Republicans vs RINOs of Trumpery

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Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
Traditional, conservative Republicans can't scrape the trumpery off their wing tips, and that should make for some fancy footwork in the 2022 primaries. The Former Guy lost the Party the House, Executive, and Senate in his single term, and yet his wee hand is emerging to grasp at the ankles of Republican as they try to whistle past the graveyard.

A popular President is quite enough for them to contend with as they attempt to benefit from the voters' habitual predilection for the out-of-power party.


McConnell warns he's willing to intervene in 2022 GOP primaries

... the party is facing renewed primary headaches heading into 2022; they face crowded fields in states like Missouri, North Carolina and Pennsylvania, where loyalty to Trump remains a critical factor.
Trump has also come out hard against some GOP incumbents, including vowing to challenge Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who hasn't formally announced if she's going to run for reelection. He also previously heavily criticized Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), McConnell's No. 2.

If the Former Guy is not too occupied with his criminal and civil trials, his financial crises, and the prosecutions of dozens of his goons who attacked Congress, he will be indulging his grievances and hyping the Matt Gaetzes and Marjorie Taylor Greenes to the consternation of the Party's hierarchy. The Q-balls are out there.

Oh, what fun.
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