillary Clinton to destroy 18 Electronic Devices which is destruction of evidence, and obstruction of justice, and did not even charge her with one count of that, nor did he charge her with perjury when she lied and said she only ever used a singular device.

Even when Clinton lied about the classified nature of these emails and they still found them on Weiner's laptop and even still found some of them on her Bleach Bitted Server, he refused to charge her with anything.

Note also how that The FBI and DOJ said that they were completely unable to provide any of the text messages between key players in "The Insurance Policy" Fake Russian Collusion narrative.

Yet the AG found all of them within 24 hours.

Again, this is all you need to know about what these Russian Moles were up to.
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