Right to BEAR arms upheld in Federal Appeals Court

grainbely said:
Why do you need a gun?
I Don't Have To 'Need' A Damned Thing
And No One Has To Clear Anything With You

It's Been Explained To You A Zillion Times
Yet You Still Pretend It's Some Unanswerable Conundrum

frigidweirdo said:
Does a porcupine have a gun?
You're Sharp As A Tack Today !!

No Slipping One By You, No Sirree....

What's Next ??
You'll Point Out A Criminal Isn't Likely Eat Me For Dinner ??

This Critter Has A Gun

The D's decided this was a wedge issue they could use to get votes. They know that their urban voters don't care about owning guns, many are scared of guns, etc. so they run on a platform to take /MY/ guns away, preventing /ME/ from having what I legit /NEED/ to have.

This is why state's rights are fucking important and the D's need to stop using federal courts to get every damned thing they want /forced/ on the entire nation. (Enviromentalism, SSM, free fucking health care, spying rights, and gun bans to name just a few abuses of power.)
Why do you need a gun?

Moose, black bears and grizzlies, wolves, lynx, stray dogs, and human predators.
It sounds like you live out in the wilderness. No one cares if you have guns out there or hunt. We care that the NRA destroys laws and enforcement that attempt to protect the majority population from abuses of these offensive weapons. And they do just that. The BATF is impotent. You might as well hand out biological weapons and tactical nukes to whomever wants them.

I live in the largest city in Alaska. Just that, unlike you destructive lower 48 urbanites we didn't willy-nilly pave the entire bough (county) Not that we could frankly, Federal bureaucrats also turned over half my state into a park in an effort to "make up" for their destruction of the lower 48's wild spaces so we don't get a choice about keeping the dangerous wild animals out of our city even if we wanted to; because of Federal interference in our ability to develop and grow.

You would use that same "one size fits all" federal law system to take away our ability to protect ourselves, our pets, and our children. You are selfish and inconsiderate of the survival and protection necessary by other Americans, rural American's all over this country. Maybe you should clean up the crime in your cities instead, this nations citizens have had guns from the very beginning and somehow it wasn't a fucking "safety problem" until the 1980s when Democrats started letting criminals in the city off easy, started letting the drug cartels into the nation wholesale - for votes and power.

All the NRA does is defend the 2nd from you anti-gun nuts. I actually wasn't a member until this year, but after seeing the lefts socialist, communist agenda come brazenly out into full daylight, I realized that we best contribute to their last ditch efforts to save our 2nd; at a minimum so that my family will be able to defend itself from the wave of domestic terrorists that have been frothed into a violet pack of wild animals by the DNC (and their media puppets) and unleashed upon Republicans (and Independents caught in the cross fire) all across the country. We fully intend to take out as many of the lefts brown shirts as possible before we're thrown in the gulags for being rich, or for being constitutionalist's; doesn't much matter, either one is a death sentence with the new DNC.
I don't know who you are describing but its not me. I don't care what rural and wilderness people do. They are a minority in this country and if they want to go point guns at each other down by the creek who cares. I care that the NRA supports illegal sale and trafficking of guns to the inner cities. They support criminal activity in the distribution and sale of firearms. They push over simplified slogans to warp people's understanding of reality and manipulate the voting bloc. The work to change the meaning of the 2nd amendmant to be super liberal and all encompassing, which it's not and was not intended to be.

Actually, that is your beloved "gubermint" that gave weapons to drug cartels and have been dropping off crates of guns in the inner cities.

frigidweirdo said:
Does a porcupine have a gun?
You're Sharp As A Tack Today !!

No Slipping One By You, No Sirree....

What's Next ??
You'll Point Out A Criminal Isn't Likely Eat Me For Dinner ??

This Critter Has A Gun


The problem with your argument is that the US has the worst murder rate in the first world. It also has the most guns.

frigidweirdo said:
The problem with your argument is that the US has the worst murder rate in the first world. It also has the most guns.

Care To Quote Crime Stats On The Demographic Most Responsible ??
Remove That ONE Demographic
And Our Cities Are As Safe As Any In Switzerland

BTW, All Men Are Required By Law To Have Guns In Switzerland
They Take Home The Ones They Are Issued
After Their Mandatory Service In The Army

The Problem With Your Arguments, Always
Is You Seem To Have A Cognisance Disorder

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