Rewriting the Dictionary - Anchor Baby now "offensive"

A decision by the American Heritage Dictionary to revise its definition of "anchor baby" -- labeling it an offensive and disparaging term -- is an attempt to manipulate the "linguistic landscape" and push a leftist agenda, some opponents of illegal immigration say.

"Anchor baby" was among roughly 10,000 words -- including "hoodie" and "babydaddy" -- added to the dictionary's fifth edition last month.

Read more: Revised Definition Of 'Anchor Baby' Part Of Leftist Agenda, Critics Say | Fox News

Control language; control thought. :eusa_shhh:

I find the fact we allow it to be offensive. That amendment was never intended to hand over citizenship to the child of parents who came under the authority of another country -but to insure the citizenship of former slaves. At the time people were told it would not apply to the children of diplomats or those who fell under the authority of another nation, or a nation that still claimed that person as a citizen such as tourists and visitors. What a fucking lie.

While people go on and on about this issue like you are saying something offensive, let's discuss the realities of handing out citizenship like a Cracker Jack prize to the offspring of foreigners who are teaching their children their first loyalty lies with the parent's nation -not this one -and therefore value that US citizenship no more than a Cracker Jack prize. The parents don't even need to pretend to raise their child as an American to get the door prize -and what is handed out for free is typically viewed as pretty cheap and of little value. We all conveniently forget this fact, but the offspring of illegals are in fact MEXICAN CITIZENS too and worse yet, they are being raised by their Mexican citizen parents to believe their loyalty lies with Mexico first. How else do you get a bunch of children already revealing they are in fact very poor quality citizens who actually insist the sight of the US flag in THIS country on a Mexican holiday is "offensive"? WTF? The sight of the US flag in the US is NEVER offensive. But what IS offensive is the push to try and pretend it is appropriate for schools to include Mexican holidays like Cinqo de Mayo that are based on something that has absolutely nothing to do with US history whatsoever. It would be like going to Russia and demanding their schools start celebrating, honoring and teaching all about Thanksgiving -a uniquely American holiday that has nothing to do with Russian history either. Every nation has holidays unique to its own history -but that fact doesn't make it appropriate to force another nation to pretend it gives a shit about some holiday that has no relevance to their own history. I have Russian ancestors -don't give a shit about Russian holidays -because I am an AMERICAN, not Russian. I have French ancestors and I don't give a shit about Bastille Day either.

This is how to conquer a nation without violence -a massive invasion by foreigners intent on exploiting the ridiculous citizenship loophole that not only gives their child US citizenship that is never appreciated, allows that child's parents to stay in order to continue exploiting a nation they actually hold in contempt -then watch one political party decide illegals are their constituents instead of US citizens and work hand in hand with them to undermine any effort to reduce voter fraud so they can have their voice "heard" as if they have equal rights to this country, as well as try and expand the ways illegals can exploit our system and our entitlement programs and bleed us dry.
"The future of the United States is a place where you cannot speak your mind freely or engage in any terms or comments deemed inappropriate by the thought police," Gheen said. "What's really offensive is how these pro-illegal immigrant groups are telling people how they can talk."

Read more: Revised Definition Of 'Anchor Baby' Part Of Leftist Agenda, Critics Say | Fox News


Cite any Federal, state, or local law that subjects anyone who utters the words ‘anchor-baby’ to criminal prosecution.

Cite any Federal, state, or local law that forbids one to speak his mind freely or engage in any terms or comments deemed inappropriate.

Cite any ‘pro-illegal immigrant’ organization claiming it has the authority to tell ‘people how they can talk.’

It's not just about "laws". Using "offensive language" in the workplace can get someone fired. Using "offensive language" in a school can get a student suspended. Perhaps we need a handbook (or dictionary) of offensive terms that are no longer allowable in public, so we don't slip up and "offend" someone.

Hey - maybe that's what the American Heritage Dictionary people are working on right now. :cool:
I guarantee that many illegals refer to their own children as "anchors". (Ooops, perhaps I should have said "undocumented")

Yes they do - in fact they say babies anclas. Which I think will continue to be used. Since that is what they are and nobody knows that better then those who enter to have their child here. I doubt that THEY find the term offensive as they know that it is exactly what they are and why they had them - and of course, to qualify for whatever perks are given to those born here.
The significant point isn't whether the term is 'offensive' or not. The fact is, barring a Constitutional Amendment or pretty radical reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment by the US Supreme Court (with all the attendant and tricky details that would follow as a consequence) what people are talking about are US citizens. The fact that some people obviously use the term as a pejorative (thus insulting our fellow citizens) does not change that fact.

Stephen Colbert: If ‘Anchor Baby’ Is An Offensive Term, Then What About ‘Grappling Baby’?
Alex Alvarez
December 13th, 2011

The host also wondered what this would mean for his own submission to the dictionary: “grappling baby,” or, what happens when a Mexican woman aims her birth canal at the U.S. in order to launch her baby across and then proceed to climb over, using the umbilical cord for help. As you do.
Stephen Colbert: If ‘Anchor Baby’ Is An Offensive Term, Then What About ‘Grappling Baby’? | Mediaite
A decision by the American Heritage Dictionary to revise its definition of "anchor baby" -- labeling it an offensive and disparaging term -- is an attempt to manipulate the "linguistic landscape" and push a leftist agenda, some opponents of illegal immigration say.

"Anchor baby" was among roughly 10,000 words -- including "hoodie" and "babydaddy" -- added to the dictionary's fifth edition last month.

Read more: Revised Definition Of 'Anchor Baby' Part Of Leftist Agenda, Critics Say | Fox News

Control language; control thought. :eusa_shhh:

That is what they want. The term is an accurate description of what the illegals are doing when they sneak over and have a baby. I think we need to clarify the constitution to read that only children of legal citizens are granted citizenship. Or at least people in the country legally. If the parents have no business being here, why should we consider their child a citizen? It makes no sense whatsoever. Anchor baby is exactly how these babies are seen by their own parents. Drop anchor after you enter illegally and you are now eligible for welfare. Then keep having more kids to find that better life.
Megyn Kelly made a great analogy on Fox News Wednesday afternoon, December 29, 2010, when criticizing a Society of Professional Journalists column calling for the media to replace the phrase "illegal immigrants" with "undocumented immigrants."

Kelly said, "How far can you take this? You can say that a burglar is an unauthorized visitor. You can say that a rapist is a nonconsensual sex partner, which obviously would be considered offensive to the victims of those crimes. So how far could you take this?"

I would add that calling an illegal alien an undocumented immigrant is like calling a bank robber an undocumented account holder.

Actually, "political correctness" is just another misleading euphemism, a substitute for the more appropriate term of "political dishonesty."

But that is just my humble opinion (OK, I lied about the humble part).
Anchor baby offensive?
What about anchor wench?


What's offensive about that?
It's not just about "laws". Using "offensive language" in the workplace can get someone fired. Using "offensive language" in a school can get a student suspended.

Well sometimes it's not even the word itself. Using one that simply sounds like a racial slur (such as "niggardly" which has no connection whatsoever to any racial meaning and is in fact of Scandinavian origin: "nygg" - meaning stingy) is enough to get you fired or accused of racism. At this rate saying "kumquat" will soon get you brought up on sexual harassment charges.
It's not just about "laws". Using "offensive language" in the workplace can get someone fired. Using "offensive language" in a school can get a student suspended.

Well sometimes it's not even the word itself. Using one that simply sounds like a racial slur (such as "niggardly" which has no connection whatsoever to any racial meaning and is in fact of Scandinavian origin: "nygg" - meaning stingy) is enough to get you fired or accused of racism. At this rate saying "kumquat" will soon get you brought up on sexual harassment charges.

I'm already angry that I can't say fried chicken, turnip greens, or watermelon in the presence of somebody who happens to be of a different race without being accused of being racist. Despite my ancestry being European, I grew up on those foods and thoroughly enjoy them to this day. Then one by one, special interest/activist groups began co-opting other words from the dictionary and making them something different than what we were and no other interpretation is allowed. The Confederate Flag was once a symbol of the spirit of the South and I suspect the huge majority of people, black or white, didn't associate it with slavery until the PC police got ahold of it. Now we aren't allowed to think of it in any other context. We used to use a noose for several fun things over the years--hanging judges; west of the Pecos and all that--but you can't do that anymore because it is now automatically identified with racism and no other interpretation is allowed.

I tell you, if we don't start fighting back against all this political correctness crap, we will completely lose our culture and much of our language.

Anchor baby is a perfectly good term to describe what it is. It is NOT in the least racist. It is a baby that is intentionally given birth in the United States to make it more difficult to deport the mother. I don't see why we shouldn't be allowed to use the term for what it is.
Is it "PC" or is it just being a decent person? How has it that good manners become such a political issue?

Terms like ******, cracker, fundie, and yes anchor-baby are slurs designed to insult and hurt. Folks have a right to say them but don't whine and scream about "political thought control" when a dictionary defines them accurately as slurs.

wtf? Fundie is out now too? :evil:


who's dictionary is that ? yours? or some partisans that decides that they need to hide or make uncertain the nature of a persons status by using misleading acronyms/words?

Illegal is exactly what they are, not 'undocumented', that's an obfuscatory phrase.

do you agree?
Is it "PC" or is it just being a decent person? How has it that good manners become such a political issue?

Terms like ******, cracker, fundie, and yes anchor-baby are slurs designed to insult and hurt. Folks have a right to say them but don't whine and scream about "political thought control" when a dictionary defines them accurately as slurs.

wtf? Fundie is out now too? :evil:


who's dictionary is that ? yours? or some partisans that decides that they need to hide or make uncertain the nature of a persons status by using misleading acronyms/words?

Illegal is exactly what they are, not 'undocumented', that's an obfuscatory phrase.

do you agree?

We aren't talking about illegal vs undocumented (there's a strawman for you):rolleyes:

Slur's aren't defined by "partisans" but by intent. I don't believe anchor-baby has ever been meant as anything but a slur.

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