‘Right to be let alone’: Montana Supreme Court unanimously extends abortion rights against latest GOP efforts, rejects ‘excessive governmental interfe


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Looks like the Montana State Supreme Court did not get the right-wing memo!

The Montana Supreme Court unanimously extended abortion protections in the state on Friday – amid an ongoing effort by the GOP governor and legislators to erode women’s medical rights.
In a 7-0 decision, the Treasure State’s highest court sided with an advanced practice nurse practitioner and a clinician who challenged a 2005 law that restricted who could provide abortion services.
Under Montana’s Constitution, the right of individual privacy—that is, the right of personal autonomy or the right to be let alone—is fundamental,” the court noted, citing precedent. “It is, perhaps, one of the most important rights guaranteed to the citizens of this State, and its separate textual protection in our Constitution reflects Montanans’ historical abhorrence and distrust of excessive governmental interference in their personal lives.”
Earlier, a district court invalidated that same law, “Control of Practice of Abortion,” which restricts providers of abortion care to physicians and physician assistants, saying that the legislature violated a woman’s “fundamental right of privacy to seek abortion care from a qualified health care provider of her choosing” when enacting it.

Earlier this month, the Montana legislature passed – and Gov. Greg Gianforte signed – a series of laws to roll back women’s abortion rights – including an effort to further strengthen the law just found unconstitutional by limiting abortions to physicians alone. That law would likely be considered a dead letter.
Republicans also passed a bill that aims to undo the precedent, the 1999 Armstrong case, on which the state’s highest court relied in deciding the latest case, stylized as Weems v. Montana.

That law will also likely be overturned if and when the court takes up the matter.
Looks like the Montana State Supreme Court did not get the right-wing memo!

The Montana Supreme Court unanimously extended abortion protections in the state on Friday – amid an ongoing effort by the GOP governor and legislators to erode women’s medical rights.
In a 7-0 decision, the Treasure State’s highest court sided with an advanced practice nurse practitioner and a clinician who challenged a 2005 law that restricted who could provide abortion services.
Under Montana’s Constitution, the right of individual privacy—that is, the right of personal autonomy or the right to be let alone—is fundamental,” the court noted, citing precedent. “It is, perhaps, one of the most important rights guaranteed to the citizens of this State, and its separate textual protection in our Constitution reflects Montanans’ historical abhorrence and distrust of excessive governmental interference in their personal lives.”
Earlier, a district court invalidated that same law, “Control of Practice of Abortion,” which restricts providers of abortion care to physicians and physician assistants, saying that the legislature violated a woman’s “fundamental right of privacy to seek abortion care from a qualified health care provider of her choosing” when enacting it.

Earlier this month, the Montana legislature passed – and Gov. Greg Gianforte signed – a series of laws to roll back women’s abortion rights – including an effort to further strengthen the law just found unconstitutional by limiting abortions to physicians alone. That law would likely be considered a dead letter.
Republicans also passed a bill that aims to undo the precedent, the 1999 Armstrong case, on which the state’s highest court relied in deciding the latest case, stylized as Weems v. Montana.

That law will also likely be overturned if and when the court takes up the matter.

A case study of religious Christian "conservatives" blurring the definition of CONSERVATIVE to fit whatever the preachers says it is.

Conservatism values self determination, freedom from unnecessary big government regulation and intrusion into private life. The W supporters have no concept of this. They did the same thing with marijuana


True conservative would respond = if you don't like weed, DO NOT USE IT
A case study of religious Christian "conservatives" blurring the definition of CONSERVATIVE to fit whatever the preachers says it is.

Conservatism values self determination, freedom from unnecessary big government regulation and intrusion into private life. The W supporters have no concept of this. They did the same thing with marijuana


True conservative would respond = if you don't like weed, DO NOT USE IT
Montana takes the idea of personal liberty very seriously. Montana women own their bodies--and Govt. has no role in this at all.
Actual decision:

¶51 Article II, Section 10, of the Montana Constitution guarantees a woman a
fundamental right of privacy to seek abortion care from a qualified health care provider of
her choosing, absent a clear demonstration of a medically acknowledged, bona fide health
risk. The State has failed to meet its burden of demonstrating that APRN-FNPs and
APRN-CNMs providing abortion care present a medically acknowledged, bona fide health
risk. The State has failed to present any evidence that demonstrates abortions performed
by APRNs include more risk than those provided by physicians or PAs. The State has failed
to identify any reason why APRNs should be restricted from providing abortions, and thus
failed to articulate a medically acknowledged, bona fide health risk. The District Court
correctly determined that no genuine dispute of material fact exists regarding the safety
and efficacy of APRNs providing early abortion care. Accordingly, § 50-20-109(1)(a),
MCA, is an unconstitutional interference with a woman’s right of privacy to seek medical
care from a qualified provider of her choice.
Looks like the Montana State Supreme Court did not get the right-wing memo!

The Montana Supreme Court unanimously extended abortion protections in the state on Friday – amid an ongoing effort by the GOP governor and legislators to erode women’s medical rights.
In a 7-0 decision, the Treasure State’s highest court sided with an advanced practice nurse practitioner and a clinician who challenged a 2005 law that restricted who could provide abortion services.
Under Montana’s Constitution, the right of individual privacy—that is, the right of personal autonomy or the right to be let alone—is fundamental,” the court noted, citing precedent. “It is, perhaps, one of the most important rights guaranteed to the citizens of this State, and its separate textual protection in our Constitution reflects Montanans’ historical abhorrence and distrust of excessive governmental interference in their personal lives.”
Earlier, a district court invalidated that same law, “Control of Practice of Abortion,” which restricts providers of abortion care to physicians and physician assistants, saying that the legislature violated a woman’s “fundamental right of privacy to seek abortion care from a qualified health care provider of her choosing” when enacting it.

Earlier this month, the Montana legislature passed – and Gov. Greg Gianforte signed – a series of laws to roll back women’s abortion rights – including an effort to further strengthen the law just found unconstitutional by limiting abortions to physicians alone. That law would likely be considered a dead letter.
Republicans also passed a bill that aims to undo the precedent, the 1999 Armstrong case, on which the state’s highest court relied in deciding the latest case, stylized as Weems v. Montana.

That law will also likely be overturned if and when the court takes up the matter.

It is amazing to find some honest judges. Republicans have corrupted the supposedly independent judiciary.
Looks like the Montana State Supreme Court did not get the right-wing memo!

The Montana Supreme Court unanimously extended abortion protections in the state on Friday – amid an ongoing effort by the GOP governor and legislators to erode women’s medical rights.
In a 7-0 decision, the Treasure State’s highest court sided with an advanced practice nurse practitioner and a clinician who challenged a 2005 law that restricted who could provide abortion services.
Under Montana’s Constitution, the right of individual privacy—that is, the right of personal autonomy or the right to be let alone—is fundamental,” the court noted, citing precedent. “It is, perhaps, one of the most important rights guaranteed to the citizens of this State, and its separate textual protection in our Constitution reflects Montanans’ historical abhorrence and distrust of excessive governmental interference in their personal lives.”
Earlier, a district court invalidated that same law, “Control of Practice of Abortion,” which restricts providers of abortion care to physicians and physician assistants, saying that the legislature violated a woman’s “fundamental right of privacy to seek abortion care from a qualified health care provider of her choosing” when enacting it.

Earlier this month, the Montana legislature passed – and Gov. Greg Gianforte signed – a series of laws to roll back women’s abortion rights – including an effort to further strengthen the law just found unconstitutional by limiting abortions to physicians alone. That law would likely be considered a dead letter.
Republicans also passed a bill that aims to undo the precedent, the 1999 Armstrong case, on which the state’s highest court relied in deciding the latest case, stylized as Weems v. Montana.

That law will also likely be overturned if and when the court takes up the matter.
I'm pretty sure the citizens of Montana have full rights to regulate the abortion issue as they see fit, and indeed, having lived in a neighboring state for 35 years, I know Montanans are very into privacy from too much government interference, and that they deeply value personal privacy. It's a large state, a fair state, and a good neighbor to the fortunate states that share a border with the Gold and Silver State. :thup:
Don't you see? That's what the Supreme Court intended. Let states set their own abortion laws. You want to get rid of that little potential cowboy in your belly, go to Montana.
Don't you see? That's what the Supreme Court intended. Let states set their own abortion laws. You want to get rid of that little potential cowboy in your belly, go to Montana.
This misses the point.

The Montana supreme court is exhibiting actual conservatism not seen in the Unites States for more than 50 years: limited government in favor of individual liberty – even if one is offended by or opposes how a citizen exercises his individual liberty, such as having an abortion.

Conservativism today is authoritarian and oppressive: more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty; using the power of the state to compel conformity and punish dissent – such as laws compelling women to give birth against their will.

Conservatives need to understand that ‘limited government/small government’ is far much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.
Wouldn't not having your skull crushed by surgical instruments fall under the right to be left alone?

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