Republicans Sneak Anti-Abortion Language Into Tax Bill


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Republicans slipped anti-abortion language into the draft of the tax reform bill they released on Thursday. The move is part of an effort by the Trump administration and House Republicans to define life as beginning at conception, with an eye to rolling back Roe v. Wade.

Buried on page 93 of the 429-page tax proposal is a provision that would allow fetuses to be named as beneficiaries of college savings accounts known as 529 plans ― investment vehicles that come with a range of tax breaks.

Abortion rights advocates were quick to call out the language. “This is a back-door attempt to establish personhood from the moment of conception,” Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), co-chair of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus, said in a statement. “The tax code is no place to define what constitutes an ‘unborn child.’ What’s next, giving a Social Security number to a zygote?”

Ostensibly, the idea is that parents can get a leg up on saving for their kid’s education before he or she is even born. However, it takes care to define the terms “unborn child” and “child in utero,” in what appears to be a naked attempt to establish so-called personhood for fetuses, a popular anti-abortion tactic.

Abortion foes believe that if fetuses were legally considered people, then abortion would have to be outlawed. State and federal legislation attempting to classify fertilized eggs, human embryos and fetuses as people has failed repeatedly over the years. The tax reform provision appears to be a sideways attempt at something similar.

“A child in the womb is just as human as you or I yet, until now, the U.S. tax code has failed to acknowledge the unborn child,” Jeanne Mancini, president of the anti-abortion group March for Life, told Politico.

There’s nothing in current law stopping parents from opening a 529 savings account before a child is born, explained Greg McBride, chief financial analyst at, a personal finance site. A parent opens the account in his or her own name, and once the baby is born, changes the account beneficiary, he explained. McBride said he did this for one of his sons.

“I don’t know how this makes it different,” he said. McBride said at most, the tax reform provision would allow parents to skip the step of naming a new beneficiary. “Taking a nonstop flight instead of changing planes,” he said.

It’s unclear how the anti-abortion language got into the tax bill. Another anti-abortion group, however, thanked Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) “for his leadership on this important effort.”

More: Republicans Sneak Anti-Abortion Language Into Tax Bill

Why are Republicans always so sneaky about trying to undermine Roe v. Wade?
The silence of scripture on the matter of abortion is deafening. As we have been given no instruction, we should be silent.
Not surprised. It's a loser of an issue, and I hope they succeed, because it will ultimately destroy the republican party for decades. The only problem with that is that only the democrats would be left.
'Unborn children' qualify as college savers in GOP tax plan!
Republicans slipped anti-abortion language into the draft of the tax reform bill they released on Thursday. The move is part of an effort by the Trump administration and House Republicans to define life as beginning at conception, with an eye to rolling back Roe v. Wade.

Buried on page 93 of the 429-page tax proposal is a provision that would allow fetuses to be named as beneficiaries of college savings accounts known as 529 plans ― investment vehicles that come with a range of tax breaks.
ACCOUNTBENEFICIARIES—Section 529(e) is amended by adding at
8 the end the following new paragraph:
10‘(A) IN GENERAL .—Nothing shall prevent
11 an unborn child from being treated as a des-
12 ignated beneficiary or an individual under this
13 section.

Abortion rights advocates were quick to call out the language. “This is a back-door attempt to establish personhood from the moment of conception,
Republicans Sneak Anti-Abortion Language Into Tax Bill | HuffPost

DANG?:cuckoo::dunno: So we can claim unborn as dependents?
So if I get 20 test tubes and grow test tube babies. Can I
claim 20 dependents on my 1040? Gee? So if they live
10 months, using anti-growth fluids. Do I get the full credit? And start all over next year.
I demand they leave the womb before 20 weeks!
Good Goo Is flushed Goo!
From the OP:

“It’s time to emancipate every little unborn baby,” Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said at the hearing.

Actual human children and adults fare less well. The proposal gets rid of an adoption tax credit and ends popular tax deductions on medical spending and student loan interest. Although, perhaps if fetuses can save for college, kids of the future will rack up less in school debt.

These people are batshit crazy!
From the OP:

“It’s time to emancipate every little unborn baby,” Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said at the hearing.

Actual human children and adults fare less well. The proposal gets rid of an adoption tax credit and ends popular tax deductions on medical spending and student loan interest. Although, perhaps if fetuses can save for college, kids of the future will rack up less in school debt.

These people are batshit crazy!

Killing a pregnant mother can already get a person charged with two murder counts.
From the OP:

“It’s time to emancipate every little unborn baby,” Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said at the hearing.

Actual human children and adults fare less well. The proposal gets rid of an adoption tax credit and ends popular tax deductions on medical spending and student loan interest. Although, perhaps if fetuses can save for college, kids of the future will rack up less in school debt.

These people are batshit crazy!

Killing a pregnant mother can already get a person charged with two murder counts.

So? That would make some sense if the pregnant woman wants the fetus. After all, it's her property.

Can you provide any proof that pro-lifers “don’t want children fed”?

I mean really, you’re entire arguement for allowing the murder of a human fetus is that other people supposedly want to “starve children”?

Are you really that dumb and uninformed? Do some "credible" research on all the Republican actions taken that have a negative impact on children.

Can you provide any proof that pro-lifers “don’t want children fed”?

I mean really, you’re entire arguement for allowing the murder of a human fetus is that other people supposedly want to “starve children”?

Are you really that dumb and uninformed? Do some "credible" research on all the Republican actions taken that have a negative impact on children.

So holding a parent responsible for providing for their own children has a more negative impact on a child than allowing the child to be killed in the name of “privacy”?
They're fascist
What about your vaunted SCIENCE?

Science says without a doubt life begins at conception. Saying "science, science, science" people might be fooled into considering you intelligent by association. The jig is instantly up when you go against a scientific principle in the furtherance of a political goal. IOW, you personally either believe in science, or you are a total fraud.

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

Can you provide any proof that pro-lifers “don’t want children fed”?

I mean really, you’re entire arguement for allowing the murder of a human fetus is that other people supposedly want to “starve children”?

Are you really that dumb and uninformed? Do some "credible" research on all the Republican actions taken that have a negative impact on children.

So holding a parent responsible for providing for their own children has a more negative impact on a child than allowing the child to be killed in the name of “privacy”?

Save the hyperbolic drama bullshit. Try sticking to the OP and the NaziCons sneaking anti-abortion language into the tax bill. Do you agree with that?

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