Republicans Are The Real Party Of Peace

Members of 'combat-ready' white supremacy group charged with violence at political rallies - "The leader and three members of a California-based white supremacist group have been charged with attacking counter-protesters, journalists and a police officer at political rallies throughout the state in 2017, the U.S. Attorney's Office in Los Angeles said Wednesday.

The men and other members of the "Rise Above Movement" sought to "organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on riots" in Huntington Beach, Berkeley, San Bernardino and the deadly Charlottesville rally, the office said."

So what? Are they marching on Washington? Are they pounding on the SCOTUS door? Are they trying to delegitimize a duly elected President? Have they shot a Democrat congressman? Have they told people to yell and shout and confront Democrat politicians? Where is the proof of anything you posted? Your underwear seems to be in a knot.
Obviously you've never heard the word "neocon".

And obviously you have never heard the term "Neo-Marxist' it's a label just like 'neocon' only 'neocon' is an old archaic term while neo-marxist describes the radical element of the Democrat party today which are TDSers who actually don't think they are radical. Neo-Marxists take advantage of their ignorant denial to drive wedges between We The People..
On this very forum, one of your fellow rightists is advocating that immigrants be murdered by the ‘national guard.’

Indeed, we witness all manner of hateful, violent rhetoric from the right, rendering the notion that the GOP is the ‘party of peace’ just another ridiculous rightwing lie.
Hell, one of them suggested a B-52 strike.
Compared to today's Democrats who seem to condone a Southern invasion of illegals, say little to nothing about the attempted assassination of a Senator, have nothing to say about Antifa violence, say nothing about Maxi Waters, Clinton, Chuck Shumer and other influential Democrats urging resistance against a duly elected President of the U.S. etc., Republicans are really the party of peace. Yes, Trump says 'bad things' but has never condoned organized violence like the way the Democrats have been organizing against him.
You misspelled "piece"...

(of shit)

Compared to today's Democrats who seem to condone a Southern invasion of illegals, say little to nothing about the attempted assassination of a Senator, have nothing to say about Antifa violence, say nothing about Maxi Waters, Clinton, Chuck Shumer and other influential Democrats urging resistance against a duly elected President of the U.S. etc., Republicans are really the party of peace. Yes, Trump says 'bad things' but has never condoned organized violence like the way the Democrats have been organizing against him.

I like the subtle distinction of "organized" violence. Clearly he has condoned violence numerous times.

As for the "party of peace", Bush invaded Iraq for zero reason costing thousands of American deaths and likely over 100 Thousand deaths of Iraqi citizens.

Trump never 'condoned' violence. Also, there are no examples equaling the unhinged Democrat statements encouraging violence against duly elected officials by the public. Comparing Bush and Iraq with the subject at hand is a stupid attempt at obfuscation. There is no comparison idiot. Another desperate attempt and a total fail.
What the fuk is wrong with you imbecile.? I post a list of things that Trump says promoting violence and you said he’s never done it? Are you stupid? Are you fuking blind? Please? What is it?
Republicans Are The Real Party Of Peace

O' rly?




Republicans don't see these as threats. But as mild touches of affection.

What is with these oily Trumpsters? Insisting, like Sarah Huckabee, the Trump would never condone violence? Tell a lie enough times and people believe it? Next you’ll be hearing that Obama was born in Kenya.
Republicans Are The Real Party Of Peace

O' rly?

If Trump openly declared and in depth investigstion into soros and his organization and everyone linked to it. Go over every action perpetrated by that scumbag and everyone linked to him.

If he declared after the investigation that high treason has been established and there will be executions (all democrats and half of republicans) that, would be an automatic victory.
Compared to today's Democrats who seem to condone a Southern invasion of illegals, say little to nothing about the attempted assassination of a Senator, have nothing to say about Antifa violence, say nothing about Maxi Waters, Clinton, Chuck Shumer and other influential Democrats urging resistance against a duly elected President of the U.S. etc., Republicans are really the party of peace. Yes, Trump says 'bad things' but has never condoned organized violence like the way the Democrats have been organizing against him.

I like the subtle distinction of "organized" violence. Clearly he has condoned violence numerous times.

As for the "party of peace", Bush invaded Iraq for zero reason costing thousands of American deaths and likely over 100 Thousand deaths of Iraqi citizens.

Trump never 'condoned' violence. Also, there are no examples equaling the unhinged Democrat statements encouraging violence against duly elected officials by the public. Comparing Bush and Iraq with the subject at hand is a stupid attempt at obfuscation. There is no comparison idiot. Another desperate attempt and a total fail.

No fail.
All facts.

Trump has condoned violence

View attachment 224630

Several more examples abound.
I don’t understand how right wingers can pretend that the media is just making all this up. That Trump would never say anything inflammatory.

It’s all on video!
What is with these oily Trumpsters? Insisting, like Sarah Huckabee, the Trump would never condone violence? Tell a lie enough times and people believe it? Next you’ll be hearing that Obama was born in Kenya.

The lies are so prevalent and numerous that they are no longer noteworthy or worth getting upset about. About 1/2 of the country--the Republican party-- is now conditioned to disregarding the truth, facts, and to a large extent morality. This is how empires fall.
I am 100% confident that the 'Mail' terrorist is a REPUBLICAN.

White powder mailed that ISN'T biological.

10 'Bombs' that were built and mailed / delivered.
- None of them detonated
- All poorly made
- Some had no trigger devices

This complete incompetence in attempted bomb-making, biological agent delivery, and violence could only be perpetrated by someone inexperienced and who never engaged in such violence before....A REPUBLICAN.

If Democrats had committed these crimes every bomb word have gone off, several people would be dead or wounded right now. The Democrats are vastly more experienced at such crime/in such violence.

After all, they are the party of Antifa, of Soros, of Baltimore, of Ferguson, of Charlottesville, of Barak Obama and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, and of Hillary Clinton and her call for more violence from the Left...

Maxine Waters called on President Trump to take responsibility for the bombs that are being mailed to Criminal, violent rhetoric spewing Democrats...

Hey Maxine, President Trump will take responsibility for the bombs just as soon as you take responsibility for the attempted assassination of GOP politicians and the shooting of Republican representative Scalise.

:p. idiot
Compared to today's Democrats who seem to condone a Southern invasion of illegals, say little to nothing about the attempted assassination of a Senator, have nothing to say about Antifa violence, say nothing about Maxi Waters, Clinton, Chuck Shumer and other influential Democrats urging resistance against a duly elected President of the U.S. etc., Republicans are really the party of peace. Yes, Trump says 'bad things' but has never condoned organized violence like the way the Democrats have been organizing against him.

There is no invasion. It is a group of people who want to seek asylum and they are breaking no laws in doing so. It is Trump who is making racist and false claims about the caravan. Worth noting that someone was arrested for threatening Senators who vote against Kavanaugh. Haven't seen Republicans talk about that. Trump refuses to condemn white supremacists for their violence. Trump encouraged people at his rallies to attack protestors. There is nothing wrong with holding Trump accountable. Republicans are a part of the problem as their rhetoric has been even more vitriolic than Democrats.
Republicans Are The Real Party Of Peace

What is so peaceful about them?


Show US the photos where they physically attacked voters attending a Hillary rally, or lighting trash cans and cars on fire after smashing windows at Obama’s Inaugration. Show us who among these were responsible for shooting up a baseball field comprised of Democrat Congressmen?

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