Revival and de-Germanization of Bavaria

These Germans are get-mans, These are Bandera, accomplices of Stalinism. It was they who exterminated the Poles and occupied Lesser Poland together with Hitler.

You murdered all this people: Men, women, children. It had been the main ppolisiosniof the Krim. And thsi hadnto nbeen theneihnyl Grtmasn whoi had benen rudered from Russia.

And it was Stalin who started world war 2 together with Hitler in the secret part of the Molotow-Ribbentrop pact by deciding to separate Poland again. And it was Stalin who got ot a very big part of Poland where also all Poles had been displaced and had been sent in German areas where teh yhad bene sdeedled donw and where the Germans whia had lived there "since ever" had been murdered and/or displaced = genocided.
Idiots zombied by empires always confuse languages, nations and nationalities. The Prussians are the Balts, to whom the Avars and Bulgars did not reach. The rest of the Balts eventually spoke Old Bulgarian, but this does not mean that they ceased to be Balts
You murdered all this people:
The wicked slave-owning Gets were expelled from the Crimea by the Great Sarmatians, but they remained in the swampy part near Kyiv. This is the hetmans. They alternately adjoined Lithuanian and Muscovite Rus. During the time of the Commonwealth, they were part of the Commonwealth, but then became Muscovites. Until now, they speak exclusively in Russian. It is their movement of Bandera, in alliance with Stalin, is guilty of the 4th partition of Poland and the genocide of the Lesser Poles.
This land was known as Lesser Russia
Get-mans were contemptuously called Serdyuks. Like other Germans, they were slave infantrymen, musketeers, although later they, like other Germans, stole other people's glory, calling themselves "Cossacks".
Like other Germans, the get-mans sowed cruelty, vice, alcoholism and dishonor everywhere. For this they were despised. Hence the name serdyuks - for cruelty.
It was the Avar

No one really knows who had been the Awars. Their language is totally unknown.


Who? Which word from which language is this? ... It is an expression from a Turkish language for people of an Altai-language. With Awars has this nothing to do. If they had spoken an Altai-language then I'm sure we would know this. But no one knows what kind of language they spoke.

The first heavy riders in Europe, spearmen with stirrups, knights descended from them. The very word bAvariya is from here.

What about when you woud read what othes tell you? Bavarians call themselve "bairisch" ("bayerisch" is another expression - the "y" has very modern reasons). The sound of the word "bairisch" is like the word Irish - with "B" in front of the "irish" = "Birish". With "Awars" has the expression absolutelly nothing to do.

They came there together with the Bulgaryans and Cumans.

Sounds totally idiirtic again. And again: "Aryans" existed ortn tno eisted - no one knows. If they are not only an linguistic hypothese and they had really existed then their descendents live in Persia.

Yes, there were many different peoples, but they were all steppe warriors - non-Germans.

The Bavarians never had been steppe warrior, full-time-idiot. The German expression which is very next to "Bayer" is "Bauer" = farmer. And that's what most Germans see in Bavarians: Stupid conservative farmers. A racist prejudice by the way. Bavaria always had been an "industrialzed" country - also under Romans and in the middle ages. Always good metalworkers lived here.

Therefore, they have non-German slender black-haired and beautiful women. Like Si Si.

German women and men have in general everywhere all kinds of colors for hairs. Our ancestors are Celts, Germanics and Romans.
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The ethnonym of the Germans "Varagers" has the same root as "vrag" ("enemy") and "vor" ("thief"). They were engaged in trade and robbery, they were never real warriors. Later they began to create slave infantry, from where the shameful Prussian military of stupid slaves originated.

Aristocratic warriors such as knights and hussars despised these bastards more than commoners. They were cunning and insidious, but at the same time soft-bodied and depraved.
They would have killed them all without exception, But these bastards were hiding in the swampy forests and it was difficult to get them.

The wicked slave-owning ...

You murdered all this people. Men, women and children. What do you not understadn when someneojne say such a clear sentence. The Krirm-Germans had been Russians since Cartherine 2 called them. Stalin murdered this Russians. I do not tink Putin will try to do anything else with the Ukrainians.
No one really knows who had been the Awars.
These are the ancestors of the barons, about the same as the knights. They came from the Sarmatian peoples, they most likely spoke Old Bulgarian. Known as Friers in Germany
The ethnonym of the Germans "Varagers" ...

The Waräger (only men) had been in the origin Skandinavians, Vikings. They are normally called Nor(th)mans and not Germans. They had been warriors, traders and seddlers. Most of them came in the origin from Sweden from the tribes of the Svear and Gauten.
And again: "Aryans" existed ortn tno eisted - no one knows.
You are a lying German. When the Pan-Germanists had to pass themselves off as Indo-Aryans, they did not reject the Indo-Aryans.

Indo-Aryan culture is huge and rich. This is about 10 thousand years.
The history of the Germans, after they got out of the swamps, is a little more than a hundred years. Modern Germany is the Prussian Empire. It appeared at the end of the 18th century. Germany is a scam.
The Waräger (only men) had been in the origin Skandinavians, Vikings.
you lie again, shameful German. The Scandinavian culture came from the Altaic, it is similar to the Celtic Latin, the Germanic cultures of band ceramics are not related to the ancient Scandinavians.
... Indo-Aryan culture ...

Not exists. It exist only Indo-Germanic languages. Or with other words: many languages between India and Sweden have common elements. But not all of this languages in this area of the world are Indo-Germanic languages. Also not in Europe - that's why I do not like the racist expression Indo-European languages because this expression excludes typical Europeans who do not speak an Indo-Germanic language.
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We can say that there are "ancient Germans" - these are the Hittites. They were expelled from the Middle East by the Indo-Aryans, and went to the forests of northern Europe, where they created a primitive slave culture of Corded Ware. After that, they penetrated into all cultures and corrupted them from the inside with huckstering and dishonor. Such were the plebeians and such were the Goths who seized the Romanesque power after the plague.
It exist only Indo-Germanic languages
An invention of the shameful pan-Germanists.
If there was such a group, it is not equivalent to the Indo-Aryans.
All the ancient languages that are called "IE" come only from Indo-Aryan. There are no "Indo-Germanic" and "Indo-European" sources
Skandinavians are no Turks. Never had been.
The Altai Afanasiev culture is the first Indo-Aryan culture in Eurasia.

The Turks are related to the Germans. The Turks live on the territory of Anatolia, in the same place where the ancient Getae lived.
In wars, they have always cooperated.

Part of Central Asia was Turkized during the invasion of Tamerlane, this process was completed by the Bolsheviks.
Central Asia was finally Turkified in the 20th century. Germans are Turks. The Ottomans are Hetman-Hauptmans.
Bullshit. In Carthago for example lived Hittites. They dominated the mediterranian sea before the Romans destroyed them.
They were destroyed by the Indo-Aryans. It was during the catastrophe of the Bronze Age, after that IA moved to Greece and established Olympus.

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