Republicans Aren't Being Obstructionist The Bill Is Just A Bad Bill!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Democrat Senator Jeff Merkley just hours ago appeared on CNN condemning Republicans and especially Senator Mitch McConnell with playing politics on this Pandemic Relief bill in the Senate today that they are all about denying the Democrats and President Biden a success with this bill that no matter what was in this bill the Republicans were going to obstruct and block passage of this bill. Not only is this totally and completely wrong but for a Democrat Senator and leader to hold such delusional, detached from reality perspective does not bode well for the future of the nation does not bode well for the political parties working together in Washington to move the country forward. The reason why this bill is not getting any Republican support is because of the provisions and the policies in the bill, overall they are reckless and irresponsible in spending money and this bill which Democrats so zealously clamor and advocate that needs to be passed into law super quickly within days because of the pandemic has contained so many key provisions that are not directly related to the pandemic. If one was to get the fairest, justess person to have ever lived, if King Solomon from the Old Testament was gotten, that person would conclude that this bill does not make a good faith and reasonable effort to make the bill a bill Republicans can support, it's makeup is not even something that moderate Republicans that earnestly want to work across the aisle could support. It is reckless in spending what the hell is an $86 billion expenditure to bailout Union Pension plans for the next thirty years doing in an emergency relief bill to get the nation through a pandemic that has taken the lives of half a million of people. Why do we need to spend $129 billion for schools in this bill when we spent $119 billion for schools in prior relief bills and the nation is on track to have herd immunity through vaccination and disease generated immunity by September of this year it is not providing necessary funding for the nation's school system it is making a slush fund for them! This is a partisan spending bill more specifically a progressive or liberal Democrat spending bill Democrats have no legs to stand on feigning shock and surprise Republicans are vomiting this bill up it is what it justly and fairly deserves. The claim that sixty-two percent of Americans support this bill doesn't cleanse this bill. Part of the reasons Americans support this bill is because the media keeps pushing passage of this bill. What is clear today is that America's media doesn't have America's long-term interests at heart because they are journalistic whores they trade their journalistic integrity to get ratings and what rises out of that advertising dollars practically America's media sees their job as pouring kerosine on the partisan conflicts in America and taping the results. American media loves the fact that the Democrats are going to have a resounding success in passing this bill in opposition to the Republicans even though the Republicans are right passage of this bill is not in the best interests of America, America can readily pass a much better bill. Further the American public is comprised of ordinary people doing ordinary jobs they do not naturally appreciate the harm of deficit spending especially now in our country's history where the nation's debt has a unrecoverable trajectory to a severe monetary crises where ultimately the consequence is permanently higher interest rates and a lower value dollar for the nation; it is the duty of elected representatives in the nation's legislature to act appreciating the danger of deficit spending and educating the American public on this danger, the American people need the Democrat Party in Washington to do their duty and sideline this bill and work with the Republicans to pass a bipartisan responsible Covid 19 Pandemic Relief bill.
I gotta give Joe Manchin a lot of credit for not caving in to Biden, Schumer, and the rest of the Dems. This was not a case of obstructionism, this was a case of the Dems inserting a bunch of partisan shit into the Bill that had jack-squat to do with the Coronavirus. And the beauty of it is the the Dems can't do shit about Manchin cuz he can switch parties if he wants to, and then the Dems majority disappears.
76 percent of the country supports this bill. As usual the far right is far off.

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