
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
I've been saying this for decades. If a company is going to strip me of my ability to protect myself, then they should assume full responsibility for my security. Failure to do so should result in millions of dollars to the victims and hundreds of millions to the families of any individual that dies as a result of violence. Kudos for Missouri for introducing this bill. Let's hope it gets passed and that all 50 states follow suite.

Missouri Bill: Gun-Banning Businesses Liable for Injuries to Disarmed Customers - Breitbart
No no no, the gun thing is 'out', the 'in' thing is fun stuff to do in other millionaires' hotel rooms.

That's what all the cool kids are posting about.
Dream on dream on but you dream is gone away. It went on with hillaraaaah AHAHAHAHAHAHA. THe second will come back strong hopefully, and criminals will be back on death row. Like the SC killer, the Hate crime against the White disabiled person should result in the death penalty. He suffered severe injury and they would have loved to kill him. Lets get this going like it should be ANY racist hate crime will be a death penalty with only one look over lets impanel a special court, and let them have all the cases for review if they pass quit doing the bs and shoot them in the back of the head. Once all of that is done we will see an end to the crap that liberalisim has fostered and our streets will be safe again or those who do the crimes won't do time anywhere but hell.
And Breitbart hasn't printed an honest story ever.
Oh my God...you progressive nitwit....go to the Missouri website and look up the bill for yourself. It's real. Don't attack the messenger when you're too emotionally unstable to handle the message. You continue to embarrass yourself in every post you make.
Where does it say in the 2nd ammendment you have the right to take a firearm anywhere you fucking want?
Where does it say in the 2nd ammendment you have the right to take a firearm anywhere you fucking want?
It says you should wear a pistol during sexual encounters, I know that...Never could tell when and injun may sneak up on ya...But restaurants were taverns back then..
Where does it say in the 2nd ammendment you have the right to take a firearm anywhere you fucking want?
“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

Now that aside - why are you such a dick? I mean - besides the obvious (that you're a progressive). I completely support a businesses right to decide what can and cannot come on their property. But if they are not going to allow me to protect myself, then they are fully responsible for my safety and security. Seems very rational and reasonable to me. Why does that make you go bat-shit crazy? You @sshole progressives sure yelp about workplace safety in terms of accidents and hazards. Why shouldn't security be included in that? Why should a business be allowed to make their employees and their customers helpless targets/victims without having the liability for doing so? :dunno:

Excerpt From: States, United. “United States Bill of Rights.” iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: United States Bill of Rights
I've been saying this for decades.

You must be an unbearable fuck to be around.
The great one's always are. Nick Saban is "an unbearable fuck to be around" too but he gets the job done like no one else. Just like I am with the U.S. Constitution and the conservative cause.

That's why the House, the Senate, the White House, and 33 of the 50 states are now controlled by Republicans while your cry, piss, and moan like a little bitch. I can only imagine the headache people get being around as someone as miserable as you.
“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
Or, in modern language that means exactly the same thing:

"Since an armed and capable populace is necessary for freedom and security, the right of ordinary people to own and carry a gun or other such weapons, cannot be taken away or restricted."

It applies to all governments in the U.S.: Federal, State, and local; and always has since it was ratified.

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