Rich People (Don't) Create Jobs

Lol the RW response to this thread is unreal. A rich business owner is telling RWs they are wrong and they still don't buy it. Unbelievable. When will the day come when republicans will admit they were wrong?

RIch business owner? I thought the OP said they didn't create jobs.
Sometimes the ideas we are certain are true, are DEAD WRONG.

A policymaker believes that the rich create jobs and should not be tax, he will make terrible policy.

Watch and learn. -- Only Consumers can set in motion the cycle...

Rich People (Don't) Create Jobs
oooooh fucking really ? has anyone ever told you, you are either stupid or totally lacking any education beyond "don't suck your thumb"..??
have you ever heard about H.H. Timken ?? he was a maker of roller bearings, and made a company out of his inventiveness, i worked at one of his plants in Ohio, by that time his heirs, rich people, hired me for a job, they were RICH people who created a company that resulted in creation of jobs.

The company had already been created. His heirs didn't have to spend their money to hire you.

You have to be kidding!!!! so an exsisting firm with 10 people ,that wants to hire more because they are already running it won't cost more ?? are you retarded?
Lol the RW response to this thread is unreal. A rich business owner is telling RWs they are wrong and they still don't buy it. Unbelievable. When will the day come when republicans will admit they were wrong?

RIch business owner? I thought the OP said they didn't create jobs.

Its a hoot with these people,in an other post he blubbered about the rich guy giving the job that they don't create gave the job to a foreign guy instead,but heck the rich guy didn't create it??!!
Rich people don't create jobs? That's an odd statement... I've never worked for a poor person.
Sometimes the ideas we are certain are true, are DEAD WRONG.

A policymaker believes that the rich create jobs and should not be tax, he will make terrible policy.

Watch and learn. -- Only Consumers can set in motion the cycle...

Rich People (Don't) Create Jobs
oooooh fucking really ? has anyone ever told you, you are either stupid or totally lacking any education beyond "don't suck your thumb"..??
have you ever heard about H.H. Timken ?? he was a maker of roller bearings, and made a company out of his inventiveness, i worked at one of his plants in Ohio, by that time his heirs, rich people, hired me for a job, they were RICH people who created a company that resulted in creation of jobs.

The company had already been created. His heirs didn't have to spend their money to hire you.

You have to be kidding!!!! so an exsisting firm with 10 people ,that wants to hire more because they are already running it won't cost more ?? are you retarded?

Well you went from a rather large bearing company to a 10 person small company..

Probably the 10 person company owner would have put off his/her hiring until the current workforce was simply not able to keep up with the demand of goods or service. Or both.

Which means they are running full out and hopefully generating good profits from the sale of the goods and service they were able to provide.

Higher sales generating both more profit and cash flow. Allowing the company to hire more employees and pay them out of increased cash flows and earnings.

The owner(s) if they did this right, should have not needed to touch their personal fortunes in this scenario.
And if they had no "fortune" but were living close to the bone they still should have been able to expand. Rich or not.

Increased demand is what creates jobs in any company. Demand for goods or services that exceed a current work forces ability to meet them is what creates new jobs.

Rich or not, a business owner with new demand will have to hire more people is he intends to grow the business.
Sometimes the ideas we are certain are true, are DEAD WRONG.

A policymaker believes that the rich create jobs and should not be tax, he will make terrible policy.

Watch and learn. -- Only Consumers can set in motion the cycle...

Rich People (Don't) Create Jobs
oooooh fucking really ? has anyone ever told you, you are either stupid or totally lacking any education beyond "don't suck your thumb"..??
have you ever heard about H.H. Timken ?? he was a maker of roller bearings, and made a company out of his inventiveness, i worked at one of his plants in Ohio, by that time his heirs, rich people, hired me for a job, they were RICH people who created a company that resulted in creation of jobs.

The company had already been created. His heirs didn't have to spend their money to hire you.

You have to be kidding!!!! so an exsisting firm with 10 people ,that wants to hire more because they are already running it won't cost more ?? are you retarded?

Well you went from a rather large bearing company to a 10 person small company..

Probably the 10 person company owner would have put off his/her hiring until the current workforce was simply not able to keep up with the demand of goods or service. Or both.

Which means they are running full out and hopefully generating good profits from the sale of the goods and service they were able to provide.

Higher sales generating both more profit and cash flow. Allowing the company to hire more employees and pay them out of increased cash flows and earnings.

The owner(s) if they did this right, should have not needed to touch their personal fortunes in this scenario.
And if they had no "fortune" but were living close to the bone they still should have been able to expand. Rich or not.

Increased demand is what creates jobs in any company. Demand for goods or services that exceed a current work forces ability to meet them is what creates new jobs.

Rich or not, a business owner with new demand will have to hire more people is he intends to grow the business.

Never heard of start up costs and seed capital have you?
Sometimes the ideas we are certain are true, are DEAD WRONG.

A policymaker believes that the rich create jobs and should not be tax, he will make terrible policy.

Watch and learn. -- Only Consumers can set in motion the cycle...

Two points: First you have it wrong. Corporations and small businesses create jobs. Some small business owners are rich and some are not. Many corporations have rich executives. Based on how they run the company they create jobs.

Second point: Whether rich create jobs or not, there is one thing we know, government NEVER creates jobs. Government stands in the way of job growth. The best government can do to create jobs is get out of the way of the people who do!
No one is being fucked over.

You take the position that a field hand helps hoe a row on a farm and then is entitled to the entire field, rather than just the row he hoed.

Instead of 15 people getting an agreed upon share of the row (Agreed upon means that the find the situation acceptable) you would have no one benefiting from the contract.

And you call that compassion.

No worker is ever getting bilked out of what they deserve if they are paid on time and paid at the agreed upon rate.

I understand you want everything for nothing, but I simply don't care what you want. Your kind of thinking is destructive to the American worker.

So Chinese workers aren't getting 'bilked' at a 1.00 an hour, and if that were happening here, it would be just fine.
Go talk to the Chinese. Moving the goal posts because I made you look like the idiot you are does not impress anyone and does not fool anyone.

The system we employ HERE in America is one in which someone has a dream of being free from a boss and starts a business, works hard to make that business work, enjoys a growing personal prosperity and then hires others (AT AGREED UPON RATES) to help expand his dream and maybe leave something of a legacy for his progeny.

As the business grows, so too does the rates and benefits grow for the employees. Maybe even more employees are hired until the business achieves it own internal balance. At some point, this business could be responsible for the dreams of parents who work to put their children through college, or a trade school, and provides them with a decent home in clean neighborhoods.

This is how it works, this is how it should work. Those who want more can chase that dream of more and start their own business, or acquire more education and move up in the company (not recommended in My opinion) or find a company that has a better paying position in which they are now qualified to do.

And people improve their lives this way all the time.


You want to remove the engine that makes that all possible and stick those employees and their children on government assistance, where their very existence is now dependent upon a charity check from an uncaring government that makes rules to prevent them from leaving the dependency. And then tells them how thankful they should be that the government was there to save them, and oh, won't you vote for us?

All the while the puppet-masters of government live a good life and laugh at the stooges who help them keep business from prospering.

As I've said before. America can ill stand your kind of compassion much longer.

Most Americans don't own their own businesses and never will you retard. Goddam you people are fucked up in the head.
Wow, that's your entire response? Seriously? You're way out of your league here and Darkwind has just eaten your breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

lol, you're one to talk. I have reality on my side.
The reality that you are way out of your depth and have no idea what you're talking about.
This happened between 1965 and 2005, and presumably continues:


Have things gotten so much better for the American worker over that period time?
Another idiot who can't read a graph.
Sometimes the ideas we are certain are true, are DEAD WRONG.

A policymaker believes that the rich create jobs and should not be tax, he will make terrible policy.

Watch and learn. -- Only Consumers can set in motion the cycle...

Rich People (Don't) Create Jobs
oooooh fucking really ? has anyone ever told you, you are either stupid or totally lacking any education beyond "don't suck your thumb"..??
have you ever heard about H.H. Timken ?? he was a maker of roller bearings, and made a company out of his inventiveness, i worked at one of his plants in Ohio, by that time his heirs, rich people, hired me for a job, they were RICH people who created a company that resulted in creation of jobs.

The company had already been created. His heirs didn't have to spend their money to hire you.

You have to be kidding!!!! so an exsisting firm with 10 people ,that wants to hire more because they are already running it won't cost more ?? are you retarded?

Well you went from a rather large bearing company to a 10 person small company..

Probably the 10 person company owner would have put off his/her hiring until the current workforce was simply not able to keep up with the demand of goods or service. Or both.

Which means they are running full out and hopefully generating good profits from the sale of the goods and service they were able to provide.

Higher sales generating both more profit and cash flow. Allowing the company to hire more employees and pay them out of increased cash flows and earnings.

The owner(s) if they did this right, should have not needed to touch their personal fortunes in this scenario.
And if they had no "fortune" but were living close to the bone they still should have been able to expand. Rich or not.

Increased demand is what creates jobs in any company. Demand for goods or services that exceed a current work forces ability to meet them is what creates new jobs.

Rich or not, a business owner with new demand will have to hire more people is he intends to grow the business.

Never heard of start up costs and seed capital have you?

Zeke's start up cost is a sixer of Blatz in the morning and seed capital comes from dope he's going to plant.
What a bunch of hogwash! [Doing my best to keep it clean :)]

When has a poor person ever hired someone to do something that they can do themselves - on a regular basis?

So you admit that service businesses need consumers who have the money to spend on services.

yes rich people don't cause the economy to grow, poor people do when you give them welfare to spend. If you want to get from the stone age to here just give the least productive welfare money to spend and you've solved the basic economic problem!!

Liberals are like Nazis in their pure and aggressive ignorance.
Or if you're taxing yachts to raise revenue to build tanks or fighter jets because you're increasing the military, then the yacht jobs lost become defense plant jobs.
now thats a good trade off but when you tax for deadly liberal programs everyone loses and the economy trends downhill.
What a bunch of hogwash! [Doing my best to keep it clean :)]

When has a poor person ever hired someone to do something that they can do themselves - on a regular basis?

So you admit that service businesses need consumers who have the money to spend on services.

yes rich people don't cause the economy to grow, poor people do when you give them welfare to spend. If you want to get from the stone age to here just give the least productive welfare money to spend and you've solved the basic economic problem!!

Liberals are like Nazis in their pure and aggressive ignorance.
Libs only think in terms of someone winning and someone losing. And for one to happen, the other has to happen too. So they're all about "sticking it" to others who are brighter, harder working or more successful than they are.
Watch. Every post on economics or business consists of the claim that some people are exploiting other people.
What a bunch of hogwash! [Doing my best to keep it clean :)]

When has a poor person ever hired someone to do something that they can do themselves - on a regular basis?

So you admit that service businesses need consumers who have the money to spend on services.

yes rich people don't cause the economy to grow, poor people do when you give them welfare to spend. If you want to get from the stone age to here just give the least productive welfare money to spend and you've solved the basic economic problem!!

Liberals are like Nazis in their pure and aggressive ignorance.
Libs only think in terms of someone winning and someone losing. And for one to happen, the other has to happen too. So they're all about "sticking it" to others who are brighter, harder working or more successful than they are.
Watch. Every post on economics or business consists of the claim that some people are exploiting other people.

So no one would lose if American workers 'won' a higher minimum wage?

Is that your position?
Most rich people are lawyers, politicians, bankers, market speculators, entertainers, or athletes. Useless parasites that don't produce jobs or anything else either.

This is no different than the tax on yachts. The rich spend money and that provides jobs.

The yacht tax story is a classic canard. If the tax revenue was needed, it has to come from somewhere. Don't tax the yachts so you don't hurt the yacht business and you have to tax something else that might get hurt.

Or if you're taxing yachts to raise revenue to build tanks or fighter jets because you're increasing the military, then the yacht jobs lost become defense plant jobs.
So you admit that high taxation costs people and jobs and at time entire industries to go out of business.

What's to keep a yacht builder from moving to another country and selling them here at the reduced cost?
Only Consumers can set in motion the cycle...

of course that 100% idiotic and so perfectly liberal. Consumers were waiting 10,000 years for a Republican Supply sider to invent the farm plow and set in motion the cycle of economic growth.

Simple enough for even a liberal to understand??

This is the best Special Ed-ism yet!

Keep them coming buddy!
So no one would lose if American workers 'won' a higher minimum wage?

Is that your position?

American workers would lose since there would then be less demand for their labor. Ever wonder why there is less demand for a Rolls Royce than a Chevy?? A chevy is cheaper. This is called the law of supply abd demand.
Libs only think in terms of someone winning and someone losing.

yes and it comes from Marx who believed in class warfare or in making the poor realize that the rich were stealing from them. Its absurd since people agree to make Bill Gates rich when they buy and use his products. Gates does not steal their money.

If the don't want him to be wealthy on their money they should just stop buying his products, not steal his money.

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