Rick Scott ill-timed Italian vacation as GOP hopes to gain Senate control implode with comically weak candidates Oz, Walker, Johnson, Vance, & Masters

Knives are out for Rick Scott

Hey, he's a mega-millionaire who can work from anywhere. But it's a leak that shows Rs are growing restless

Yeah sure. The only weak candidates are the Marxists who are going to rely on the big steal 2022, just like they did in 2020 and 2018.

And Tater has been hiding in the basement how many days during his term thus far? I don't see the OP whining about that.....Then again "content" is not the OP's strong suit.....More shit-posting anything that pops-up on the OP's feed than anything else.

Blah, it's all BS anyway.....It's called the August Recess for a reason.....That's when most DC politicians go on vacation or tool around their districts/states.....Nothing new under the sun there.

What is it?​

The beginnings of the August recess can be traced back to the early days of the Senate’s meetings in the capital – in particular before a little thing called “air conditioning” was invented. The District of Columbia (or Philadelphia or New York City, depending on the year) just got too hot for senators and their staffers to work, so the Senate would convene in December and adjourn in the spring, according to the Senate’s website.

“Manufactured weather,” or air conditioning, was introduced to the chamber in the 1920s, but it still proved insufficient – and the six-month model still made sense because being a member of Congress was only supposed to be a part-time job. By the 1950s, though, the schedule of a senator had changed. By then, they were working year-round with very few breaks built into the calendar.

vp curtis

#TBT: The sweaty slog toward August recess

In 1959, Sen. Margaret Chase Smith described “confused thinking, harmful emotions, destructive tempers, unsound and unwise legislation and ill health” that resulted from not taking a break from legislating.

The Legislative Reorganization Act, introduced in 1970, put an end to the yearlong sessions, mandating a summer break be a part of the schedule. But not even that came without a fight: Older senators wanted a traditional model – come to Washington in January, do business and return home by summer – while younger senators wanted a designated six-week summer recess.

Now, even with modern-day technology and air conditioning, senators use recess as not only a break from muggy Washington but as a chance to head back to their home states and connect with their constituency (and maybe even take a break).

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