Rev. Jesse Jackson: Republicans Hate Government Until They Need It

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Rev. Jesse Jackson: Republicans Hate Government Until They Need It | News One

Very true, they hate government until they need it to finance wrs, pass legislation giving tax cuts to the rich and oh, to pass legislation to force welfare recipients to take drug tests even though 98% of those tested pass. Basically they love big government for helping big business and oppressing those they hate like unions and the poor but hate it government when government doesn't help the rich more than what they need and when government helps the poor.
The reason Macy window is so big and clear is so that all of NYC can watch Jesse Jackson kiss my ass in it.
Perhaps the Reverend Jackson should cease being a Race baiter and cease using the plight of others' decisionsthey made to embellish his life, and stick to his moniker Reverend?

Perhaps he should understand what Dr. King was saying since the Reverend rode the coattails of Dr. King, and would have been nothing without him?

Seems Dr. Kings message was lost in the translation.
It's all the shit we don't need government for but the fucking government insists on doing that's causing the problems.
Isn't Jackson the guy who wanted to rip off obama's balls? And the left still listens to him?


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