Republican Officials Partnering With Christian Extremists

Certainly. Here is my introductory statement......

I chose my name, the Progressive Patriot because to many conservatives seem to believe that they, and only they have the right to the mantle of “patriot.” In fact I’ve been told that it is an oxymoron.

I, however, I believe that progressives are the true patriots because of, and not in spite of, the fact that we have a vision of this country being truly great in all ways for all of our people I want America to be respected in the world as a leader in science, diplomacy, education, environmental protection and the evolving standards of human rights. I this to be a great and just country for all people, Not just the rich, not just the native born and white people, not just for heterosexuals, not just for Christians, and not just for males. FOR ALL PEOPLE. Patriotism is progress and progress is patriotism

At the time of the founding of our nation, at the time of the American Revolution, the rebels were known as the patriots. Those patriots were not content with the status quo. They wanted to move ahead, they sought to build a nation based on the ideal of freedom and democracy. Yes, they sought to throw off the yoke of an oppressive government , and yes, conservatives today-those who call themselves “patriots”-also seek to limit the influence of what they see as an oppressive government.

However, I will submit to you that today’s source of oppression is perpetrated, not by government per se, but by those forces within government as well as outside of government who seek to thwart progress, and worse, undue much of what has been accomplished in areas such as labor, civil rights, education, science and the environment. Patriotism is progress. Progress is patriotism.

True patriotism is progressivism. Patriotism is working to fix what is wrong with America so that it can be a truly great country for all, not just the wealth, white, heterosexual males. I am the Progressive Patriot

You lay out why you think you can be a progressive and be a patriot - but you still fail to explain what you think a progressive is?

It's nice that you lay out platitudes about inclusion, but this is just meaningless crap. We have already seen that the progressive idea of granting rights to favoured groups involves the stripping of rights from disfavoured groups.

What sort of economy does a progressive support? A free market? Managed commerce where the state strictly regulates trade? Ownership of the means of production by the state for the people?

What sort of government does a progressive support? A laissez faire system where communities are free to form their own laws in deference to the stake holders of the community? A centrally managed government where law is pushed out from the central authority to all who fall under their rule?

What rights do progressives support? The right of individuals to live their lives as they see fit? Or must individuals be managed so that they have the right attitudes concerning homosexuals and minorities?
First of all to say that homosexuality is a choice is moronic. Second of all, the argument is not about the nature of homosexuality or of race. Do I have to spell it out for you. It's about how the previously used the same arguments against interracial marriage, and now they are doing contortions to try to say that you can't compare the two.

To say homosexuality is anything but a choice is utter stupidity.

The tendency toward homosexuality may or may not have a genetic component. Like alcoholism, some may be born with tendencies. But the decision to act is always a choice. Homosexuality is an act, per Webster; " erotic activity with another of the same sex ."

The decision to be black is not there - one is black or one is not - there is nothing to act upon.

Race and sexual activity are distinctly different issues. In the war on American culture that you Communists wage, truth was the first casualty. Lenin observed that the family was the greatest impediment to the supremacy of the state. The proles held greater loyalty to "accidents of blood" than to the rightful rulers. He sought to destroy the family as a unit. The same is true among you progressive, you who further the cause of Lenin today. The assault on the institution of marriage is rightly viewed as the final battle ending the traditional family structure - removing that impediment to total control of the proles.
I carefully wrote,"religious belief'" not "religion", as you well know.

Of course religious belief becomes law or public policy.

Atheists have every right to have their secular beliefs and values enacted as law or used as public policy.

Don't be facile and try to confuse the terms.
I carefully wrote,"religious belief'" not "religion", as you well know.

Of course religious belief becomes law or public policy.

Atheists have every right to have their secular beliefs and values enacted as law or used as public policy.

Don't be facile and try to confuse the terms.
Religion, religious beliefs, whatever. It's splitting hairs. Atheism is not a religious belief. It is the absence of religious beliefs. To push for secular policies and laws is not a violation of the first amendment. It is what the first amendment is all about. It is not those on the left who are dumbing it down with facile arguments, it is those on the right, when they are not trying to obfuscate the issues with inane nonsense like conflating atheism with religion.
Do You Know David Lane? Every American Should

This is a name that few people know and that everyone should. He is a far right wing extremist who goal is to establish the U.S. as a Christian Theocracy and he has got the ear of many prominent and influential Republican.

I believe that we as a nation-not just liberals and Democrats- should be very concerned about this. I do not think that most Republican would be comfortable with so many of their politicians being in bed with this person. Most Republican and conservative want this county to be a fair and just country for everyone. David Lane want anything but that. That is why he has been operating under the radar Read more below

In pursuit of conservative evangelical voters, GOP candidates embrace far-right political operative who is raising an ‘army’ to fulfill his ‘Christian nation’ vision

On Saturday, June 13, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley will host a day-long, Christians-only prayer rally organized by political operative David Lane. Lane, who organized similar events for Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, is trying to recruit 1,000 conservative evangelical pastors to run for office, which he believes would mobilize hundreds of thousands of election volunteers and lead to conservative election victories in 2016.

Lane prefers to work outside the glare of the national media. Although his close connections to Republican officials and presidential candidates have drawn some notice, the extremism of the agenda he is promoting deserves far more attention than it has received to date. When one-third of the Republican National Committee took a nine-day junket to Israel in January with the American Family Association picking up the tab, things got a little ugly. Israeli media started asking questions about the extreme positions taken by AFA spokesman Bryan Fischer, including his claims that the First Amendment’s religious liberty protections apply only to Christians and that gays were responsible for the rise of the Nazi Party. In damage control mode, the AFA disavowed some of Fischer’s most inflammatory statements and took away his title – but not the radio show that continues to give him a bigotry-spewing platform. Meanwhile, the actual organizer of the trip, Christian nationalist David Lane, slipped out of the spotlight and got right back to building political alliances between high-level Republican politicians and conservative evangelical pastors, especially those in key primary states. - See more at: Why Do Republican Officials Keep Partnering With Christian-Nation Extremist David Lane Right Wing Watch

If only the GOP would listen to Islamists like the Democrats do, then everything would be fine.
Believers in deity have every right, according to the Constitution, as do atheists, to have their values, beliefs, and interests enacted into law or public policy.

Anyone who believes differently flatly controverts what is the essential core of the Constitution: that the individual has a right to live by his conscience and to associate in the public square with those who believe as he does and to affect law and policy within in the boundaries our charter of government.

Such association is an affirmation of the Constitution.
If only the GOP would listen to Islamists like the Democrats do, then everything would be fine.

You, sir, are as much an asshat as is ProgressivePatriot.

Neither hardcore dominionist or militant atheist is going to tell the great majority of America is going to have to give up their rights for your narrow interests.

Not going to happen.
First of all to say that homosexuality is a choice is moronic. Second of all, the argument is not about the nature of homosexuality or of race. Do I have to spell it out for you. It's about how the previously used the same arguments against interracial marriage, and now they are doing contortions to try to say that you can't compare the two.

To say homosexuality is anything but a choice is utter stupidity.

The tendency toward homosexuality may or may not have a genetic component. Like alcoholism, some may be born with tendencies. But the decision to act is always a choice. Homosexuality is an act, per Webster; " erotic activity with another of the same sex ."

The decision to be black is not there - one is black or one is not - there is nothing to act upon.

Race and sexual activity are distinctly different issues. In the war on American culture that you Communists wage, truth was the first casualty. Lenin observed that the family was the greatest impediment to the supremacy of the state. The proles held greater loyalty to "accidents of blood" than to the rightful rulers. He sought to destroy the family as a unit. The same is true among you progressive, you who further the cause of Lenin today. The assault on the institution of marriage is rightly viewed as the final battle ending the traditional family structure - removing that impediment to total control of the proles.

You seem to be terribly confused. You acknowledge that there may be a biological / genetic component to homosexuality, but in the same breath say that it is stupid to say that it is anything but a choice.

You seem to think that if a gay person does not act on their homosexual urges, they are not homosexual. By that logic, a celibate heterosexual is not really a heterosexual.

You reduce homosexuality to an “act” than heterosexuality is nothing more than an act either. You seem to be woefully ignorant about the complexities of human sexuality and the difference between a sex act and sexual orientation.

As far as your allegation that homosexuality or gay marriage is a threat to the traditional family goes, that has been debunked many times. Look around.. The traditional family is still here despite gay marriage. There is no war on the American culture except in the dark recesses of your warped mind . That is just Ted Cruz style hyperbolic hysteria and fear mongering. Please get over it. Relax. Embrace the 21st century. The sky is not falling. You’ll be happier, I promise
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The Marriage Equality meme is over, fruit loops on both sides.

The overwhelming majority of Americans are moving forward: join us.
You seem to be terribly confused. You acknowledge that there may be a biological / genetic component to homosexuality, but in the same breath say that it is stupid to say that it is anything but a choice.

The subject may well be beyond your ability to grasp, but this doesn't make me the one confused.

Alcoholism very likely has a genetic component to it. Alcoholism tends to run in families.

Still the decision to drink is a choice.

You seem to think that if a gay person does not act on their homosexual urges, they are not homosexual. By that logic, a celibate heterosexual is not really a heterosexual.

Both are asexual.

You reduce homosexuality to an “act” than heterosexuality is nothing more than an act either. You seem to be woefully ignorant about the complexities of human sexuality and the difference between a sex act and sexual orientation.

The agenda of the left depends on the destruction of the nuclear family. The promotion of single motherhood was the opening salvo to end the familial structure, The promotion of homosexuality is the final battle to render the concept of family null.

Promotion of homosexuality requires some extreme suspension of logic, the first being that sexual preference is an attribute similar to race. Of course this has absolutely no relationship to truth. Homosexuality is an act. One cannot look at the skin of a homosexual and see that they are such. Only through the conscious display of stereotypical behaviour does anyone even know that a person is homosexual. Even if one wanted "queers to the back of the bus," how would they know who the queers were? There is no way.

No, your foundation is a farce, just as your goal is a farce. The imitation of marriage lacking structure and purpose. Thus making a mockery of the institution and further driving it - and the resultant family structure from society.

Lenin said that "the party is mother, the party is father, the party alone cares for all." Progressives have brought Lenin's vision to light in America.

As far as your allegation that homosexuality or gay marriage is a threat to the traditional family goes, that has been debunked many times. Look around.. The traditional family is still here despite gay marriage. There is n war on the American culture. That is just Ted Cruz style hyperbolic hysteria and fear mongering. Please get over it. Relax. Embrace the 21st century. The sky is not falling. You’ll be happier, I promise

Homosexuality is a means to an end. Communists have long sought to end the American family, as the bulwark that stands in the way of total obedience to the state.
Keys is coming unglued as the decision on Marriage Equality looms. Who cares about silly Christian Dominionists? Jesus does not.
I would become unglued if one of them got elected president or if too many of them got into congress or the state houses.

Obama must scare he hell out of you according to his comments as follows:

"I came to my Christian faith later in life and it was because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead -- being my brothers’ and sisters’ keeper, treating others as they would treat me," Obama said in a backyard town hall in New Mexico in2010.

"First and foremost, my Christian faith gives me a perspective and security that I don’t think I would have otherwise: That I am loved. That, at the end of the day, God is in control,"Obama told Cathedral Age magazine in 2012.

So, is Obama a Christian? "The president is obviously a Christian. He prays every day." White House spokesman Bill Burton made that succinctcommentafter a 2010 poll conducted by the Pew Research Center and the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life found 18 percent of individuals surveyed said Obama was Muslim.

I would like to know if you can name a single President who wasn't a Christian, or at least one who said he was.
Scare me? Why should it scare me? Christians don't scare me. Only Christians or any others who would seek to impose their religious beliefs on others through law and public policy. Obama, like the founders understood that faith is a private matter. These ass hats in the Republican party today do not get they. They are the ones who frighten me. While Obama was sincere in saying that " being my brothers’ and sisters’ keeper, treating others as they would treat me," these people, at best pay lip service to the concept

"I would become unglued if one of them got elected president or if too many of them got into congress or the state houses."

That sure is close to being scared.
First of all to say that homosexuality is a choice is moronic. Second of all, the argument is not about the nature of homosexuality or of race. Do I have to spell it out for you. It's about how the previously used the same arguments against interracial marriage, and now they are doing contortions to try to say that you can't compare the two.

To say homosexuality is anything but a choice is utter stupidity.

The tendency toward homosexuality may or may not have a genetic component. Like alcoholism, some may be born with tendencies. But the decision to act is always a choice. Homosexuality is an act, per Webster; " erotic activity with another of the same sex ."

The decision to be black is not there - one is black or one is not - there is nothing to act upon.

Race and sexual activity are distinctly different issues. In the war on American culture that you Communists wage, truth was the first casualty. Lenin observed that the family was the greatest impediment to the supremacy of the state. The proles held greater loyalty to "accidents of blood" than to the rightful rulers. He sought to destroy the family as a unit. The same is true among you progressive, you who further the cause of Lenin today. The assault on the institution of marriage is rightly viewed as the final battle ending the traditional family structure - removing that impediment to total control of the proles.
And when did you choose heterosexuality? (making an assumption may not have chosen heterosexuality)
You seem to be terribly confused. You acknowledge that there may be a biological / genetic component to homosexuality, but in the same breath say that it is stupid to say that it is anything but a choice.

The subject may well be beyond your ability to grasp, but this doesn't make me the one confused.

Alcoholism very likely has a genetic component to it. Alcoholism tends to run in families.

Still the decision to drink is a choice.

You seem to think that if a gay person does not act on their homosexual urges, they are not homosexual. By that logic, a celibate heterosexual is not really a heterosexual.

Both are asexual.

You reduce homosexuality to an “act” than heterosexuality is nothing more than an act either. You seem to be woefully ignorant about the complexities of human sexuality and the difference between a sex act and sexual orientation.

The agenda of the left depends on the destruction of the nuclear family. The promotion of single motherhood was the opening salvo to end the familial structure, The promotion of homosexuality is the final battle to render the concept of family null.

Promotion of homosexuality requires some extreme suspension of logic, the first being that sexual preference is an attribute similar to race. Of course this has absolutely no relationship to truth. Homosexuality is an act. One cannot look at the skin of a homosexual and see that they are such. Only through the conscious display of stereotypical behaviour does anyone even know that a person is homosexual. Even if one wanted "queers to the back of the bus," how would they know who the queers were? There is no way.

No, your foundation is a farce, just as your goal is a farce. The imitation of marriage lacking structure and purpose. Thus making a mockery of the institution and further driving it - and the resultant family structure from society.

Lenin said that "the party is mother, the party is father, the party alone cares for all." Progressives have brought Lenin's vision to light in America.

As far as your allegation that homosexuality or gay marriage is a threat to the traditional family goes, that has been debunked many times. Look around.. The traditional family is still here despite gay marriage. There is n war on the American culture. That is just Ted Cruz style hyperbolic hysteria and fear mongering. Please get over it. Relax. Embrace the 21st century. The sky is not falling. You’ll be happier, I promise

Homosexuality is a means to an end. Communists have long sought to end the American family, as the bulwark that stands in the way of total obedience to the state.

Conflating alcoholism and homosexuality is just bigoted stupidity. Alcoholism is a debilitating disease. Homosexuality is not. Everything that is genetic or in some way biological is not a disease. You ignore the point that I made….that homosexuality, or heterosexuality is more than a sexual practice and that if homosexuality is a choice by virtue of the fact the fact that people act on that attraction SO IS HETEROSEXUALITY.

Show some evidence that anyone wants to destroy the traditional nuclear family. That is just asinine, bigoted, paranoid bullshit. All that you’re doing is making absurd assertions that you can’t back up. Gay marriage lacks structure or purpose? Just words that amount to nothing more than more horseshit Your problem is that you don’t see gay people as fully human and capable a committed relationship and of being contributing members of the community. You reduction of homosexuality to nothing more than a sex act is stupid and sickening. And that is coming from a straight guy. I can only imagine how offended gay people would be. My work is done here
You seem to be terribly confused. You acknowledge that there may be a biological / genetic component to homosexuality, but in the same breath say that it is stupid to say that it is anything but a choice.

The subject may well be beyond your ability to grasp, but this doesn't make me the one confused.

Alcoholism very likely has a genetic component to it. Alcoholism tends to run in families.

Still the decision to drink is a choice.

You seem to think that if a gay person does not act on their homosexual urges, they are not homosexual. By that logic, a celibate heterosexual is not really a heterosexual.

Both are asexual.

You reduce homosexuality to an “act” than heterosexuality is nothing more than an act either. You seem to be woefully ignorant about the complexities of human sexuality and the difference between a sex act and sexual orientation.

The agenda of the left depends on the destruction of the nuclear family. The promotion of single motherhood was the opening salvo to end the familial structure, The promotion of homosexuality is the final battle to render the concept of family null.

Promotion of homosexuality requires some extreme suspension of logic, the first being that sexual preference is an attribute similar to race. Of course this has absolutely no relationship to truth. Homosexuality is an act. One cannot look at the skin of a homosexual and see that they are such. Only through the conscious display of stereotypical behaviour does anyone even know that a person is homosexual. Even if one wanted "queers to the back of the bus," how would they know who the queers were? There is no way.

No, your foundation is a farce, just as your goal is a farce. The imitation of marriage lacking structure and purpose. Thus making a mockery of the institution and further driving it - and the resultant family structure from society.

Lenin said that "the party is mother, the party is father, the party alone cares for all." Progressives have brought Lenin's vision to light in America.

As far as your allegation that homosexuality or gay marriage is a threat to the traditional family goes, that has been debunked many times. Look around.. The traditional family is still here despite gay marriage. There is n war on the American culture. That is just Ted Cruz style hyperbolic hysteria and fear mongering. Please get over it. Relax. Embrace the 21st century. The sky is not falling. You’ll be happier, I promise

Homosexuality is a means to an end. Communists have long sought to end the American family, as the bulwark that stands in the way of total obedience to the state.
Here is more for you to chew on.

I am a heterosexual male of a certain age, who has had the joy and privilege of being married to a wonderful woman for many years. I am also an unabashed and unapologetic liberal who also considers myself to be a patriot, much to the chagrin of conservatives. While conservatives believe that patriotism requires them to cling to tradition to the point of stagnation, my patriotism compels me to promote progress. While the conservative view of patriotism dictates that we must pretend that all is well in America, save for a national debt and too many undocumented immigrants, my patriotism calls for a recognition that, while we have the potential to truly be the greatest nation on earth, there is much to be done before we get there. And of all the matters that need attention, the area that I am most concerned about is equality, and that includes marriage equality. This cannot be truly great nation until it is a great nation for all of her people.

Much of the debate over same sex marriage centers on abstract concepts such as the nature, meaning, tradition and purpose of marriage while ignoring the simple truth that it comes down to equal protection under the law. Those same questions keep being asked and answered as a means of obfuscating and avoiding the real issue. Other questions include “what do gays contribute to society, what justify given them rights? These questions clearly allude to the issue of parenting and sexual practices as though gay people do not have children and that straight people do not at times have sex the same way that gay people do. There is also much bloviating about the slippery slope to polygamy, pedophilia and every other alternative sexual/ relationship lifestyle imaginable and all are logical fallacies.

And what is the real issue? It is the fact that these are real people who you moralizing about and passing judgment on. People who are contributing members of the community. People who have jobs and families and yes, children. They pay their bills and taxes, and like everyone else, sometimes struggle to do so. In short, they are people who are more like, than unlike heterosexuals. They are people who want nothing more than the same rights that those heterosexual people take for granted. They are people who should not have to justify the reason for having rights, and in fact, under our system of law and government do not have to do so. The burden of proof for denying those rights is on the government. Yet, those who oppose marriage equality continue to be so averse to the changing cultural landscape that they are unable to see these simple truth.

It comes down to this. There is no rational basis, no logical argument for denying gays full equality in all areas of life. The evidence is clear that to deny them marriage equality inflicts harm on gays, while allowing marriage harms no one. When a right that most people take for granted is denied to other, similarly situated people in an arbitrary fashion, those who will deny that right are burdened with the need to demonstrate why it is appropriate and necessary to do so. No one has been able to do that to my satisfaction, and the courts are rejecting the arguments against equality with increasing frequency.

Yes, marriage equality does in fact mean a great deal to me, because my country means a lot to me and I want to see it firmly grounded in the 21st century and a place where there is true freedom and social justice for all. Dr. Martin Luther King famously said “No one is free until we are all free”
You seem to be terribly confused. You acknowledge that there may be a biological / genetic component to homosexuality, but in the same breath say that it is stupid to say that it is anything but a choice.

The subject may well be beyond your ability to grasp, but this doesn't make me the one confused.

Alcoholism very likely has a genetic component to it. Alcoholism tends to run in families.

Still the decision to drink is a choice.

You seem to think that if a gay person does not act on their homosexual urges, they are not homosexual. By that logic, a celibate heterosexual is not really a heterosexual.

Both are asexual.

You reduce homosexuality to an “act” than heterosexuality is nothing more than an act either. You seem to be woefully ignorant about the complexities of human sexuality and the difference between a sex act and sexual orientation.

The agenda of the left depends on the destruction of the nuclear family. The promotion of single motherhood was the opening salvo to end the familial structure, The promotion of homosexuality is the final battle to render the concept of family null.

Promotion of homosexuality requires some extreme suspension of logic, the first being that sexual preference is an attribute similar to race. Of course this has absolutely no relationship to truth. Homosexuality is an act. One cannot look at the skin of a homosexual and see that they are such. Only through the conscious display of stereotypical behaviour does anyone even know that a person is homosexual. Even if one wanted "queers to the back of the bus," how would they know who the queers were? There is no way.

No, your foundation is a farce, just as your goal is a farce. The imitation of marriage lacking structure and purpose. Thus making a mockery of the institution and further driving it - and the resultant family structure from society.

Lenin said that "the party is mother, the party is father, the party alone cares for all." Progressives have brought Lenin's vision to light in America.

As far as your allegation that homosexuality or gay marriage is a threat to the traditional family goes, that has been debunked many times. Look around.. The traditional family is still here despite gay marriage. There is n war on the American culture. That is just Ted Cruz style hyperbolic hysteria and fear mongering. Please get over it. Relax. Embrace the 21st century. The sky is not falling. You’ll be happier, I promise

Homosexuality is a means to an end. Communists have long sought to end the American family, as the bulwark that stands in the way of total obedience to the state.
You might also want to try to get your head around this///

Yes, Homosexuality Absolutely Is a Choice

Before the anti-gay rights crowd starts jumping for joy after reading the title, thinking that you now have justification for discrimination, I suggest that you read the whole piece. It begins with:

To all of my Christian brothers and sisters who insist that homosexuality is a choice, I need to break down and finally admit something: I agree with you.

I believe that it absolutely is a choice too, only not in the way that you may have meant.

It continues:

Far too often Christians, when you make the statement that being gay is a sin, what you're really doing without realizing it is reducing all LGBT people down to a sex act -- as if that alone defines sexuality.

You're denying any emotional component in their lives, any capacity to feel real love or show genuine affection toward someone else.

Now before we go on, I want to make two things clear. Although this article is admonishing those Christians who condemn gays, all of those who try to marginalize gays by claiming that being gay is a choice are doing the same thing. The second point is, that this is not a conflict between Christians and gays as many try to make it out to be. It is a conflict between those of any religious persuasion who want to discriminate and those of us-straight and gay- who believe in equality and the value of all human beings.

In another passage that is true of anyone who advocates discrimination, regardless of motive, religious or otherwise, it states:

In a gross oversimplification, you're labeling a complex, fully formed human being as merely a performer of intercourse.

That's something you would never do with heterosexuality, and especially not with your own sexuality, because you understand implicitly that your sexual orientation is about much more than a physical act. It's a much deeper part of who you are than that.

And ………

Christian, you probably recall this in your own story of sexual identity and self discovery don't you? You simply felt naturally and quite involuntarily, the impulses you felt.

By following those impulses you were making a choice, too. You were choosing to be authentic and true to your heart and mind's leading. You were choosing to agree with the truth about how you loved. The alternative would never have been an option.

Why is it so hard for you to believe that LGBT people are operating any differently?

I will finish with:

When we use these words in this very limited and narrow way, we're also assuming that our own inclination, toward not just sex, but affection, intimacy, companionship, romance, and love, are all within our control and alterable -- that they involve decision on any level.

There is more but you get the idea. Those who seek enlightenment will read it and those who want to cling to ignorance and bigotry will ignore it. Your CHOICE.
Do You Know David Lane? Every American Should

This is a name that few people know and that everyone should. He is a far right wing extremist who goal is to establish the U.S. as a Christian Theocracy and he has got the ear of many prominent and influential Republican.

I believe that we as a nation-not just liberals and Democrats- should be very concerned about this. I do not think that most Republican would be comfortable with so many of their politicians being in bed with this person. Most Republican and conservative want this county to be a fair and just country for everyone. David Lane want anything but that. That is why he has been operating under the radar Read more below

In pursuit of conservative evangelical voters, GOP candidates embrace far-right political operative who is raising an ‘army’ to fulfill his ‘Christian nation’ vision

On Saturday, June 13, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley will host a day-long, Christians-only prayer rally organized by political operative David Lane. Lane, who organized similar events for Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, is trying to recruit 1,000 conservative evangelical pastors to run for office, which he believes would mobilize hundreds of thousands of election volunteers and lead to conservative election victories in 2016.

Lane prefers to work outside the glare of the national media. Although his close connections to Republican officials and presidential candidates have drawn some notice, the extremism of the agenda he is promoting deserves far more attention than it has received to date. When one-third of the Republican National Committee took a nine-day junket to Israel in January with the American Family Association picking up the tab, things got a little ugly. Israeli media started asking questions about the extreme positions taken by AFA spokesman Bryan Fischer, including his claims that the First Amendment’s religious liberty protections apply only to Christians and that gays were responsible for the rise of the Nazi Party. In damage control mode, the AFA disavowed some of Fischer’s most inflammatory statements and took away his title – but not the radio show that continues to give him a bigotry-spewing platform. Meanwhile, the actual organizer of the trip, Christian nationalist David Lane, slipped out of the spotlight and got right back to building political alliances between high-level Republican politicians and conservative evangelical pastors, especially those in key primary states. - See more at: Why Do Republican Officials Keep Partnering With Christian-Nation Extremist David Lane Right Wing Watch
Like libtards are comfortable being in bed with commies.

Oh Christ! What Commies are those?? Has Alan West crawled up into your brain like a tape worm ?
Bill Ayets, George Soros, Bernie sanders, need I go on retard?
Do You Know David Lane? Every American Should

This is a name that few people know and that everyone should. He is a far right wing extremist who goal is to establish the U.S. as a Christian Theocracy and he has got the ear of many prominent and influential Republican.

I believe that we as a nation-not just liberals and Democrats- should be very concerned about this. I do not think that most Republican would be comfortable with so many of their politicians being in bed with this person. Most Republican and conservative want this county to be a fair and just country for everyone. David Lane want anything but that. That is why he has been operating under the radar Read more below

In pursuit of conservative evangelical voters, GOP candidates embrace far-right political operative who is raising an ‘army’ to fulfill his ‘Christian nation’ vision

On Saturday, June 13, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley will host a day-long, Christians-only prayer rally organized by political operative David Lane. Lane, who organized similar events for Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, is trying to recruit 1,000 conservative evangelical pastors to run for office, which he believes would mobilize hundreds of thousands of election volunteers and lead to conservative election victories in 2016.

Lane prefers to work outside the glare of the national media. Although his close connections to Republican officials and presidential candidates have drawn some notice, the extremism of the agenda he is promoting deserves far more attention than it has received to date. When one-third of the Republican National Committee took a nine-day junket to Israel in January with the American Family Association picking up the tab, things got a little ugly. Israeli media started asking questions about the extreme positions taken by AFA spokesman Bryan Fischer, including his claims that the First Amendment’s religious liberty protections apply only to Christians and that gays were responsible for the rise of the Nazi Party. In damage control mode, the AFA disavowed some of Fischer’s most inflammatory statements and took away his title – but not the radio show that continues to give him a bigotry-spewing platform. Meanwhile, the actual organizer of the trip, Christian nationalist David Lane, slipped out of the spotlight and got right back to building political alliances between high-level Republican politicians and conservative evangelical pastors, especially those in key primary states. - See more at: Why Do Republican Officials Keep Partnering With Christian-Nation Extremist David Lane Right Wing Watch
Like libtards are comfortable being in bed with commies.

Oh Christ! What Commies are those?? Has Alan West crawled up into your brain like a tape worm ?
Bill Ayets, George Soros, Bernie sanders, need I go on retard?

Thank you for that brilliant, cogent and thorough analysis of my post. I guess I was wrong about these people wanting to create a theocratic America. Right? You seem very threaten by the information that I provided. I have to feel sorry for someone who is so easily disturbed by ideas that don’t match their twisted world view that they must resort to calling me retarded. You can go now
And when did you choose heterosexuality? (making an assumption may not have chosen heterosexuality)

Ah yes, the old leftist standby - anyone who fails to faithfully recite party dogma is a queer - because according to you demagogues, NOTHING is worse than being a queer, so I will fall into line for fear of you leftists calling me queer.

So WHO are are the homophobes in reality?

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