Republicans say they will vote for Hillary or Bernie


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
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CNN interviewed republican voters after the polls closed in South Carolina. And there were more than a few that said they would rather vote for Bernie or the Shrill than for Trump, because he's such a moron.

Cons might be able to see that it's a three man race now in the GOP. So if they're able to smell the coffee, and realize that Trump is going to win unless they start voting to get him out, will they go with the other nut job, or will they try to get the "establishment" candidate to represent them?

Trump is a guaranteed loser in the general. Do the cons really want to risk the SCOTUS pick, on Trump?
And there are Dems who will cross over also, it happens in every election
funny post as far as Trump being a guaranteed loser HOver . I mean , if Trump loses in a general election , so what . Other than that , I have heard some repubs say that they will sit it out , vote third party or vote for Hilary or Bernie over Trump .
CNN interviewed republican voters after the polls closed in South Carolina. And there were more than a few that said they would rather vote for Bernie or the Shrill than for Trump, because he's such a moron.

Cons might be able to see that it's a three man race now in the GOP. So if they're able to smell the coffee, and realize that Trump is going to win unless they start voting to get him out, will they go with the other nut job, or will they try to get the "establishment" candidate to represent them?

Trump is a guaranteed loser in the general. Do the cons really want to risk the SCOTUS pick, on Trump?
------ if not Trump or Cruz I myself will be voting dem for Hilary or Bernie HOver !!
CNN interviewed republican voters after the polls closed in South Carolina. And there were more than a few that said they would rather vote for Bernie or the Shrill than for Trump, because he's such a moron.

Cons might be able to see that it's a three man race now in the GOP. So if they're able to smell the coffee, and realize that Trump is going to win unless they start voting to get him out, will they go with the other nut job, or will they try to get the "establishment" candidate to represent them?

Trump is a guaranteed loser in the general. Do the cons really want to risk the SCOTUS pick, on Trump?
guaranteed lose??? God I hope you're right but lots of states to go and the moron trump is feeling confident call out the pope ,,accuses gwb of 9/11 blasts aapl opens his yapper and feces come out and still the leading repub guy??I worry for America if this swine reaches our WH Texas with all its delegates imo will tell the story
CNN interviewed republican voters after the polls closed in South Carolina. And there were more than a few that said they would rather vote for Bernie or the Shrill than for Trump, because he's such a moron.

Cons might be able to see that it's a three man race now in the GOP. So if they're able to smell the coffee, and realize that Trump is going to win unless they start voting to get him out, will they go with the other nut job, or will they try to get the "establishment" candidate to represent them?

Trump is a guaranteed loser in the general. Do the cons really want to risk the SCOTUS pick, on Trump?
guaranteed lose??? God I hope you're right but lots of states to go and the moron trump is feeling confident call out the pope ,,accuses gwb of 9/11 blasts aapl opens his yapper and feces come out and still the leading repub guy??I worry for America if this swine reaches our WH Texas with all its delegates imo will tell the story

Trump has the highest percentage of unfavorable, out of any candidate. Even the majority of republicans have an unfavorable opinion of him. He can't win the general when the majority of the country is against him. Trump has made it clear that he is an extremist. So is Cruz. The only one of the three cons left, that doesn't look extremist is the Rube. But I wonder if the cons can figure that out.
And there are Dems who will cross over also, it happens in every election
I'd really like to see if you can produce one liberal that says they are going to vote for Trump....just one.
CNN interviewed republican voters after the polls closed in South Carolina. And there were more than a few that said they would rather vote for Bernie or the Shrill than for Trump, because he's such a moron.

Cons might be able to see that it's a three man race now in the GOP. So if they're able to smell the coffee, and realize that Trump is going to win unless they start voting to get him out, will they go with the other nut job, or will they try to get the "establishment" candidate to represent them?

Trump is a guaranteed loser in the general. Do the cons really want to risk the SCOTUS pick, on Trump?
guaranteed lose??? God I hope you're right but lots of states to go and the moron trump is feeling confident call out the pope ,,accuses gwb of 9/11 blasts aapl opens his yapper and feces come out and still the leading repub guy??I worry for America if this swine reaches our WH Texas with all its delegates imo will tell the story

Trump has the highest percentage of unfavorable, out of any candidate. Even the majority of republicans have an unfavorable opinion of him. He can't win the general when the majority of the country is against him. Trump has made it clear that he is an extremist. So is Cruz. The only one of the three cons left, that doesn't look extremist is the Rube. But I wonder if the cons can figure that out.
he needs over 50% of the delegates if not ,,,,going to be real interesting ...delegates if I'm not mistaken are bound by only the first vote after that anything goes
Look GOP Here is your Leading Presidential Candidate T-Rump...Coming into your Convention...Good Luck you are going to need it...

CNN interviewed republican voters after the polls closed in South Carolina. And there were more than a few that said they would rather vote for Bernie or the Shrill than for Trump, because he's such a moron.

Cons might be able to see that it's a three man race now in the GOP. So if they're able to smell the coffee, and realize that Trump is going to win unless they start voting to get him out, will they go with the other nut job, or will they try to get the "establishment" candidate to represent them?

Trump is a guaranteed loser in the general. Do the cons really want to risk the SCOTUS pick, on Trump?
People don't vote in blocks with an agenda in that way. Every vote in the end is individual. Voting out Trump is not a viable option imo. The other candidates must beat him with their message or he will be the nominee
Beware of Bill, who will accompany Hillary to the WH. The amount of experience Clinton carries for the WH is overwhelming and Bill's two terms are remembered positively. It may turn out to be a contest between wisdom and experience and a rogue maverick with lots of ideas, but no knowledge of how to actually get things done.
What you jackass LIBs are unable to comprehend is with the future of the SC at stake and the hatred of the Clintons every REP is going to turn out and vote for whichever REP has the best chance to become President.
From the day Trump announced he has been the point leader. As each REP candidate drops off their supporters will then support their 'second choice' until the last candidate is standing. The candidate AKA Trump will hand Hillary her ass.......if the FBI haven't filed charges against her and she drops out. If that happens the odds that Bernie could beat Trump do not exist.
But I am on to your dumb game: You are desperate for any REP candidate other than Trump to go against your LIB candidate because you know Trump will win. 'IF you really believed Trump wouldn't have a chance simple logic suggests you would be on this forum 24/7 encouraging everyone to vote for Trump.
CNN interviewed republican voters after the polls closed in South Carolina. And there were more than a few that said they would rather vote for Bernie or the Shrill than for Trump, because he's such a moron.

Cons might be able to see that it's a three man race now in the GOP. So if they're able to smell the coffee, and realize that Trump is going to win unless they start voting to get him out, will they go with the other nut job, or will they try to get the "establishment" candidate to represent them?

Trump is a guaranteed loser in the general. Do the cons really want to risk the SCOTUS pick, on Trump?
guaranteed lose??? God I hope you're right but lots of states to go and the moron trump is feeling confident call out the pope ,,accuses gwb of 9/11 blasts aapl opens his yapper and feces come out and still the leading repub guy??I worry for America if this swine reaches our WH Texas with all its delegates imo will tell the story

Trump has the highest percentage of unfavorable, out of any candidate. Even the majority of republicans have an unfavorable opinion of him. He can't win the general when the majority of the country is against him. Trump has made it clear that he is an extremist. So is Cruz. The only one of the three cons left, that doesn't look extremist is the Rube. But I wonder if the cons can figure that out.
------------------------------------ you talk like a REAL conservative would vote for 'roobio' , not going to happen HOver !!
CNN interviewed republican voters after the polls closed in South Carolina. And there were more than a few that said they would rather vote for Bernie or the Shrill than for Trump, because he's such a moron.

Cons might be able to see that it's a three man race now in the GOP. So if they're able to smell the coffee, and realize that Trump is going to win unless they start voting to get him out, will they go with the other nut job, or will they try to get the "establishment" candidate to represent them?

Trump is a guaranteed loser in the general. Do the cons really want to risk the SCOTUS pick, on Trump?
So you have nothing to worry about.
CNN interviewed republican voters after the polls closed in South Carolina. And there were more than a few that said they would rather vote for Bernie or the Shrill than for Trump, because he's such a moron.

Cons might be able to see that it's a three man race now in the GOP. So if they're able to smell the coffee, and realize that Trump is going to win unless they start voting to get him out, will they go with the other nut job, or will they try to get the "establishment" candidate to represent them?

Trump is a guaranteed loser in the general. Do the cons really want to risk the SCOTUS pick, on Trump?

So which Republican are you voting for?
Now that the campaign is boiling down to a few candidates and Hillary seems to think barking like a dog will get her a couple of votes while she can't seem to distance herself from the old commie, the best the desperate left can come with is anecdotal tripe that begins with "republicans say".
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