Restauarant getting heat for "Black Olives Matter" shirt.

So, you're touting stuff that you're uneducated about is what you're saying?
So your deflecting from proving your claim?

I think my point was very well proven. You were just too stupid and ignorant to get it. The Moors enslaved millions, jackass.
Thats an egyptican pharaoh you dumb white boy. How did you deflect to the Moors which by the way means Black?

The moors were in Egypt; but at any rate, the Egyptians had slaves too.
White people enslaved themselves as well. What is your point?

My only point is that you're an idiot. But I don't have to make that point; you make it for me, over and over. I'm just here for the entertainment value.
So your deflecting from proving your claim?

I think my point was very well proven. You were just too stupid and ignorant to get it. The Moors enslaved millions, jackass.
Thats an egyptican pharaoh you dumb white boy. How did you deflect to the Moors which by the way means Black?

The moors were in Egypt; but at any rate, the Egyptians had slaves too.
White people enslaved themselves as well. What is your point?

My only point is that you're an idiot. But I don't have to make that point; you make it for me, over and over. I'm just here for the entertainment value.
Fail....You were talking about slavery not me. Did you know slave is a white word? Its because whites enslaved other whites called Slavics. You dumb white boys are always good for some laughs late night. :laugh:
I think my point was very well proven. You were just too stupid and ignorant to get it. The Moors enslaved millions, jackass.
Thats an egyptican pharaoh you dumb white boy. How did you deflect to the Moors which by the way means Black?

The moors were in Egypt; but at any rate, the Egyptians had slaves too.
White people enslaved themselves as well. What is your point?

My only point is that you're an idiot. But I don't have to make that point; you make it for me, over and over. I'm just here for the entertainment value.
Fail....You were talking about slavery not me. Did you know slave is a white word? Its because whites enslaved other whites called Slavics. You dumb white boys are always good for some laughs late night. :laugh:

Black olives DO matter, especially on pizza. 'Black Lives Matter' are a bunch of racist thugs who can go to Hell.
When Black people make up something everyone tries to copy them. Cultural appropriation at its finest.

It's called mocking.
Yes I mock you cave gibbon. White people dont mock Black people. They do their best to copy but never can get it right until its no longer cool. Face it. Everyone knows this. They even make commercials about whites doing their best to copy Blacks.

A sub human boy like you can't mock yourself much less a superior in every way white MAN.

They? A bunch of sub human blacks like you?
I don't like the black culture. Rap music in particular is very irritating. I'm not into turning police cars over and burning local businesses as well.
When Black people make up something everyone tries to copy them. Cultural appropriation at its finest.

Black culture sucks, honestly.
White culture loves Black culture even though they can never get it right. Thats why they copy everything.

Of course, Mozart, Beethoven, Michelangelo, Paganini, Liszt, Isaac Newton, Mendeleev, Pavlov, Dickens, Shakespeare,
Leonardo di Vinci, Verdi, Archimedes, and thousands of others learned and shamelessly copied their arts and achievements from blacks who weren't smart enough to leave a written legacy and write their history.
All of them stole stuff from Black culture or were educated by the Moors. You europeans were on the way back to the caves from which you sprang from your neanderthal roots. Its funny to see how white people believe their own twisting of the facts. You monkeys were regressing after Africans first taught you civilization.

Thanks for the fake history lesson. Meanwhile, Africa is a third world continent.
And it would be even worse if they had zero interaction with whites.
What do they copy; being loud and obnoxious?
No. Thats something whites made up. They cant help it being part neanderthal.

So, blacks are loud, obnoxious and uneducated and you're calling whites the neanderthals? :lmao:
No I said whites were loud, obnoxious and uneducated and yes I'm saying whites are part neanderthal.
Gee, how Hitler-esque of you.
Hitler was white. I'm more like Marcus Garvey.
Actually, you are more like Mortimer Snerd.
When Black people make up something everyone tries to copy them. Cultural appropriation at its finest.
not a good thing when all the copying is done in such a joking manner.
any reasonable person with a functioning brain would realize that BLM is nothing more than a fucking joke. Its why people make fun of it.
When Black people make up something everyone tries to copy them. Cultural appropriation at its finest.
not a good thing when all the copying is done in such a joking manner.
any reasonable person with a functioning brain would realize that BLM is nothing more than a fucking joke. Its why people make fun of it.
I think they are a domestic terrorist organization and should be taken very seriously and crushed like an insect.
When Black people make up something everyone tries to copy them. Cultural appropriation at its finest.
not a good thing when all the copying is done in such a joking manner.
any reasonable person with a functioning brain would realize that BLM is nothing more than a fucking joke. Its why people make fun of it.
Whites arent joking they are damn serious. They know once Blacks make up something then money can be made selling it to whites. Thats why your white women are so damn attracted to Black guys. They know where the origin is.
When Black people make up something everyone tries to copy them. Cultural appropriation at its finest.
not a good thing when all the copying is done in such a joking manner.
any reasonable person with a functioning brain would realize that BLM is nothing more than a fucking joke. Its why people make fun of it.
Whites arent joking they are damn serious. They know once Blacks make up something then money can be made selling it to whites. Thats why your white women are so damn attracted to Black guys. They know where the origin is.
Origin of what exactly. Tell me what it is that the typical african bush monkey has invented that has been of benefit to anyone.
you have a couple different reasons that white women might be seen with a coco bean walking next to her.
1) it plays sports and is rich. She wants the money
2) She is so skanky that no white Man will go near her.
3) she is an addict and he sells drugs. (she will change bush monkey when he goes to prison)
4) she is a uber liberal with no self respect and only associates with them in order to prove she is not racist.

But honestly, tell me what technology the common negro has come up with in the last 200 years that has been of any value to mankind.
Here, let me list them out for you.
1. ??????????????
I think that covers it.
When Black people make up something everyone tries to copy them. Cultural appropriation at its finest.
not a good thing when all the copying is done in such a joking manner.
any reasonable person with a functioning brain would realize that BLM is nothing more than a fucking joke. Its why people make fun of it.
Whites arent joking they are damn serious. They know once Blacks make up something then money can be made selling it to whites. Thats why your white women are so damn attracted to Black guys. They know where the origin is.
Origin of what exactly. Tell me what it is that the typical african bush monkey has invented that has been of benefit to anyone.
you have a couple different reasons that white women might be seen with a coco bean walking next to her.
1) it plays sports and is rich. She wants the money
2) She is so skanky that no white Man will go near her.
3) she is an addict and he sells drugs. (she will change bush monkey when he goes to prison)
4) she is a uber liberal with no self respect and only associates with them in order to prove she is not racist.

But honestly, tell me what technology the common negro has come up with in the last 200 years that has been of any value to mankind.
Here, let me list them out for you.
1. ??????????????
I think that covers it.
The dominant genes and the origin of practically every concept whites use to date. While whites were in their caves in europe scratching their asses and eating each other Blacks had already perfected civilization for thousands of years before whites were even sentient or even existed.
When Black people make up something everyone tries to copy them. Cultural appropriation at its finest.
not a good thing when all the copying is done in such a joking manner.
any reasonable person with a functioning brain would realize that BLM is nothing more than a fucking joke. Its why people make fun of it.
Whites arent joking they are damn serious. They know once Blacks make up something then money can be made selling it to whites. Thats why your white women are so damn attracted to Black guys. They know where the origin is.
Origin of what exactly. Tell me what it is that the typical african bush monkey has invented that has been of benefit to anyone.
you have a couple different reasons that white women might be seen with a coco bean walking next to her.
1) it plays sports and is rich. She wants the money
2) She is so skanky that no white Man will go near her.
3) she is an addict and he sells drugs. (she will change bush monkey when he goes to prison)
4) she is a uber liberal with no self respect and only associates with them in order to prove she is not racist.

But honestly, tell me what technology the common negro has come up with in the last 200 years that has been of any value to mankind.
Here, let me list them out for you.
1. ??????????????
I think that covers it.
The dominant genes and the origin of practically every concept whites use to date. While whites were in their caves in europe scratching their asses and eating each other Blacks had already perfected civilization for thousands of years before whites were even sentient or even existed.
This would be the perfect civilization that you speak of?
When Black people make up something everyone tries to copy them. Cultural appropriation at its finest.
not a good thing when all the copying is done in such a joking manner.
any reasonable person with a functioning brain would realize that BLM is nothing more than a fucking joke. Its why people make fun of it.
Whites arent joking they are damn serious. They know once Blacks make up something then money can be made selling it to whites. Thats why your white women are so damn attracted to Black guys. They know where the origin is.
Origin of what exactly. Tell me what it is that the typical african bush monkey has invented that has been of benefit to anyone.
you have a couple different reasons that white women might be seen with a coco bean walking next to her.
1) it plays sports and is rich. She wants the money
2) She is so skanky that no white Man will go near her.
3) she is an addict and he sells drugs. (she will change bush monkey when he goes to prison)
4) she is a uber liberal with no self respect and only associates with them in order to prove she is not racist.

But honestly, tell me what technology the common negro has come up with in the last 200 years that has been of any value to mankind.
Here, let me list them out for you.
1. ??????????????
I think that covers it.
The dominant genes and the origin of practically every concept whites use to date. While whites were in their caves in europe scratching their asses and eating each other Blacks had already perfected civilization for thousands of years before whites were even sentient or even existed.
This would be the perfect civilization that you speak of?

No. This would be.

and this

not a good thing when all the copying is done in such a joking manner.
any reasonable person with a functioning brain would realize that BLM is nothing more than a fucking joke. Its why people make fun of it.
Whites arent joking they are damn serious. They know once Blacks make up something then money can be made selling it to whites. Thats why your white women are so damn attracted to Black guys. They know where the origin is.
Origin of what exactly. Tell me what it is that the typical african bush monkey has invented that has been of benefit to anyone.
you have a couple different reasons that white women might be seen with a coco bean walking next to her.
1) it plays sports and is rich. She wants the money
2) She is so skanky that no white Man will go near her.
3) she is an addict and he sells drugs. (she will change bush monkey when he goes to prison)
4) she is a uber liberal with no self respect and only associates with them in order to prove she is not racist.

But honestly, tell me what technology the common negro has come up with in the last 200 years that has been of any value to mankind.
Here, let me list them out for you.
1. ??????????????
I think that covers it.
The dominant genes and the origin of practically every concept whites use to date. While whites were in their caves in europe scratching their asses and eating each other Blacks had already perfected civilization for thousands of years before whites were even sentient or even existed.
This would be the perfect civilization that you speak of?

No. This would be.

and this

It takes very little research to see that the Egyptians weren't black, or white, they were closer to middle eastern as in Lybia, Iran, Iraq etc...
As far as true blacks? those animals are still living in mud huts in Africa. Had it not been for the ones with enough luck to have a slave in their background somewhere, they too would still be living in mud huts.
Blacks through history have by a great percentage, done more damage to civilization than good. Just look at the animals in the cities today, nothing but destruction and crime.
If feels really good to be part of one of the civilized races.
Whites arent joking they are damn serious. They know once Blacks make up something then money can be made selling it to whites. Thats why your white women are so damn attracted to Black guys. They know where the origin is.
Origin of what exactly. Tell me what it is that the typical african bush monkey has invented that has been of benefit to anyone.
you have a couple different reasons that white women might be seen with a coco bean walking next to her.
1) it plays sports and is rich. She wants the money
2) She is so skanky that no white Man will go near her.
3) she is an addict and he sells drugs. (she will change bush monkey when he goes to prison)
4) she is a uber liberal with no self respect and only associates with them in order to prove she is not racist.

But honestly, tell me what technology the common negro has come up with in the last 200 years that has been of any value to mankind.
Here, let me list them out for you.
1. ??????????????
I think that covers it.
The dominant genes and the origin of practically every concept whites use to date. While whites were in their caves in europe scratching their asses and eating each other Blacks had already perfected civilization for thousands of years before whites were even sentient or even existed.
This would be the perfect civilization that you speak of?

No. This would be.

and this

It takes very little research to see that the Egyptians weren't black, or white, they were closer to middle eastern as in Lybia, Iran, Iraq etc...
As far as true blacks? those animals are still living in mud huts in Africa. Had it not been for the ones with enough luck to have a slave in their background somewhere, they too would still be living in mud huts.
Blacks through history have by a great percentage, done more damage to civilization than good. Just look at the animals in the cities today, nothing but destruction and crime.
If feels really good to be part of one of the civilized races.

Nope. They were Black and thats been proven in a number of ways.

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