Restaurant vandalized just because a GOP candidate was scheduled to be there

Who would that be since I didn't vote for Trump or any Republican?

Are you not aware of the ongoing terrorist attacks on places like pregnancy centers, parades, this restaurant, the Capitol last week by Stephen Colbert's goons? The attempted assassination of Justice Kavanaugh? You voted for the people who allow, even encourage, that to happen.
The left is fine with violence for political reasons.

They will call out the right for the same thing they do because its about pushing their communist agenda no matter what.

It is a cult, and their God is the State,
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Are you not aware of the ongoing terrorist attacks on places like pregnancy centers, parades, this restaurant, the Capitol last week by Stephen Colbert's goons? The attempted assassination of Justice Kavanaugh? You voted for the people who allow, even encourage, that to happen.
Colbert's goons? LOL I do not condone violence and didn't realize voting for a politician meant they were terrorists.
Imagine getting violent because some states may limit or outlaw abortion. "I can't kill my babies anymore--let me go wreck stuff!!!"

I blame the libturd nose ring wearing parents and the Indoctrination Skewls

They all need a good ass paddling

Look at the faces of these protesters, the obstetrician should have slapped both parents across the chops
Democrats are going to go crazy if Roe is overturned. They will justify the violence by "saving democracy".
Do you see SCOTUS have enough courage to do the right thing?

Unfortunately, I don't. FDR merely threatened to pack the courts once they struck down his New Deal. That was enough for them to get scared and do his bidding. But now democrats are showing up on their door step to murder them.

Being a coward seems to be a chronic condition of everyone in the belt way.
Doing far better for and by their people than the US government and any other Blue State.

It is clear that any good news for the GOP would be met with hate by you. So, you have a nice day.
Don't be so sensitive. Actually, I hate no one. But Florida... LOL.
Are you not aware of the ongoing terrorist attacks on places like pregnancy centers, parades, this restaurant, the Capitol last week by Stephen Colbert's goons? The attempted assassination of Justice Kavanaugh? You voted for the people who allow, even encourage, that to happen.
Dimmers dont care.
They took a cue from abortionists and ANTIFA. Janes Revenge has been burning down pro-life clinics. For those who say why don’t they hear positive things about the GOP ? The answer is the same for why you haven’t been hearing about domestic terrorists Janes Revenge; it doesn’t fit into the liberal media’s narrative. Republicans must be demonized to be exterminated and we must never hear of violence from the leftist causes. They leftist causes must be pure! Democrats sieg heil!


The people that made you. I feel their pain.
They didn't make a slave slaving their life away and dying 3 days after retirement

Should I report you for going after family? I'm a Hall Monitor in training right now
Another flamer with nothing good to say. Par for the course around here.

I've read enough of your stuff to understand that you are simply good at trolling or one of the most ignorant mother fuckers that has ever been on here.
Either way you are of no value.

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