Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

And the so-called challengers are crying foul – along with this author and other political wimps.

Four states are poised to cancel their 2020 GOP presidential primaries and caucuses, a move that would cut off oxygen to Donald Trump’s long-shot primary challengers.

Republican parties in South Carolina, Nevada, Arizona and Kansas are expected to finalize the cancellations in meetings this weekend, according to three GOP officials who are familiar with the plans.

Saves time, money, and manpower.

The shutdowns aren’t without precedent. Some of the states forgoing Republican nomination contests have done so during the reelection bids of previous presidents. Arizona, GOP officials there recalled, did not hold a Democratic presidential primary in 2012, when Barack Obama was seeking a second term, or in 1996, when Bill Clinton was running for reelection. Kansas did not have a Democratic primary in 1996, and Republican officials in the state pointed out that they have long chosen to forgo primaries during a sitting incumbent’s reelection year.

South Carolina GOP Chairman Drew McKissick noted that his state decided not to hold Republican presidential primaries in 1984, when Ronald Reagan was running for reelection, or in 2004, when George W. Bush was seeking a second term. South Carolina, he added, also skipped its 1996 and 2012 Democratic contests.

As a general rule, when either party has an incumbent president in the White House, there’s no rationale to hold a primary,” McKissick said.

It’s okay when the Dims do it but heaven forbid the Republicans do.

More @ Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as Trump challengers cry foul
Democracy in action

Don’t want any in party fighting
As much as I loathe the shabbos goy in chief...I think this is the correct move as there are simply no potential candidates who would or could challenge.
Well it certainly will save tons of money to be used on the campaign against whoever theczparty of INFANTICIDES candidate will be!


Four states are poised to cancel their 2020 GOP presidential primaries and caucuses, a move that would cut off oxygen to Donald Trump’s long-shot primary challengers.

Republican parties in South Carolina, Nevada, Arizona and Kansas are expected to finalize the cancellations in meetings this weekend, according to three GOP officials who are familiar with the plans.

The moves are the latest illustration of Trump’s takeover of the entire Republican Party apparatus. They underscore the extent to which his allies are determined to snuff out any potential nuisance en route to his renomination — or even to deny Republican critics a platform to embarrass him.

Trump advisers are quick to point out that parties of an incumbent president seeking reelection have a long history of canceling primaries and note it will save state parties money. But the president’s primary opponents, who have struggled to gain traction, are crying foul, calling it part of a broader effort to rig the contest in Trump’s favor.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The worst president in history.

The president who works for the Russians.

A president who is destroyed all of our relationships with our allies.

A president who has destroyed our farmers lives.

A president who can’t tell the truth at least one time a day.


Of course Republicans don’t want to primary. Why even bother? They already have the perfect Republican candidate. A man who absolutely represents GOP values and morals.
Democracy in action

Don’t want any in party fighting

It costs a lot of money to have primaries and caucuses.

Mr. Walsh and Mr. Weld should get together and pony up the money from their contributions, if they think it is a good idea.

President Trump thinks it would be better to save the money and use it to vanquish the Ultraleft in the fall general election.

But that's the real problem with the Joe Walsh- or Bill Weld- campaign. He doesn't have any POLICIES, or any proposals to actually DESTROY the Democrats in November.

People aren't going to support someone for President who has no plan to actually defeat the other party in November. Further, neither man has pledged to support the GOP nominee chosen next year in Charlotte, regardless of who it is.

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