Right Wing Conspiracy Theories Which Undeniably Became True

Jim H - VA USA

Plutonium Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2020
This thread is for specific examples of conspiracy theories (preferably "crazy" Right Wing warnings about what was coming) which undeniably turned out to be true. I'll start with two specific examples. The 3rd one is a work in progress...

1. COVID being used to implement tyranny

Link: Once Called a ‘Conspiracy Theory,’ CNN is Now Openly Promoting Vaccine Passports


2. Gender neutral rest rooms will result in sexual assault of our daughters

Link from 6/2020: Safety & Dignity: trans rights are no threat to single-sex spaces

Link from 10/15/2021: Loudoun County School-Board Member Resigns amid Backlash over Alleged Transgender Bathroom Assault

3. The IRS will be weaponized, used to spy on all Americans and retaliate against gun purchasers and those who disobey the current administration [work in progress]



This thread is for specific examples of conspiracy theories (preferably "crazy" Right Wing warnings about what was coming) which undeniably turned out to be true. I'll start with two specific examples. The 3rd one is a work in progress...

1. COVID being used to implement tyranny

Link: Once Called a ‘Conspiracy Theory,’ CNN is Now Openly Promoting Vaccine Passports


2. Gender neutral rest rooms will result in sexual assault of our daughters

Link from 6/2020: Safety & Dignity: trans rights are no threat to single-sex spaces

Link from 10/15/2021: Loudoun County School-Board Member Resigns amid Backlash over Alleged Transgender Bathroom Assault

3. The IRS will be weaponized, used to spy on all Americans and retaliate against gun purchasers and those who disobey the current administration [work in progress]



Beautiful and smart post. This is what actually matters. Not China's hypersonic missiles. Never forget that the majority of your fellow countrymen are the true enemies. Police the bathrooms, die from Covid, and this time (for real this time I SWEAR PLEASE BELIEVE ME) they're coming for your guns. Keep pushing for civil war to end the country. That's how we win!
Beautiful and smart post. This is what actually matters. Not China's hypersonic missiles. Never forget that the majority of your fellow countrymen are the true enemies. Police the bathrooms, die from Covid, and this time (for real this time I SWEAR PLEASE BELIEVE ME) they're coming for your guns. Keep pushing for civil war to end the country. That's how we win!

>Never forget that the majority of your fellow countrymen are the true enemies

I heard something about that....




>Police the bathrooms

I think if your daughter was assaulted, you might actually think that would be a good idea.

But that is a straw man, Kamala. You need to address the root causes, not put police in messed up bathrooms that you created. Duh.

>die from Covid

Puhlease. Talk about conspiracy theories. I had COVID. It didn't kill me and I now have better immunity than you do.

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This thread is for specific examples of conspiracy theories (preferably "crazy" Right Wing warnings about what was coming) which undeniably turned out to be true. I'll start with two specific examples. The 3rd one is a work in progress...

1. COVID being used to implement tyranny

Link: Once Called a ‘Conspiracy Theory,’ CNN is Now Openly Promoting Vaccine Passports


2. Gender neutral rest rooms will result in sexual assault of our daughters

Link from 6/2020: Safety & Dignity: trans rights are no threat to single-sex spaces

Link from 10/15/2021: Loudoun County School-Board Member Resigns amid Backlash over Alleged Transgender Bathroom Assault

3. The IRS will be weaponized, used to spy on all Americans and retaliate against gun purchasers and those who disobey the current administration [work in progress]



Great, great, a nother whiney lil bitch right wing pity party thread full of horse sh#t. I haven't had my due share of this tyranny thing. Most normal people haven't. Make me think you right wingnuts don't have the slightest clue what tyranny is or what it looks like as you whine about your inconvenience if you are having any, in the first place

I do have to agree with you about the letting boys in the girls restroom was just asking for trouble. The lil sh#t was no real tranny, as he still had his junk, knew he liked p#ssy (as he wasn't raping little boys, and knew where to find it, possibly half undressed where he was free to roam posing as somebody that just wanted to be one of the girl. They ought to go ahead and surgically castrate him and cut his d#ck off, throw him in jail and give the other inmates a case of KY Jelly, to see how he likes it.

Nothing new or particular about the IRS being used or people saying it was being used whether it was or not, going back all the way to at least Nixon and that includes democrats and republicans, so stop your whining, ya lil baby. Just how many weapons you trying to move that got the IRS watching your butt? It is illegal cash businesses like yours that prompted the requested change in the transaction amount watch list. You criminal thugs always screw it up for everybody, only now you whine as some put upon conservative instead of a thug or one who supports thugs. Remember it was the criminal thugs of the 1920s that got machine guns banned or severely regulated. Now you guys whine about that.:boo_hoo14:
Great, great, a nother whiney lil bitch right wing pity party thread full of horse sh#t. I haven't had my due share of this tyranny thing. Most normal people haven't. Make me think you right wingnuts don't have the slightest clue what tyranny is or what it looks like as you whine about your inconvenience if you are having any, in the first place

I do have to agree with you about the letting boys in the girls restroom was just asking for trouble. The lil sh#t was no real tranny, as he still had his junk, knew he liked p#ssy (as he wasn't raping little boys, and knew where to find it, possibly half undressed where he was free to roam posing as somebody that just wanted to be one of the girl. They ought to go ahead and surgically castrate him and cut his d#ck off, throw him in jail and give the other inmates a case of KY Jelly, to see how he likes it.

Nothing new or particular about the IRS being used or people saying it was being used whether it was or not, going back all the way to at least Nixon and that includes democrats and republicans, so stop your whining, ya lil baby. Just how many weapons you trying to move that got the IRS watching your butt? It is illegal cash businesses like yours that prompted the requested change in the transaction amount watch list. You criminal thugs always screw it up for everybody, only now you whine as some put upon conservative instead of a thug or one who supports thugs. Remember it was the criminal thugs of the 1920s that got machine guns banned or severely regulated. Now you guys whine about that.:boo_hoo14:
>a nother whiney.....
>stop your whining, ya lil baby
>Now you guys whine about that

It seems that you are doing all the whining. I posted specific examples of conspiracy theories which came true, and funny memes which apparently trigger Leftists.

>a nother whiney.....
>stop your whining, ya lil baby
>Now you guys whine about that

It seems that you are doing all the whining. I posted specific examples of conspiracy theories which came true, and funny memes which apparently trigger Leftists.

View attachment 552884
Well #1 is not proven true, to any but the minority wingnut whiners.
Same for #3, though popular with whining right, no matter where you dig up your article.
Your #2. Is real as it gets, but was never a conspiracy. Just and ill advised social experiment that was supposed to prove people are better, kinder, more loving, nurturing creatures, when we aren't except for our own (which we are too indulgent with) and it led to an obvious foreseeable result, but no conspiracy. Just good old fashion stupidity.
4. The SARS-CoV2 Virus was Bioengineered by China with the help of US Gain-of-Function research grants

From February 2020. A "fact check" even.

Baseless Conspiracy Theories Claim New Coronavirus Was Bioengineered

Several online stories inaccurately claim that the new coronavirus contains HIV “insertions” and shows signs of being created in a lab. But there is no evidence that the new virus was bioengineered, and every indication it came from an animal."

From 8/2/2021:

"Wuhan lab genetically manipulated, ‘accidentally released’ COVID-19 virus, says congressional report

From 9/7/2021:

"Wuhan lab documents show Fauci ‘untruthful’ about gain-of-function research

This thread is for specific examples of conspiracy theories (preferably "crazy" Right Wing warnings about what was coming) which undeniably turned out to be true. I'll start with two specific examples. The 3rd one is a work in progress...

1. COVID being used to implement tyranny
2. Gender neutral rest rooms will result in sexual assault of our daughters
3. The IRS will be weaponized, used to spy on all Americans and retaliate against gun purchasers and those who disobey the current administration [work in progress]

To be fair, you had to be pretty blind, or deeply brainwashed, not to see 1 and 2 coming.

It was obvious enough, from the very beginning, that much of what we were being told about Covid consisted of extreme exaggerations, and the motives behind this were pretty clear.

And who couldn't guess what the obvious result would be of allowing mentally- and morally-defective male perverts unfettered access to women's restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms, and such?

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