Right-Wing Protester Killed In Portland After Democrat Mayor Refused Federal Help. Antifa Cele

This kind of crap would not be going on if we had a leader like St Trumpy running things.

Oh, wait. . .
Ha ha...that's the sort of formulaic joke that never grows old....I mean funny every time you try
a new variation of the same tiresome theme.

If Trump was the sort of dictator you idiots all imagine Portland would be ground zero and
the rat's nest of drugged out, mentally ill vile antifa psychotics would be dead or filling our prisons.

We have a trumper here they scream! As the coward kills a patriot in Portland.

the coward actions of this democrat is going to have repercussions.
the man was just walking down the street and was killed.
Now you can prove that the killer was a Democrat

Yep, Democrats own the protestors, anarchists, and rioters....They are the base of your unhinged, mentally ill ilk.

Isn't it great living in Trump's America?
See what having police does for a community?
I haven't seen the deceased's name mentioned. I think its important that President Trump attend the funeral and the networks cover the requiem mass for him as well as the interment. Will Sleepy Joe come out of his basement to attend the mass and eulogize this tremendous hero?

The 1807 law creates an exception to the general prohibition on using the U.S. military to enforce domestic laws. It was last used by then-President George H.W. Bush at the request of California’s governor to quell the 1992 Rodney King riots.
The States governor does not have to agree to its use... Both the Oregon Governor and the mayor of Portland could be brought up on charges of Treason if it is used, especially if they get in the way of our police doing their jobs to restore order.

Truthfully, I look for Aiding and Abetting criminal enterprises charges from the DOJ as both the Governor and the mayor were seen approving of and participating in the ANTIFA and BLM riots.. Once arrested and removed by law enforcement, the federal government can take TEMPORARY control and stop the rioting until the sitting state government replaces them. They could also let state officials deal with the riots using the national guard and not have much federal involvement (this is what Trump would do so that the Fed is not seen as taking over)... Once BLM and ANTIFA are marked terrorist/criminal enterprises the feds can go after them anywhere in the US. The gloves will come off and everyone associated will be dealt with..
This kind of crap would not be going on if we had a leader like St Trumpy running things.

Oh, wait. . .
Ha ha...that's the sort of formulaic joke that never grows old....I mean funny every time you try
a new variation of the same tiresome theme.

If Trump was the sort of dictator you idiots all imagine Portland would be ground zero and
the rat's nest of drugged out, mentally ill vile antifa psychotics would be dead or filling our prisons.
What kind of drugs are they doing, give us a list please..Since you know so much...
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The 1807 law creates an exception to the general prohibition on using the U.S. military to enforce domestic laws. It was last used by then-President George H.W. Bush at the request of California’s governor to quell the 1992 Rodney King riots.
The States governor does not have to agree to its use... Both the Oregon Governor and the mayor of Portland could be brought up on charges of Treason if it is used, especially if they get in the way of our police doing their jobs to restore order.

Truthfully, I look for Aiding and Abetting criminal enterprises charges from the DOJ as both the Governor and the mayor were seen approving of and participating in the ANTIFA and BLM riots.. Once arrested and removed by law enforcement, the federal government can take TEMPORARY control and stop the rioting until the sitting state government replaces them. They could also let state officials deal with the riots using the national guard and not have much federal involvement (this is what Trump would do so that the Fed is not seen as taking over)... Once BLM and ANTIFA are marked terrorist/criminal enterprises the feds can go after them anywhere in the US. The gloves will come off and everyone associated will be dealt with..
You don't understand what treason means I see....
This kind of crap would not be going on if we had a leader like St Trumpy running things.

Oh, wait. . .
Its not happening in republican held cities where police are being funded and backed up... So why is happening only in democrat run shitholes? Explain that to me.... I'll wait....

Well although Florida is Republican Tallahassee is a dem city a right winger was going to shoot a protester on his knees yesterday until the cops jumped all over him.

We have a trumper here they scream! As the coward kills a patriot in Portland.

the coward actions of this democrat is going to have repercussions.
the man was just walking down the street and was killed.
Now you can prove that the killer was a Democrat
Yes they screamed “we have a trumper”
And that clarifies everything? Hardly.

Ok, the s

We have a trumper here they scream! As the coward kills a patriot in Portland.

the coward actions of this democrat is going to have repercussions.
the man was just walking down the street and was killed.
Now you can prove that the killer was a Democrat
Yes they screamed “we have a trumper”
And that clarifies everything? Hardly.
Shhhh keep quite
Can you stay on topic and stop playing the fool?
We hold libs responsible for the violence in the streets which has led to around 100 deaths so far
Liberals are at home what you need to do is learn correct nomenclature of who is on the streets....All I hear is liberals, Marxist, communist, ANTIFA, BLM, you never recognize the Boogaloo Boys or any independent agitators...It's not just one group it is many and rightist are right in the stirring shit also.

Well, you wanted this anarchy. You called for more, and more outrageous chaos...Problem is when you call for chaos, everyone gets to join in....You don't have the right to foment violence free of violence coming to you.

We have a trumper here they scream! As the coward kills a patriot in Portland.

the coward actions of this democrat is going to have repercussions.
the man was just walking down the street and was killed.
Now you can prove that the killer was a Democrat

Yep, Democrats own the protestors, anarchists, and rioters....They are the base of your unhinged, mentally ill ilk.

Isn't it great living in Trump's America?

It sure is....And, it's going to be wonderful watching your meltdown after Trump wins his second term...

The 1807 law creates an exception to the general prohibition on using the U.S. military to enforce domestic laws. It was last used by then-President George H.W. Bush at the request of California’s governor to quell the 1992 Rodney King riots.
The States governor does not have to agree to its use... Both the Oregon Governor and the mayor of Portland could be brought up on charges of Treason if it is used, especially if they get in the way of our police doing their jobs to restore order.

Truthfully, I look for Aiding and Abetting criminal enterprises charges from the DOJ as both the Governor and the mayor were seen approving of and participating in the ANTIFA and BLM riots.. Once arrested and removed by law enforcement, the federal government can take TEMPORARY control and stop the rioting until the sitting state government replaces them. They could also let state officials deal with the riots using the national guard and not have much federal involvement (this is what Trump would do so that the Fed is not seen as taking over)... Once BLM and ANTIFA are marked terrorist/criminal enterprises the feds can go after them anywhere in the US. The gloves will come off and everyone associated will be dealt with..
You don't understand what treason means I see....
TREASON is any act that violates the US constitution. In this case it is a subversive military action using force and fear to foment a governmental change.. What is happening is treason against the US Constitution as there are legal remedies to change that document they choose not to use.
He doesn't need permission.............He can use the insurrection act and put troops there........

Happened during the Rodney King BS............3000 National Guard called in.........and locked L.A. down.
That's not what happened in the King riots at all. Not even close. I was here. I know. It was Mayor Tom Bradley that refused the National Guard. Governor Pete Wilson BEGGED Bradley to agree to the guard. More than once. Bradley refused and said LAPD could handle it. Wilson staged Guard units in Orange county. Bradley aid the police would stop them. Then Bradley asked surrounding communities to send police assistance and got turned down flat. Then the city has 1,000 fires burning. Bradley agreed to the guard IF they were not armed. Wilson kept the units right where they were until Bradley got out of the way. The President never even got involved at all.

In Oregon both the Mayor of Portland AND the governor support the terrorists. Trump needs to override them both with the insurrection act.

" Trump needs to override them both with the insurrection act."

That may happen today... With the blatant killing of a Trump supporter by an ANTIFA thug it has gone way passed being unacceptable. It was reported earlier this morning by the AP that the DHS, FBI, NSA and military advisors were called to the White House.. I CAN ONLY GUESS AT WHAT IS COMING..
Well it damn sure isn't negotiations with the aggrieved.

BWHAHAHAHA! Negotiations? There is no negotiation with terrorists.
This kind of crap would not be going on if we had a leader like St Trumpy running things.

Oh, wait. . .
So you want Trump to send in the National Guard without permission from the governor? Interesting
The Insurrection Act does not require governor approval...
And they will call trump a dictator, and win with it, This is what they want trump to do.. I prefer guys like Kyle taking these communist out

We have a trumper here they scream! As the coward kills a patriot in Portland.

the coward actions of this democrat is going to have repercussions.
the man was just walking down the street and was killed.
Now you can prove that the killer was a Democrat

Yep, Democrats own the protestors, anarchists, and rioters....They are the base of your unhinged, mentally ill ilk.

Isn't it great living in Trump's America?
See what having police does for a community?

I'd like you to live in an area without police....But for all of those lying liberals in here that try to argue that y'all are not calling for the abolishment of police, I want you to read Moon's words right here...That is exactly what is being called for.

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