Republicans repetedly keep blacks from voting

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I dont want your party crooked.

The next part of the sentance should have been:

AND I dont want MINE crooked either.

Sorry TM to late to take it back now

Please tell what color the people holding the clubs are?

On November 19, 2000, we discovered that there are no limits to what Democrats will do to win an election. The same Democrats who so often and so loudly protest any real or imagined threat to a minority's right to vote had desperately worked to disenfranchise a minority group thought to be friendly to the other side.

With the presidential election hanging by a loose chad in Palm Beach County, Florida, Dems launched their campaign to disenfranchise military absentee voters. The memo instructing Democratic election canvassers on the best means to do so — authored by lawyer Mark Herron — fell into the hands of a Republican worker, and the Drudge Report promptly published it.

The Herron memo stated postmark and "point of origin" criteria Herron maintained could be used to invalidate military ballots. Conveniently, the memo attached a form that could be duplicated and used to protest the validity of individual ballots. By the time the Herron memo made headlines, the Dems were challenging more than 1,500 absentee ballots (which grew to more than 2,400) mostly from soldiers overseas.
Jed Babbin on the Military and Voting Rights on National Review Online

How many of these you want to flood this thread with?
On November 19, 2000, we discovered that there are no limits to what Democrats will do to win an election. The same Democrats who so often and so loudly protest any real or imagined threat to a minority's right to vote had desperately worked to disenfranchise a minority group thought to be friendly to the other side.

With the presidential election hanging by a loose chad in Palm Beach County, Florida, Dems launched their campaign to disenfranchise military absentee voters. The memo instructing Democratic election canvassers on the best means to do so — authored by lawyer Mark Herron — fell into the hands of a Republican worker, and the Drudge Report promptly published it.

The Herron memo stated postmark and "point of origin" criteria Herron maintained could be used to invalidate military ballots. Conveniently, the memo attached a form that could be duplicated and used to protest the validity of individual ballots. By the time the Herron memo made headlines, the Dems were challenging more than 1,500 absentee ballots (which grew to more than 2,400) mostly from soldiers overseas.
Jed Babbin on the Military and Voting Rights on National Review Online

How many of these you want to flood this thread with?

That is a right wing hack site and does not contain any court documented evidence now does it.
In a victory for Republican George W. Bush, a U.S. district judge yesterday ordered all Florida counties to reexamine discarded military absentee ballots and to count them in final vote totals if they were properly signed and dated.
Judge orders Florida's military votes counted
December 11: U.S. Supreme Court hears oral argument in Gore v. Bush. Florida Supreme Court issues a 6-1 clarifying Opinion on remand from U.S. Supreme Court in Palm Beach Canvassing Board v. Harris. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit affirms dismissal of Harris, Medina case challenging inclusion of overseas absentee ballots.
Presidential Election Law
Says the junior Nazi with a sothpark tag. No but I'm not shouted a low iq junior republiklan like you would be limited to an 8 th grade level response.
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On November 19, 2000, we discovered that there are no limits to what Democrats will do to win an election. The same Democrats who so often and so loudly protest any real or imagined threat to a minority's right to vote had desperately worked to disenfranchise a minority group thought to be friendly to the other side.

With the presidential election hanging by a loose chad in Palm Beach County, Florida, Dems launched their campaign to disenfranchise military absentee voters. The memo instructing Democratic election canvassers on the best means to do so — authored by lawyer Mark Herron — fell into the hands of a Republican worker, and the Drudge Report promptly published it.

The Herron memo stated postmark and "point of origin" criteria Herron maintained could be used to invalidate military ballots. Conveniently, the memo attached a form that could be duplicated and used to protest the validity of individual ballots. By the time the Herron memo made headlines, the Dems were challenging more than 1,500 absentee ballots (which grew to more than 2,400) mostly from soldiers overseas.
Jed Babbin on the Military and Voting Rights on National Review Online

How many of these you want to flood this thread with?

That is a right wing hack site and does not contain any court documented evidence now does it.

and once again, you have presented zero court evidence that the GOP has been convicted of anything

now be honest and apply your same reasoning with acorn with the GOP here
In a victory for Republican George W. Bush, a U.S. district judge yesterday ordered all Florida counties to reexamine discarded military absentee ballots and to count them in final vote totals if they were properly signed and dated.
Judge orders Florida's military votes counted
December 11: U.S. Supreme Court hears oral argument in Gore v. Bush. Florida Supreme Court issues a 6-1 clarifying Opinion on remand from U.S. Supreme Court in Palm Beach Canvassing Board v. Harris. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit affirms dismissal of Harris, Medina case challenging inclusion of overseas absentee ballots.
Presidential Election Law

You have again posted and biased piece from a right wing site.
Ollie find an unbiased article on the subject.

You dont get to use propaganda sites.
In a victory for Republican George W. Bush, a U.S. district judge yesterday ordered all Florida counties to reexamine discarded military absentee ballots and to count them in final vote totals if they were properly signed and dated.
Judge orders Florida's military votes counted
December 11: U.S. Supreme Court hears oral argument in Gore v. Bush. Florida Supreme Court issues a 6-1 clarifying Opinion on remand from U.S. Supreme Court in Palm Beach Canvassing Board v. Harris. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit affirms dismissal of Harris, Medina case challenging inclusion of overseas absentee ballots.
Presidential Election Law

You have again posted and biased piece from a right wing site.

you obviously didn't click on his links....the second is a lawschool that CITES their sources and HOTLINKS the sources
Yes I did , now the reasons they questioned these ballots is there was evidence they were tampered with.

Did the article state that?
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