Republicans As Junior Democrats


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The simplest way of defining conservative designs would individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. Many make the mistake of believing that the Republican Party stands for those goals.

The great Angelo Codevilla writes about a fact that has long been the major thorn in the paw of conservatives.....the fact that there really is only one party....the UniParty....and it is not conservative. The best that can be said of most Republicans is that they are for the status quo.

1. "....Republican Congressional leaders and their Democrat counterparts produced a Trillion dollar, multi-thousand-page spending bill that was voted immediately after being unveiled, without having been read. Republican 2012 vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan authored the latest edition along with Democratic Senator Patti Murray. Republican leader John Boehner preempted Democrats by preemptively accusing Republicans who opposed the bill of wanting to shut down the government.

2. He topped off this feat of leadership by declaring political war on the conservatives who had given Republicans the majority that had made him Speaker of the House –...

a. .... Republican Party’s leaders have functioned as junior members of America’s single ruling party, the UniParty.

3. ... they have made Democratic priorities their own when the White House and the Congress were in the hands of Republicans as well as in those of Democrats, and when control has been mixed. The UniParty,....

a. The Outs are always the same people too: American conservatives. They don’t have a party.

4. The latest negotiations were over some $80 billion out of three trillion dollars in spending. The bipartisan negotiators did not let into the room any of the major issues that concern Americans. Not Obamacare, not racial preferences, not religious liberty, not endless no-win wars. The UniParty is unanimous: more of the same!.... mere voters will have no way of affecting what the government does.

5. Breaking up the Uniparty, means breaking the Democrats’ hold on non- Democrat congressmen and senators. The only way to do that is to break the Republican leadership’s hold on other Republicans and on the Republican label. That in turn requires using the primaries to screen out UniParty people.

6. Only about a fourth of those who vote Republican feel well represented by Republican officials. Because Republicans roar like lions but lie down like lambs, the label “Republican” does not inspire people on the non-Democrat side of American life ... conservative, voters need assurances that the “Republican” label cannot supply.

7. ... organizations that promote particular issues (the National Taxpayers’ Union, the National Rifle Association, Americans United For Life, etc....

8. ..... and arguably above all, to the Tea Parties) for assurance about substance.
These groups much come together and support the same candidates.

9. Candidate Smith, whether for President of the United States or dog catcher, must be able to say: “I am the only candidate who represents those Americans who want smaller government, who want to safeguard human life, who defend the free exercise of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, and who oppose the government’s intrusion into our lives, and I am so certified by the following organizations….

My opponent is supported by the Republican Establishment. What do you think that represents? It represents the UniParty!"

10 It is high time for the leaders of the main conservative organizations, together with the most obstreperous Republican elected officials (present and past chairmen of the House Republican Study Committee, Senators Cruz, Paul, Lee, Rubio, etc.) to consider how and on whom to affix the precious joint certification: “conservative.”"
Breaking The UniParty | Online Library of Law and Liberty

Until such time, we conservatives will view the Republican Party as a mirage, and a scam.
The proper GOP philosophy would be emphasis on individualism, respect for community, social market democracy, and Constitutional government.
The simplest way of defining conservative designs would individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. Many make the mistake of believing that the Republican Party stands for those goals.

The great Angelo Codevilla writes about a fact that has long been the major thorn in the paw of conservatives.....the fact that there really is only one party....the UniParty....and it is not conservative. The best that can be said of most Republicans is that they are for the status quo.

1. "....Republican Congressional leaders and their Democrat counterparts produced a Trillion dollar, multi-thousand-page spending bill that was voted immediately after being unveiled, without having been read. Republican 2012 vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan authored the latest edition along with Democratic Senator Patti Murray. Republican leader John Boehner preempted Democrats by preemptively accusing Republicans who opposed the bill of wanting to shut down the government.

2. He topped off this feat of leadership by declaring political war on the conservatives who had given Republicans the majority that had made him Speaker of the House –...

a. .... Republican Party’s leaders have functioned as junior members of America’s single ruling party, the UniParty.

3. ... they have made Democratic priorities their own when the White House and the Congress were in the hands of Republicans as well as in those of Democrats, and when control has been mixed. The UniParty,....

a. The Outs are always the same people too: American conservatives. They don’t have a party.

4. The latest negotiations were over some $80 billion out of three trillion dollars in spending. The bipartisan negotiators did not let into the room any of the major issues that concern Americans. Not Obamacare, not racial preferences, not religious liberty, not endless no-win wars. The UniParty is unanimous: more of the same!.... mere voters will have no way of affecting what the government does.

5. Breaking up the Uniparty, means breaking the Democrats’ hold on non- Democrat congressmen and senators. The only way to do that is to break the Republican leadership’s hold on other Republicans and on the Republican label. That in turn requires using the primaries to screen out UniParty people.

6. Only about a fourth of those who vote Republican feel well represented by Republican officials. Because Republicans roar like lions but lie down like lambs, the label “Republican” does not inspire people on the non-Democrat side of American life ... conservative, voters need assurances that the “Republican” label cannot supply.

7. ... organizations that promote particular issues (the National Taxpayers’ Union, the National Rifle Association, Americans United For Life, etc....

8. ..... and arguably above all, to the Tea Parties) for assurance about substance.
These groups much come together and support the same candidates.

9. Candidate Smith, whether for President of the United States or dog catcher, must be able to say: “I am the only candidate who represents those Americans who want smaller government, who want to safeguard human life, who defend the free exercise of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, and who oppose the government’s intrusion into our lives, and I am so certified by the following organizations….

My opponent is supported by the Republican Establishment. What do you think that represents? It represents the UniParty!"

10 It is high time for the leaders of the main conservative organizations, together with the most obstreperous Republican elected officials (present and past chairmen of the House Republican Study Committee, Senators Cruz, Paul, Lee, Rubio, etc.) to consider how and on whom to affix the precious joint certification: “conservative.”"
Breaking The UniParty | Online Library of Law and Liberty

Until such time, we conservatives will view the Republican Party as a mirage, and a scam.

Should maybe put the site you're quoting at the top, so people know that's what they're reading. Helps avoid plagiarism charges.
The simplest way of defining conservative designs would individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. Many make the mistake of believing that the Republican Party stands for those goals.

The great Angelo Codevilla writes about a fact that has long been the major thorn in the paw of conservatives.....the fact that there really is only one party....the UniParty....and it is not conservative. The best that can be said of most Republicans is that they are for the status quo.

1. "....Republican Congressional leaders and their Democrat counterparts produced a Trillion dollar, multi-thousand-page spending bill that was voted immediately after being unveiled, without having been read. Republican 2012 vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan authored the latest edition along with Democratic Senator Patti Murray. Republican leader John Boehner preempted Democrats by preemptively accusing Republicans who opposed the bill of wanting to shut down the government.

2. He topped off this feat of leadership by declaring political war on the conservatives who had given Republicans the majority that had made him Speaker of the House –...

a. .... Republican Party’s leaders have functioned as junior members of America’s single ruling party, the UniParty.

3. ... they have made Democratic priorities their own when the White House and the Congress were in the hands of Republicans as well as in those of Democrats, and when control has been mixed. The UniParty,....

a. The Outs are always the same people too: American conservatives. They don’t have a party.

4. The latest negotiations were over some $80 billion out of three trillion dollars in spending. The bipartisan negotiators did not let into the room any of the major issues that concern Americans. Not Obamacare, not racial preferences, not religious liberty, not endless no-win wars. The UniParty is unanimous: more of the same!.... mere voters will have no way of affecting what the government does.

5. Breaking up the Uniparty, means breaking the Democrats’ hold on non- Democrat congressmen and senators. The only way to do that is to break the Republican leadership’s hold on other Republicans and on the Republican label. That in turn requires using the primaries to screen out UniParty people.

6. Only about a fourth of those who vote Republican feel well represented by Republican officials. Because Republicans roar like lions but lie down like lambs, the label “Republican” does not inspire people on the non-Democrat side of American life ... conservative, voters need assurances that the “Republican” label cannot supply.

7. ... organizations that promote particular issues (the National Taxpayers’ Union, the National Rifle Association, Americans United For Life, etc....

8. ..... and arguably above all, to the Tea Parties) for assurance about substance.
These groups much come together and support the same candidates.

9. Candidate Smith, whether for President of the United States or dog catcher, must be able to say: “I am the only candidate who represents those Americans who want smaller government, who want to safeguard human life, who defend the free exercise of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, and who oppose the government’s intrusion into our lives, and I am so certified by the following organizations….

My opponent is supported by the Republican Establishment. What do you think that represents? It represents the UniParty!"

10 It is high time for the leaders of the main conservative organizations, together with the most obstreperous Republican elected officials (present and past chairmen of the House Republican Study Committee, Senators Cruz, Paul, Lee, Rubio, etc.) to consider how and on whom to affix the precious joint certification: “conservative.”"
Breaking The UniParty | Online Library of Law and Liberty

Until such time, we conservatives will view the Republican Party as a mirage, and a scam.

Should maybe put the site you're quoting at the top, so people know that's what they're reading. Helps avoid plagiarism charges.

Old "Cut and paste" Political Chic is a old hand at this practice. It's her thing. You can tell what books she's been reading weekly by the ideas she quotes trying to pass them off as her original thoughts.
The simplest way of defining conservative designs would individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. Many make the mistake of believing that the Republican Party stands for those goals.

The great Angelo Codevilla writes about a fact that has long been the major thorn in the paw of conservatives.....the fact that there really is only one party....the UniParty....and it is not conservative. The best that can be said of most Republicans is that they are for the status quo.

1. "....Republican Congressional leaders and their Democrat counterparts produced a Trillion dollar, multi-thousand-page spending bill that was voted immediately after being unveiled, without having been read. Republican 2012 vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan authored the latest edition along with Democratic Senator Patti Murray. Republican leader John Boehner preempted Democrats by preemptively accusing Republicans who opposed the bill of wanting to shut down the government.

2. He topped off this feat of leadership by declaring political war on the conservatives who had given Republicans the majority that had made him Speaker of the House –...

a. .... Republican Party’s leaders have functioned as junior members of America’s single ruling party, the UniParty.

3. ... they have made Democratic priorities their own when the White House and the Congress were in the hands of Republicans as well as in those of Democrats, and when control has been mixed. The UniParty,....

a. The Outs are always the same people too: American conservatives. They don’t have a party.

4. The latest negotiations were over some $80 billion out of three trillion dollars in spending. The bipartisan negotiators did not let into the room any of the major issues that concern Americans. Not Obamacare, not racial preferences, not religious liberty, not endless no-win wars. The UniParty is unanimous: more of the same!.... mere voters will have no way of affecting what the government does.

5. Breaking up the Uniparty, means breaking the Democrats’ hold on non- Democrat congressmen and senators. The only way to do that is to break the Republican leadership’s hold on other Republicans and on the Republican label. That in turn requires using the primaries to screen out UniParty people.

6. Only about a fourth of those who vote Republican feel well represented by Republican officials. Because Republicans roar like lions but lie down like lambs, the label “Republican” does not inspire people on the non-Democrat side of American life ... conservative, voters need assurances that the “Republican” label cannot supply.

7. ... organizations that promote particular issues (the National Taxpayers’ Union, the National Rifle Association, Americans United For Life, etc....

8. ..... and arguably above all, to the Tea Parties) for assurance about substance.
These groups much come together and support the same candidates.

9. Candidate Smith, whether for President of the United States or dog catcher, must be able to say: “I am the only candidate who represents those Americans who want smaller government, who want to safeguard human life, who defend the free exercise of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, and who oppose the government’s intrusion into our lives, and I am so certified by the following organizations….

My opponent is supported by the Republican Establishment. What do you think that represents? It represents the UniParty!"

10 It is high time for the leaders of the main conservative organizations, together with the most obstreperous Republican elected officials (present and past chairmen of the House Republican Study Committee, Senators Cruz, Paul, Lee, Rubio, etc.) to consider how and on whom to affix the precious joint certification: “conservative.”"
Breaking The UniParty | Online Library of Law and Liberty

Until such time, we conservatives will view the Republican Party as a mirage, and a scam.

Should maybe put the site you're quoting at the top, so people know that's what they're reading. Helps avoid plagiarism charges.

Only for morons with A.D.D.

Raise your paw.
Well now I understand why you couldn't support your use of stats in that other thread. You're just lifting articles and stats from some conservative site, but without any actual understanding of them. So when you get challenged on something you have no earthly idea how to respond so throw insults. As again here.
The simplest way of defining conservative designs would individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. Many make the mistake of believing that the Republican Party stands for those goals.

The great Angelo Codevilla writes about a fact that has long been the major thorn in the paw of conservatives.....the fact that there really is only one party....the UniParty....and it is not conservative. The best that can be said of most Republicans is that they are for the status quo.

1. "....Republican Congressional leaders and their Democrat counterparts produced a Trillion dollar, multi-thousand-page spending bill that was voted immediately after being unveiled, without having been read. Republican 2012 vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan authored the latest edition along with Democratic Senator Patti Murray. Republican leader John Boehner preempted Democrats by preemptively accusing Republicans who opposed the bill of wanting to shut down the government.

2. He topped off this feat of leadership by declaring political war on the conservatives who had given Republicans the majority that had made him Speaker of the House –...

a. .... Republican Party’s leaders have functioned as junior members of America’s single ruling party, the UniParty.

3. ... they have made Democratic priorities their own when the White House and the Congress were in the hands of Republicans as well as in those of Democrats, and when control has been mixed. The UniParty,....

a. The Outs are always the same people too: American conservatives. They don’t have a party.

4. The latest negotiations were over some $80 billion out of three trillion dollars in spending. The bipartisan negotiators did not let into the room any of the major issues that concern Americans. Not Obamacare, not racial preferences, not religious liberty, not endless no-win wars. The UniParty is unanimous: more of the same!.... mere voters will have no way of affecting what the government does.

5. Breaking up the Uniparty, means breaking the Democrats’ hold on non- Democrat congressmen and senators. The only way to do that is to break the Republican leadership’s hold on other Republicans and on the Republican label. That in turn requires using the primaries to screen out UniParty people.

6. Only about a fourth of those who vote Republican feel well represented by Republican officials. Because Republicans roar like lions but lie down like lambs, the label “Republican” does not inspire people on the non-Democrat side of American life ... conservative, voters need assurances that the “Republican” label cannot supply.

7. ... organizations that promote particular issues (the National Taxpayers’ Union, the National Rifle Association, Americans United For Life, etc....

8. ..... and arguably above all, to the Tea Parties) for assurance about substance.
These groups much come together and support the same candidates.

9. Candidate Smith, whether for President of the United States or dog catcher, must be able to say: “I am the only candidate who represents those Americans who want smaller government, who want to safeguard human life, who defend the free exercise of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, and who oppose the government’s intrusion into our lives, and I am so certified by the following organizations….

My opponent is supported by the Republican Establishment. What do you think that represents? It represents the UniParty!"

10 It is high time for the leaders of the main conservative organizations, together with the most obstreperous Republican elected officials (present and past chairmen of the House Republican Study Committee, Senators Cruz, Paul, Lee, Rubio, etc.) to consider how and on whom to affix the precious joint certification: “conservative.”"
Breaking The UniParty | Online Library of Law and Liberty

Until such time, we conservatives will view the Republican Party as a mirage, and a scam.

Should maybe put the site you're quoting at the top, so people know that's what they're reading. Helps avoid plagiarism charges.

Old "Cut and paste" Political Chic is a old hand at this practice. It's her thing. You can tell what books she's been reading weekly by the ideas she quotes trying to pass them off as her original thoughts.

1. "You can tell what books she's been reading weekly by the ideas she quotes...."

Duhhhhhh.....good work, Captain Obvious.

2. "....trying to pass them off as her original thoughts."

Untrue, you lying sack of offal.

Otherwise, the link wouldn't be there.

3. Now let's talk about you as I rip one who is one a new one.....

Those who complain about 'cut and paste' are simply resorting to the only thing they they can think of as a rebuttal.

It isn't.

In fact, it highlights your inadequacies, as the only thing you can object to is the form, not the substance of the post.

a. My posting style always give credit to the source....while you Leftists mouth the NYTime, WaPost, without attribution....and without thinking.
If you spoke your own mind, you'd be speechless.

If you ever get beyond junior high school, this is what you'll find:

1. Citing an authority with an established reputation is better, of course, than citing someone whose credentials are not so lofty. (

2. What has been pejoratively referred to as ‘simply cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(Critical Appraisal and Analysis - Critically Analyzing Information Sources - Cornell University Library Guides at Cornell University)

3. A valid objection to this selection of sources may be the type of audience being addressed. Is the ‘pasted selection’ aimed at a specialized or a general audience? Do you find the level ‘over your head’ or is this source too elementary?

4. Are you objecting to the author's credentials--institutional affiliation (where he or she works), educational background, past writings, or experience? Or simply looking for a weapon to attack the post? This, of course, would be puerile.

5. Providing summaries or outlines of a source is valid as long as a link to the original is provided, and the author’s meaning is conveyed.

6. Nor is it necessary to insert one’s own language if the original article is simply abbreviated, with link provided.

7. What has been called ‘cut and paste’ is frequently the message board version of footnotes and endnotes of an academic essay. “…footnotes were declared outmoded just before the era of the word-processors which make using footnotes so much easier. Still, because of its relative ease in both writing and reading, parenthetical documentation is greatly preferred by most instructors.”

I actually learned in an institution of higher education, while you still think Moby Dick is a kind of venereal disease.

Let's review.
Your post has no more profundity than "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you...."
Very effective......not.

If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be glad to do so for you.
Well now I understand why you couldn't support your use of stats in that other thread. You're just lifting articles and stats from some conservative site, but without any actual understanding of them. So when you get challenged on something you have no earthly idea how to respond so throw insults. As again here.

Which are you better at, telling the truth, or speaking Swahili?
How are those lessons coming along?
Well now I understand why you couldn't support your use of stats in that other thread. You're just lifting articles and stats from some conservative site, but without any actual understanding of them. So when you get challenged on something you have no earthly idea how to respond so throw insults. As again here.

Which are you better at, telling the truth, or speaking Swahili?
How are those lessons coming along?

Funny, I actually speak Swahili. Mimi ninatoke Cha Jimbo La Ohio.
The proper GOP philosophy would be emphasis on individualism, respect for community, social market democracy, and Constitutional government.

Individualism and "social market democracy" are mutually exclusive. Anyone who supports the later belong in the DimoRAT party.
The proper GOP philosophy would be emphasis on individualism, respect for community, social market democracy, and Constitutional government.

Individualism and "social market democracy" are mutually exclusive. Anyone who supports the later belong in the DimoRAT party.

I see what you did there dropping the c in democrat party so it spells rat. Funny stuff, that'll show them.
Well now I understand why you couldn't support your use of stats in that other thread. You're just lifting articles and stats from some conservative site, but without any actual understanding of them. So when you get challenged on something you have no earthly idea how to respond so throw insults. As again here.

Which are you better at, telling the truth, or speaking Swahili?
How are those lessons coming along?


One of the best insults I've ever witnessed!

Well now I understand why you couldn't support your use of stats in that other thread. You're just lifting articles and stats from some conservative site, but without any actual understanding of them. So when you get challenged on something you have no earthly idea how to respond so throw insults. As again here.

Which are you better at, telling the truth, or speaking Swahili?
How are those lessons coming along?

Ah see, I'm not the only who's noticed you're a plagiarist.
I have been saying for years that the Democrats started winning the political war on what the U.S. will become once the Republican Party started having leaders who wanted to be "Democrat Lite" in their policies.

Instead of being the party of what was good for all Americans, they decided they would be the party of pandering to groups, just less so than what Democrats do.

I believe it started when the Liberal Media started asking Republicans "Democrats are going to do this for [Insert group name here]. What are you going to do for them to get their vote?" Instead of saying "We are not going to do anything for any one based upon their race or gender. We are going to do [ insert policy here] because it is good for all Americans regardless of race or gender. The Federal Government isn't about groups. It's about everyone" they decided they needed to play by the rules set out by the Democrats.. And you never win when playing by other people's rules.

So now the Republicans are stuck.. They can't win at being Democrats because they aren't, but they can't really win at being Conservatives because they have tried to hard to be like the Democrats.

The Immigration issue is a prime example. They have allowed Obama and the Democrats to set the goals instead of fighting back and saying that illegal immigration is a violation of the law and to reward those that have violated the laws don't deserve special considerations, they are going along with what Obama wants.

Why? Do they think the families of Illegals will reward them for it? It's Obama's plan, not theirs. The Dems will reap the votes and the Republicans will lose the votes of people who are against any amnesty plans.

It's a lose-lose prop for the Republicans, but the leadership is afraid of what the Liberals will say about them. Perhaps they need to take a lesson from Phil Robertson. He is secure enough in his beliefs that he isn't caring what those who bashing him say. The Republican Leadership needs to be more like that.
Well now I understand why you couldn't support your use of stats in that other thread. You're just lifting articles and stats from some conservative site, but without any actual understanding of them. So when you get challenged on something you have no earthly idea how to respond so throw insults. As again here.

Which are you better at, telling the truth, or speaking Swahili?
How are those lessons coming along?

Ah see, I'm not the only who's noticed you're a plagiarist.

This is only fun when someone bites it big time.....that's where you come in.
When I put folks like you in their place, they have nothing left but to lie.

Hey....just for fun....let's prove you to be a liar!

First, let's establish the meaning of the word:

: to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source

a. since the source is clearly linked in the OP, you are proven to be a liar.
Apologize, you dolt.


b. If you attended school, even elementary school, you should have learned how to use, and the meaning of, quotation marks.

This is item #1 from the OP...
1. "....Republican Congressional leaders and their Democrat counterparts produced a Trillion dollar, multi-thousand-page spending bill that was voted immediately after being unveiled, without having been read. Republican 2012 vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan authored the latest edition along with Democratic Senator Patti Murray. Republican leader John Boehner preempted Democrats by preemptively accusing Republicans who opposed the bill of wanting to shut down the government.

It begins with said quotation mark.
Q.E.D.....your are a liar.

And this is the last item, #10...

It is high time for the leaders of the main conservative organizations, together with the most obstreperous Republican elected officials (present and past chairmen of the House Republican Study Committee, Senators Cruz, Paul, Lee, Rubio, etc.) to consider how and on whom to affix the precious joint certification: “conservative.”"
Breaking The UniParty | Online Library of Law and Liberty

It has the requisite quotation mark, and is followed by the link to the article.

Q.E.D.....your are a liar.

In conclusion.....if you were given an enema, you could buried in a matchbox, brown eyes.
Last edited:
I have been saying for years that the Democrats started winning the political war on what the U.S. will become once the Republican Party started having leaders who wanted to be "Democrat Lite" in their policies.

Instead of being the party of what was good for all Americans, they decided they would be the party of pandering to groups, just less so than what Democrats do.

I believe it started when the Liberal Media started asking Republicans "Democrats are going to do this for [Insert group name here]. What are you going to do for them to get their vote?" Instead of saying "We are not going to do anything for any one based upon their race or gender. We are going to do [ insert policy here] because it is good for all Americans regardless of race or gender. The Federal Government isn't about groups. It's about everyone" they decided they needed to play by the rules set out by the Democrats.. And you never win when playing by other people's rules.

So now the Republicans are stuck.. They can't win at being Democrats because they aren't, but they can't really win at being Conservatives because they have tried to hard to be like the Democrats.

The Immigration issue is a prime example. They have allowed Obama and the Democrats to set the goals instead of fighting back and saying that illegal immigration is a violation of the law and to reward those that have violated the laws don't deserve special considerations, they are going along with what Obama wants.

Why? Do they think the families of Illegals will reward them for it? It's Obama's plan, not theirs. The Dems will reap the votes and the Republicans will lose the votes of people who are against any amnesty plans.

It's a lose-lose prop for the Republicans, but the leadership is afraid of what the Liberals will say about them. Perhaps they need to take a lesson from Phil Robertson. He is secure enough in his beliefs that he isn't caring what those who bashing him say. The Republican Leadership needs to be more like that.

"I believe it started when the Liberal Media started asking Republicans "Democrats are going to do this for [Insert group name here]. What are you going to do for them to get their vote?" Instead of saying "We are not going to do anything for any one based upon their race or gender. We are going to do [ insert policy here] because it is good for all Americans regardless of race or gender. The Federal Government isn't about groups. It's about everyone" they decided they needed to play by the rules set out by the Democrats.. And you never win when playing by other people's rules."

Excellent, Shroom!

You've nailed both parties on 'identity politics.'

Our Republicans went to Washington to do good, and, instead, did well....for themselves.

David Mamet makes a similar point:
"If “fairness” is associated with group-identity, with all of the associated accommodations, law will be reduced to constant petition of government for special and specific exemptions from justice. Law, to be just, but be written and carried out in ignorance of the identity of its claimants."
"The Secret Knowledge," chapter 23

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