RoboTech II (Fan-Fiction)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I've written a special Robotech fanfiction already and wanted to offer up one more experience-themed media vignette, inspired actually by the offbeat film The Wizard (Christian Slater)! Thanks for reading,


A nerdy CalTech graduate named Max liked to play video-games in his room, living with his mother in New Jersey. Mostly, Max liked the series of RoboTech video-games and considered himself something of a RoboTech master in the USA. Max was the typical American nerd and therefore a nice 'diplomat' of the rather geeky but cerebral RoboTech universe in media/entertainment!


Max was a stranger to mainstream stylish American entertainment and therefore diverged into the thinking world of video-games to escape the more fashion oriented sternness of normal society. Even though Max watched a lot of TV and knew of major media figures and American Hollywood celebrities, he was ignorant of the American aesthetic of society fashion/cinema.


Max was however a serious master in the universe of RoboTech. He was adept at following the games and designs of the various RoboTech media and toys the franchise offered in the USA. In fact, one might say this CalTech nerd was something of a RoboTech guru! That's fine, since Americans really invest in media-hardware surrounding the digital-cyber universe today. Max found his niche.


MAX STERLING: RoboTech is no joke, and the space-wars in the storyboards symbolize pure governance obligations for IQ.


Yes, it's true that the RoboTech story-sectors would involve great awareness of the sensitivity of governance and customs imagination. There were varying armies and clans in the galactic universe vying for power with designed space-vehicles roaming around constructed super-cities. You'd have to be a real philosopher of social consciousness to feel the RoboTech pleasures and pains. It made it both nerdy and sparkly!


Max liked comparing the RoboTech comics and cartoon stories with the actual video-games offering players a chance to flesh out the ideas about social customs and peace and war in a virtual arena, the video-game world! What set apart the RoboTech fantastic-imaginarium from say Mortal Kombat and other comparable universe-synthesis gaming environments was its peculiar attention to the colored details of real darkness.


In fact, if you're a RoboTech space-pilot hero like Rick Hunter or Lisa Hayes, and no one really knows who these figures may actually represent, you'll see what kinds of flying and fighting methods are required to immerse your mind into the pure darkness of futuristic intelligence gone selfish. The varying clans are making sure these technologies are not being used in the service of social corruption.


MAX: Flying the vehicles and destroying adversaries makes you feel like you're a representative of government hellmouths.


Are video-games really worth all this cerebral matter? Why do we raise math and science and tech to the level of social dazzle? I mean, it's not like these fields are open to negotiation since most of the jargon is very strictly geometry and wire based! No one says, "This video-game allows you to eat cheesecake." Tech/video-games are by definition mentally efficient, so why should a CalTech nerd like Max invest so much personal time in this world of electronic dots?


MAX: Video-games are the modern equivalent of the abacus from ancient civilization and remind us of the value of role-playing!


Maybe Max didn't like to participate in the affairs of the real world. Maybe he liked to fantasize what gorgeous women looked like in a purely electronic environment. Maybe he was a diplomat of modernism IQ. Maybe we get to see glimpses of modernism diaries through Max's brain!


MAX: I disagree I'm into RoboTech to daydream about Utopia; I think I'm cognitive about what comprises social dramatics!


Max's psychiatrist thinks he's into all the life-romantic RoboTech storyboards and universe since he's invested deeply in the idea that human mentalism can be translated into a purely synthetic or artificial or colored arena! Maybe RoboTech reminds Max that the real world can be 'designed' to at least 'feel' more like an environment for raw social diagonals. Just ask two characters from RoboTech (Lisa Hayes and Rick Hunter) what they think of Max's sense of video-game depression.


MAX: To understand why the RoboTech armies contend with evil beings like the Invid for democracy, you have to feel mutated!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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I don't read your essays because they are too poorly written. I have to ask. Do you expect that anyone will ever read them?

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