Rioters in Portland Throw Feces


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017

"Cops mock Antifa and BM in Portland — and no that’s NOT a typo"

Apparently so called 'protesters' are now filling balloons with feces and throwing them at cops. "The cops in Portland raised a pretty a good question about that."


Not sure whose job it was to make these....

Seriously. Whose job is it to fill balloons with feces? What exactly is the procedure to do that? Are they Antifa Interns? Is it special BLM corps … minus the L? :auiqs.jpg:

"Cops mock Antifa and BM in Portland — and no that’s NOT a typo"

Apparently so called 'protesters' are now filling balloons with feces and throwing them at cops. "The cops in Portland raised a pretty a good question about that."

View attachment 378806

Not sure whose job it was to make these....

Seriously. Whose job is it to fill balloons with feces? What exactly is the procedure to do that? Are they Antifa Interns? Is it special BLM corps … minus the L? :auiqs.jpg:
I can understand piss, but how exactly do you fill a balloon with sh*t (in case its a banned word)

"Cops mock Antifa and BM in Portland — and no that’s NOT a typo"

Apparently so called 'protesters' are now filling balloons with feces and throwing them at cops. "The cops in Portland raised a pretty a good question about that."

View attachment 378806

Not sure whose job it was to make these....

Seriously. Whose job is it to fill balloons with feces? What exactly is the procedure to do that? Are they Antifa Interns? Is it special BLM corps … minus the L? :auiqs.jpg:

I can understand piss, but how exactly do you fill a balloon with sh*t (in case its a banned word)
They put out a training video. It's called 2 Dems, 1 balloon.

"Cops mock Antifa and BM in Portland — and no that’s NOT a typo"

Apparently so called 'protesters' are now filling balloons with feces and throwing them at cops. "The cops in Portland raised a pretty a good question about that."

View attachment 378806

Not sure whose job it was to make these....

Seriously. Whose job is it to fill balloons with feces? What exactly is the procedure to do that? Are they Antifa Interns? Is it special BLM corps … minus the L? :auiqs.jpg:
Just guessing here, keep in mind, but it probably went down something like this...."Okay everyone shit in this bucket today...." and when it got about half- full they pissed in it enough to mix into a slurry, then they used some of these to fill the balloons up with;
Again folks, if we're not dealing with severe mental illness that would fill balloons with feces, just what are we dealing with?

Seriously, trump needs to restart Americas mental institutions and Asylums because most of these rabid Left Loons belong securely locked away in one.

America had the rabid Left lunacy under control mostly up until the 60's when Political Correctness closed them all.

Part of the problem here is that in Portland's judicial system, including all local, municipal, city, state, county, and federal courts, the District Attorney is by law judge, jury, and executioner, and just as in Seattle, nothing he asks may be denied in court in any case.

Should those filthy corrupt cops have our sympathy, aid or comfort when they have gone out of their way to destroy the lives of the just without cause, far out of proportion to any sense of justice, and a few of them, finally, will perhaps receive that punishment of death which they have worked so hard for so many years to bring upon themselves?
What are you talking about?
It's Portland, Oregon.
There are "some" corrupt cops. There are "some" corrupt judges. Are you saying ALL Police are corrupt?
You think there are any good cops who will buck the police union and go against Mayor's orders to save your skin from the corrupt cops?

They took an oath of fealty to City Hall, the police union, and the fraternal order of police when they signed up for that force to make war against the U.S. Constitution.
You give some lackey balloons, a funnel, and a bunch of burritos.
Time will do the rest.
Someone has to do it. Antifa isn't all sucker punching old people, kicking the injured when they're down
and spitting on people with Maga wear.

You have to earn the fun duty.
Part of the problem here is that in Portland's judicial system, including all local, municipal, city, state, county, and federal courts, the District Attorney is by law judge, jury, and executioner, and just as in Seattle, nothing he asks may be denied in court in any case.

Should those filthy corrupt cops have our sympathy, aid or comfort when they have gone out of their way to destroy the lives of the just without cause, far out of proportion to any sense of justice, and a few of them, finally, will perhaps receive that punishment of death which they have worked so hard for so many years to bring upon themselves?
What is the point of this post? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with my OP.

"Cops mock Antifa and BM in Portland — and no that’s NOT a typo"

Apparently so called 'protesters' are now filling balloons with feces and throwing them at cops. "The cops in Portland raised a pretty a good question about that."

View attachment 378806

Not sure whose job it was to make these....

Seriously. Whose job is it to fill balloons with feces? What exactly is the procedure to do that? Are they Antifa Interns? Is it special BLM corps … minus the L? :auiqs.jpg:
Nothing funny here.... If someone throws anything at me containing their crap or piss, then I'm here to tell you that it will be a sad damned day for that someone who threw it. Just sayin...... Hot rock salt should be flying towards any deplorable throwing their feces at anyone, especially in the age of Covid-19.

Fill those shot guns with rock salt law enforcement. Don't hesitate to use it. They'll be so busy picking that stinging hell out of their skin, that they won't be returning to the battlefield for quite sometime if ever.

Time to up the game. It's getting serious. Hell it's been serious, but it's pass the point of negotiating with those who would do such a thing. The pain and suffering will be on the Democrats hands for their idiocy.

"Cops mock Antifa and BM in Portland — and no that’s NOT a typo"

Apparently so called 'protesters' are now filling balloons with feces and throwing them at cops. "The cops in Portland raised a pretty a good question about that."

View attachment 378806

Not sure whose job it was to make these....

Seriously. Whose job is it to fill balloons with feces? What exactly is the procedure to do that? Are they Antifa Interns? Is it special BLM corps … minus the L? :auiqs.jpg:
Just guessing here, keep in mind, but it probably went down something like this...."Okay everyone shit in this bucket today...." and when it got about half- full they pissed in it enough to mix into a slurry, then they used some of these to fill the balloons up with;

After the dems had lunch was there enough left to fill a balloon?

"Cops mock Antifa and BM in Portland — and no that’s NOT a typo"

Apparently so called 'protesters' are now filling balloons with feces and throwing them at cops. "The cops in Portland raised a pretty a good question about that."

View attachment 378806

Not sure whose job it was to make these....

Seriously. Whose job is it to fill balloons with feces? What exactly is the procedure to do that? Are they Antifa Interns? Is it special BLM corps … minus the L? :auiqs.jpg:
Monkeys and chimps throw poop too.

Just sayin that monkey lives matter too


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