Republicans: Healthcare worse for Americans than 9-11

Conservatives support the socialized medicine that is the VA, because, as they will often tell you,

they want nothing but the best for our veterans...
OMG're an idiot. You still think this is actually about health care. This is about one thing and one thing only.......CONTROL.





The problem with "sharing the wealth" is quite simple

My Wealth---why do I need to share with you?

That's funny, nowhere in the 16th amendment does it state that we have to tell you why. It just says:

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

Apparently Congress had broad Constitutional authority to tax income.

Doesn't say you have to like it or agree with the reasoning behind it.

If you don't like the U.S. Constitution, you're free to move.
The problem with "sharing the wealth" is quite simple

My Wealth---why do I need to share with you?

That's funny, nowhere in the 16th amendment does it state that we have to tell you why. It just says:

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

Doesn't say you have to like it or agree with the reasoning behind it.

If you don't like the U.S. Constitution, you're free to move.

Where does it compel anyone to buy health insurance?
The problem with "sharing the wealth" is quite simple

My Wealth---why do I need to share with you?

That's funny, nowhere in the 16th amendment does it state that we have to tell you why. It just says:

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

Apparently Congress had broad Constitutional authority to tax income.

Doesn't say you have to like it or agree with the reasoning behind it.

If you don't like the U.S. Constitution, you're free to move.

Or amend it. Something you people have seemingly forgotten about.

What the people giveth, the people may take away.
The problem with "sharing the wealth" is quite simple

My Wealth---why do I need to share with you?

That's funny, nowhere in the 16th amendment does it state that we have to tell you why. It just says:

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

Apparently Congress had broad Constitutional authority to tax income.

Doesn't say you have to like it or agree with the reasoning behind it.

If you don't like the U.S. Constitution, you're free to move.

Your reference to the Constitution almost made me think you were a Mark Levin/Michele Bachman following.

But you are a lefty, so that can not be the case, now can it? So let me put it very simple.

How does Universal Health care benefit me If I already have Health care that I am okay with? Would not passing it increase my taxes? Why I accept it.

Remember--this thing is not law yet. So why should I support something that would "take away from my wealth"?

Also--this Health care bill do have Mandates--I would prefer the Dems expanding medicare and funding it properly than being forced to buy anything. Hear me--Kucinch Leftism is better than Obamanism!!
The problem with "sharing the wealth" is quite simple

My Wealth---why do I need to share with you?

That's funny, nowhere in the 16th amendment does it state that we have to tell you why. It just says:

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

Apparently Congress had broad Constitutional authority to tax income.

Doesn't say you have to like it or agree with the reasoning behind it.

If you don't like the U.S. Constitution, you're free to move.

Or amend it. Something you people have seemingly forgotten about.

What the people giveth, the people may take away.

That's funny, I have yet to see a Republican submit an amendment to repeal the 16th amendment. Do you guy just not know how that works?
Well, at least we have socialized medicine for our veterans, much to the chagrin of conservatives.

And our elderly.

And our children.

I think the right just doesn't want to see middle-aged americans get socialized medicine. Apparently socialized medicine for middle aged American = TERRORISM - but giving it to our seniors is OK.

OMG're an idiot. You still think this is actually about health care. This is about one thing and one thing only.......CONTROL.

Why is the public option important? If it were just about cost the government would simply say to insurers, if you want offer health insurance, you will offer this minimum coverage and submit to regulation of profits as a regulated utility.

But that isn't what they want to do. They want to destroy the insurance industry with a public option like Canada did. Then, once they are the only game in town, they'll have single payer. Just like Canada does. Either you are incredibly slow or you think we are. Well, I can tell you, we aren't so there is no need to continue to hide the ball.

So much for the good news...what is the down side again?

How is the health of Canadiens worse than ours again? How many without health care in Canada again?

47 million americans uninsured. What exactly does it take to get your attention?

Here is another reason for single payer... The HMOs and Pharms have spent several billion lying about health care reform..who do you think is going to pay for those ads? ... Not the public option people. If there ever was a reason to cut those HMO fucks off at the knees it is thier missuse of the money they collect from americans paying thier premiums for what is supposed to be health care.
We are required to by car insurance.. There is no difference..

My god- the stupidity on these boards is astounding
Where does it compel anyone to buy health insurance?

In the same place it compels people to submit to a military draft.

No, actually not. The Congress is specifically empowered to raise and army and a navy in Article I, Section 8.

It does not say anything about health or health care or that Congress has any power over the health of the country in any way, shape, manner or form.
I see it as a right and something that our government should provide, like a fire department, police department, a highway system, a post office..

Holy hell- the post office is a right to the left now.... typical liberal idiocy...
Where does it compel anyone to buy health insurance?

In the same place it compels people to submit to a military draft.

No, actually not. The Congress is specifically empowered to raise and army and a navy in Article I, Section 8.

It does not say anything about health or health care or that Congress has any power over the health of the country in any way, shape, manner or form.

That's funny, I had no idea the word "raise" meant "force into service". You must be interpreting the Constitution, which makes you an activist judge.
That's funny, nowhere in the 16th amendment does it state that we have to tell you why. It just says:

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

Apparently Congress had broad Constitutional authority to tax income.

Doesn't say you have to like it or agree with the reasoning behind it.

If you don't like the U.S. Constitution, you're free to move.

Or amend it. Something you people have seemingly forgotten about.

What the people giveth, the people may take away.

That's funny, I have yet to see a Republican submit an amendment to repeal the 16th amendment. Do you guy just not know how that works?

We'll see.....:eusa_whistle:

I did see that your side didn't forget how to seek an amendment to repeal presidential term limits.......Sounds like a Chavez/Zelaya move to me......just sayin'

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